Saturday, January 31, 2004
oh happy day
bowling was great (i still rem how to bowl! not fantastic but will do) the last episode of sunny girl's diary was great. its a good day
now to settle house-moving, monday's test and darkeyecircles :|
nonetheless its a good day. cant explicitly say why. but ya. GOOD (litreally) night.
Friday, January 30, 2004
angie: eh you put eyeshadow ah??
su: no....eyeliner lah
angie: eh no. close your eyes. eyeshadow lah!
su: huh?! what u see?? i didnt put any
su: so what colour is my eyeshadown??
angie: looks.......purple.......
lou: dark eye circles!!!!!!!!!
su: *peng*
my dark eye circles have worsened
today is ultra productive day. i actually did work during my 2 hr break....went to work after sch....packed my stuff when i got home and watched 7 vcds. all in 1 day. yea and its 4am now
oops haha. the more i think abt moving the more kancheong i get. dont have much time alreaddddy *screech*
anyway dreading tmr cuz i have to go all the way to bridge. and gotta see the agent too. hope she doesnt scream at me for not replying her email. i read it too late! argh. irresponsible freak. i ought to be shot dead. sigh. will repent *om*
cant stop thinking about the show. i hate it when this happens. *fantasize abt the guy...* haha. off to dream world. literally.
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Angie saw this article danny n chad werent kidding abt the orange throwing thing eh? hahahaa how apt gie how apt ;)
Orange aid
ROMANCE -- of the orange-throwing kind -- is alive in Penang.
Though this tradition is dying out in Malaysia, Georgetown in Penang still celebrates Chap Goh Meh annually. This year, it is on Feb 5.
According to folklore, it was on this 15th and last day of the Chinese New Year that unmarried Chinese girls threw oranges into the sea or river, in the hope of snaring good husbands.
In ancient times, young girls were not allowed to go out except on Chap Goh Meh when they were permitted to visit temples with their maids.
It was then that young men could catch glimpses of these maidens. Hence, the day is regarded as Valentine's Day for the Chinese.
In Penang, at the Esplanade or waterfront promenade next to Fort Cornwallis, you can catch lion dance and cultural performances on that day.
i went into the water today!!!!! yes. rowing was fun fun fun. but it was not easy boy. imagine 4 uncoordinated ppl who are rowing for the first time...trying to steer the boat down the yarra river without hitting any other boat or river taxis. hiakhiak. and i wonder whether the rowers get nice arms from carrying the boats or from rowing. the boats are HEAVY HEAVY HEAVY. my shoulder pain :S
im addicted to sunny girl's diary. i want a rich guy too. muaahaahaa
i dont know whats wrong with me today but i just cant stop eating. i haven rested my mouth at all. maybe other than the time i was in the cinema. i think theres just something in me that exploded and ive completed lost all self control. terrible terrible eating habits. its back to controlled su tmr. i hope. it better be tht case cuz im staring a pic of me that is pasted on the wall and im feeling extreme guilt now. ok. yes. tmr will be a better day. i know it will be. *determined look* whine.
watched underworld juz now and it was alright. lah. not very satisfied with the fact that the vamps are so weak and the werewolves who are supposed to be their slaves can kill them so easily. :| werewolves ugly. i want vampire to win. whine
extremely whiney now cuz i cant seem to figure out anything on my tutorial. ok got SOME questions right but took me forever. and i dont think i fully understand why i got them right too. its a sign i need to do more work. definitely need to do more work before the next test.
whine whine whine
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
just viewed my test grades. not fantastic. but not bad too. 42/50...which means i'll get 8.4/10.....i expected better actually. but of all questions to misinterpret. i misinterpret the one that is worth 5 marks. talk abt murphy's law. oh well. its alright aint the end of the world. still in running for my H1 :D genetics aint my forte. definitely not
its one of those lonely tuesdays again. ok i make it sound as if every tues is terrible but it has been for the past 2 weeks and will be for the next 3 weeks..until lou gie and viv finish their golf lessons. well its gonna be the tuesday do-tut-and-watch-countless-vcds ritual for me....oh dont forget a lazy afternoon nap too....hurhurhur looking forward to rowing tmr but i have no idea what to wear man. they said its good to wear tight-er clothing so that the oars dont get caught and go banging up all the way to ur head. doesnt sounds very appealing at all. been stuffing my face too much these few days. dunnoe what has gotten over me. time to face the scales and the gym again. :| missed 2 taibox sessions already and feel absolutely rotten and fat. :| its alright thurs is coming up soon. hurhurhur.
i heard loud explosions coming from outside...and being a typical paranoid singaporean...i rushed out to the living room to check whether some terrorist bombed some building in melbourne city. it is after all australia day...:| thank goodness it wasnt....instead what i saw was a BEAUTIFUL display of fireworks that stunned (and i mean stunned) me for that long 10+mins....i just stood there and stared from the little living room of mine....
ive seen many fireworks displays throughout my 18+ yrs of existence (was about to type 16 yrs haha) but there was something about today's display that made me feel like ive never ever seen one before.... for once i dont just look at all the colours bursting and fading in the sky. instead (for the first time) i watched each stream of light if they were little shooting stars falling down from the sky. the long golden trail following the little bit of purple...or the explosion of golden dust in the dark night sky.....absolutely captivating. i dont know why it took me so many years to be able to appreciate such wonders of human creation but i guess its never too late. i can fully understand why lovers would bother wasting so much time...on special days like national day or new yr just to wait for that 10 mins of beauty (oh. in singapore u can never get a fireworks display to last more than 5 mins)....and for once in a very long time. i wished there was someone with me to stand there and gaze stupidly .....
nonetheless i dont regret a moment of it. even with the fact that i had to watch it by myself
and till actually i watch it with my significant other, i dont think i'll ever truly understand the real beauty of it. celebrating the mysteries of singlehood :)
Sunday, January 25, 2004
i swear i'll never wait for angie in accf again. i'll either hang around outside or go on time. not too early. every week i meet funny people. this week aint an exception :|
anyway its a perfect day for bumming. tried studying but to no avail. i really ought to dedicate tmr to studying for tues' test. oops.
american idol was hilarious. cant believe howmuch people can believe in themselves....some of them CANNOT sing AT ALL. yet they still have the guts to go on national tv and strut their stuff before the entire world. they're brave i tell u. if anything i applaud them their self esteem (definitely not their singing) hurhurhur.
i wan to eat chocolate :|
Saturday, January 24, 2004
there's a chinese new yr festival along russell st. felt totally aT home and slightly comforted to noe that so many other ppl are spending cny out of home. :D the bakue and satay looked funny and were super expensive. but it'll do for now. hurhur
lou took a big yellow balloon on the way home. and horrors of horrors!!! on it said FA LUN DA FA. as in. falun gong. hahaha. she was still super oblivious and happily holding the balloon until i exclaimed and me and mich didnt really wanna acknowledge her with the balloon. kekeke. the "cute" dog must have sense the cultish presence...cuz once we walked past it, it suddenly barked at us. wah lao. i screamed. mich screamed. felt stupid for calling it cute. cute dogs dont wanna bite my leg off ><
goin for vivien's cny dinner at her aunts place later. die more food hahaha. faaat faaat faaaaaat
but the idea of home cooked food is oh so good....*drool*
went to a gay/lesbian festival last night at federation gosh it gives kissing awhole new meaning. but the passion and pride of these homosexuals is something u'll never find in singapore. it was definitely an eyeopener. but i remain very heterosexual...............:|
anyway i refused to get out of bed tis morn. im getting more and more in need of 8 hrs of sleep. bah. guess its alright its summer. i dont know why i dreamt of guy sebastian...sitting in front of me with that HAIR of his. my dream exaggerated the gel and the mass of it hahhahaha. ho to afro!
"We can only learn to love by loving." --Iris Murdoch
was reading oprah's inspirational quotes today and this was what popped up. this whole mth is focused on love. they give me tips and ideas on how to make my love life better each day. problem is my love life is non existent. we can only learn to love by loving? what if ive never loved? does this mean i dont know how to love? and if i dont know how to love, how's it goin to happen when love actually comes along? people always tell me. JUST LOVE. just do it. and everything else will fall into place. but i cant do it. i dont know how it is to JUSTLOVE for im too highstrung and idealistic. every little thing must be perfect. everything must have some thought put into it. a romance that is slightly less than perfect is not my cup of tea.
and then sudden realization. im completely missing the pt here. since when do such things become perfect
hrm. i think i do noe how to love. i noe what love is with God. with my family with my friends. will that work out to be the same? i dont know
but i'll find out
me and louise have come up with our summer mission. we have decided that we should take fate into our own hands and make something incredible happen to our dear friend. :D yes. hurhurhurhur. after all its a good chance since its summer, we're all bored, there's nothing better to do and both of them are here in melbourne. :D anyway, it seems to be goin pretty well cuz he's so super open to our suggestion...and hopefully our teasing (which, believe me, has some serious thought in it) has gotten to her...and made her think about it. :D
so heres to mission cheecheongfun&charsiewbao. muaa haa haa
Friday, January 23, 2004
dragged my ass out of bed this morning. too early this morning to go to Mario's for 'training'. u can call it training if you wanna make it sound as pro as mario wants it to. i'd rather call it briefing. well. whatever it is. felt it was totally unworth mytime this morn cuz i was too sleepy but its all good now. im glad i went. and im glad i got a semi-job :D
you know you've grown older when you
1. cant stay up anymore
2. cant really take the cold anymore
3. just wanna nua at home on a weekend
4. dont dare to wear im-trying-to-make-a-statement kind of shirt
5. dont dare to carry that pink-bag-with-white-stars bag and think you're oh so cute
i know ive grown older. but hopefully not in the been-there-done-that manner. cause i still have a long way to go. wont take credit for having "lived through alot" or being "experienced" in this journey of life.....cause i know one day i'll look back and laugh at how stupid i the way i mock 16-yr-old su now for thinking she ruled the world. but one thing's for sure. at least for now, im beginning to look at things differently, i dare to say that ive matured in my thoughts, but i also know that i have much learning to do. i want my mummy.
well. need a nap. didnt feel like i had enough sleep last nite :D
i love wearing new clothes (and underwear keke) on chinese new yr. :D other than teh fact that school was sucha spoiler, chinese new yr wasnt too bad after all. productive. did some tute work and actually managed to work the questions out. den it was off to andri's church's CNY celebration. interesting. couldnt understand half of what they were saying but the songs were nice and i got free dinner. den it was SOMETHING"S GOTTA GIVE for me and lou. we were damn sway cuz we missed the last tram.....last tram at 1.03 and we were at the tram stop at 1.15. bah!!! so walk walk walk all the way to lou's place.....den i took a cab from there cuz we concluded its too scary for me to walk alone from her place to mine. and here i am now. safe and saound thank goodness. really sleepy and ought to get some rest cuz i have training at mario's tmr. yay im gonnabe working justa bit next week. good stuff :D
more chinese new yr dinners to come! time for a shower and sleeeeeeeeeeep *yawn*
Thursday, January 22, 2004
rowing was great. not too intimidating cause everyone else were nice and friendly and rowing dum dums too keke. ddnt manage to get into the watet this week ....went thru the techinical parts of the course. did some stuff on those indoor rowers thats it. so it got abit dry in the middle and me, being distracted me, got busy checking out those elite MALE rowers walking in and out of the building. aiyoh. all topless. tsktsk. hehehehee ;) anyway think next week's gonna be real good. the whole feel of the river and the buzz of the place is just GREAT! :D
our so called dinner was really good too. ate TOO MUCH *bloated* and feel like shit now but is aLL good. it was like steamboat. then paos. den tang yuan. tooooooooo muccch man :| need to go work it off tmr i tell u. guilty guilty guilty. there was dong dong qiang at chinatown too. would have missed it if i hadnt gone to buy tangyuan lastmin. it pays to run errands sometimes. i dont particularly like lion dances but the familiarity of it made me tear just abit. i mean. wats reunion dinner without my family right. but well. at least i got MY FRIENDS. my family away from family. *muacks*
i finally finished the whole serial today. ive watched so many episodes i feel attached to the show. i feel like i live with them. hmm. i know it sounds weird but it happens after many shows like these. hehe. good stuff :D
well gonna be a busy few days.....andri's church cny dinner tmr...ocf pot luck on fri.....dinner with viv's parents on on sun. yay. summer's getting slightly better. looking forward to more returns!
counting down to:
new hse keys on sat!
current song: I believe in korean (my sassy girl)
feeling: nostalgic. this song reminds me of sem 2 last yr. during the exam period. feel so nostalgic i feel abit sick *pukish* haha
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
i watched 12 vcds today. ie 12 hrs worth of golden faith :| disgustingly emotional. a bad mix of pms and good acting. tons of tears.
its all good
but i pigged out on cookies AGAIN :| oops hehe
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
got home from taibox not long ago. it is SO hot the fitness studio felt like a sauna. :| im happy and contented just sitting here in my aircon room......poor souls out there on the streets melting *muaahaahaa* i have a sore throat...must be all the cookies i ate. its punishment i tell u :| at least i wont get a full dose of chinese new yr goodies since im not in msia.....hrm.
current song: spiderwebs by no doubt
mood: happy!
1. taibox
2. tmr's steamboat/rowing
3. thursday!!!!
just baked more cookies. cornflake cookies this time. trying very hard to be new year-y hehehe. my cookies are so sweet i think they r only fit for louise's consumption. nonetheless im gonna bring them to ocf to feed other people. cannot waste. its quite nice lah. very nice n buttery. just too sweet. not suitable for diabetes-prone su. >< my test went alright today. didnt do that badly after all. damn. now i wish it was counted :|
tmr is taibox day again! im actually looking forward to it :D haven been exercising properly these days. later gotta continue skipping off those cookie i ate....:D
Monday, January 19, 2004
sometimes i wonder right. whether people assume that i am just like those who i hang around with. that is do people assume that my friends are like me? and that i am just like my friends? i think they do. and thats sad. both for me and for my friends. been feeling like my individuality has been no longer su. but just one of the girls.
and it has been bugging me. cause i think its not fair that people shld assume my personality to be what i am not. dont think you know me cause my friend likes this and does that. dont think u can say what kind of person i am cause my friend says that and acts like that. cause im different. not that im more special or better. but im just different. like the way my friends are EACH different in their own way. wouldnt it be unfair to them, too, to say that su is like them? cause, then, their inidividuality's compromised as well.
just rambling on and on. wont even bother to read thru my sentences to check whether i make sense........ leave it if i dont :D
totally pigged out on the stupid sugee cookies that are too yummy. need to work it off at the gym later. oh well. aftermy nap. kekeke :D
amidst my sleepiness
i suddenly see the light blue star background on my blog
where did that come from?!?!? it aint there yesterday or a few days ago. freaky..........
nonetheless. its quite nice. hmm..
i am SO sleepy it is NOT funny at all. -___- looking forward to coming home for a nap. or i could catch a short snooze in between class later.
whatever it is.
im so sleepy :(
Sunday, January 18, 2004
on a lighter note. its a good day. lepak-ing (or nua-ing if u ask angie ;) ) away at home.....went back to accf today and it just feels so much more familiar. and comfortable. :D nothing better to do now, have a shitty feeling (literally. think i'll hit the toilet soon) angie is reading cosmo on the bed. sof and lou sleeping outside. mich on the fone. me. stoning. wishing, though, i was in KL now with my family....eating bak chor mee :| in a few hrs they'd be in the little town of batu gajah. without me. bah. well well.
currently in want of:
1. thrashy mags
2. pineapple tarts...still...........
3. toilet :D
getting fed up. everytime i do some changes to my template html code...i forget to save certain changes and then murphys law states that my IE will hang. :| so i decided to give up for a while and come back to what blogging is all about. to blog! i sat down and thought about it and realised its as simple as that. blogging is all about posting blogs. i get so caught up modifying my html code...trying to make the boxes aligned........trying to coordinate the colours................i end up totally missing what a blog is for.
similarly i think thats what is happening in my life. i get so caught up with the nitty gritties of everyday life.....the little sidetracks that come my way.......that i forget what my main purpose is and where im actually headed to. instead of taking the straight highway to my final destination, i detour and go the long way. meeting with traffic lights, roundabouts, crossroads. i have inevitably turned into a Martha. this sudden realisation comes with no surprise in a way. with added thought, i realised this is the message God is probably trying to put across to me. in the most simple ways. through sermon. and through something as insignificant as blogging. hmm...well time to get back on track. to where im supposed to be headed for.
currently listening to: me against the music by britney spears
thought: where, then, am i headed for? be figured out :D
su the sappy song queen says LIVE FOR YOURSELF girls, bullshit to *where do broken hearts go....can the find their way home* of course darlings. dont bother spending everyday waiting for mr right to pop by. in the meantime why dont u just spend ur free time doing something slightly more constructive. not like blogging is very constructive but u get the idea babes. love...need it. guys.....dont need em. love comes from everywhere.
my blog is finally undergoing some renovation...its no longer ugly but i still need to do more work on it. sleepy lah. continue tomorrow haha. dont give me that accusing look o__O HTML aint exactly my cuppa tea. can manage. but it ends there. hurhurhur.
its baker su today....alongside angie....sugee cookies were churned out of the kitchen without anything exploding or getting burnt *pleased* speaking of which CNY is coming up real soon and my family is probably in Msia by now.'s my first CNY spent out of Msia....worst still, first CNY spent away from family. :| i waaant my mummmyyy *screech* slightly apprehensive. but its pretty exciting i guess. having our very own reunion dinner wiht family away from family.
anyway i seriously ought to be shot dead. like right now. someone pls. here i am complaining about having nothing to complain about. i thought abt it for awhile and think im totally stupid. :| sorry peeps.
im getting hungry. i hate this time of the day when u slowly get hungry.....and u noe u cant eat cuz ur just gonna waste that 1 hr of kickboxing u just did...........getting too hung up su. :|
oh well.
1. successful cookies
2. my new make up box from ikea
3. exercise
4. life
now tunes: leave a light on for me by belinda carlisle
thought: so who's leaving the light on for me?
Saturday, January 17, 2004
currently in love with
1. loreal exfotonic body scrub. skin smooth as a baby's bottom.........
2. taibox. fun Fun FUN!!
3. ni bi cong qian kuai le. the songim STILL listening to....
4. golden faith. gallen lo is just a bonus
5. furniture shopping
not too keen on
1. sleeping. cuz i dunnoe what to do tmr
2. hair removal cream
3. packing
4. genetics
listening to: ni bi cong qian kuai le by jay chou
feeling: nostalgic.... at the same time...deep in thought..........
reading: firebird
in need of: entertainment
in want of: pineapple tarts
is: fat.................
thinking: *die havent study* *die abit hungry* *why this song so sad??* *tonight's OCF msg* *certain someones* *does waxing hurt?* *sian lah...think i'll go sleep...*
havent blogged for like 5 mths now?? just got reminded of its existence a few mins rambling haven is alive again. hehe. i'm semi glad i didnt archive my posts....cause i'll prob just cringe and die when i read everything i actually had the cheek to type out just a few months ago. how i've grown in this short period of time is unfathomable. hmm.....its a new yr. good time to wipe out the bad and ugly and start anew....then again why does italways have to begin when a new yr does. shld treat everyday like a new yr.
im bored. im officially bored. im so bored i cannot believe i can get THIS bored. im so bored i wish i had more school. i dont really know why im so bored. ok maybe i do. just dont want to face it. cny quickly come....friends quickly come back.....sch quickly quickly open up all the trials that i actually miss. that if without, life gets....really..boring..................................................................
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