Sunday, January 18, 2004
getting fed up. everytime i do some changes to my template html code...i forget to save certain changes and then murphys law states that my IE will hang. :| so i decided to give up for a while and come back to what blogging is all about. to blog! i sat down and thought about it and realised its as simple as that. blogging is all about posting blogs. i get so caught up modifying my html code...trying to make the boxes aligned........trying to coordinate the colours................i end up totally missing what a blog is for.
similarly i think thats what is happening in my life. i get so caught up with the nitty gritties of everyday life.....the little sidetracks that come my way.......that i forget what my main purpose is and where im actually headed to. instead of taking the straight highway to my final destination, i detour and go the long way. meeting with traffic lights, roundabouts, crossroads. i have inevitably turned into a Martha. this sudden realisation comes with no surprise in a way. with added thought, i realised this is the message God is probably trying to put across to me. in the most simple ways. through sermon. and through something as insignificant as blogging. hmm...well time to get back on track. to where im supposed to be headed for.
currently listening to: me against the music by britney spears
thought: where, then, am i headed for? be figured out :D
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