Wednesday, June 30, 2004
off to china
leaving singapore for china in a few hrs...wont be back till 10th july
cya guys then! :)
let there be light
trust me when i say i haven't seen such a massive blackout before. i remember once last holiday when everyone was asleep in my house and the house would black out everytime i turn on the shower. so imagine me running up n down the stairs with only a towel trying to fix the problem. anyway this blackout was nothing like that one. jiejie was driving us home from nus (will explain my business in nus later haha) and everything seemed to be ok. we heard about the blackout from the radio....and from distraught family who were at home while we were playing cards in nus. once we reached bukit batok, everything was different. it seemed as if we suddenly drove into a completely different town. the whole of bukit batok was pitch black. it was total darkness...not even one block. felt like i was in one of those creepy stephen king movies. sigh. seems like power took a longer time to return to bukit batok than to other parts of singapore. yea the blackout was almost nationwide...geylang, ulu pandan, hougang, chai chee, taman jurong, bukit batok...u get the idea. i had to climb up the stairs with SORE THIGHS FROM BODYPUMP and i couldnt help thinking what kind of murphy's law this is that everytime i have sore thighs i have to climb stairs (like the last time in city gate). that the lights are on and my aircon is blowing in my face, i am so thankful. so so so thankful.
hrm anyway we went for a picnic today and it was good. we really should have recorded our conversations right from the beginning cause they were really entertaining. haha. i dont know what got to our brains. but as bun pointed out, laughing is a good workout. hurhur. after the picnic in botanical gardens, we decided to adjourn to NUS cause cheryl left the law camp to come for the picnic and had to return to the camp after that. however, the camp was super boring so we decided to tag along to keep her company. what kind of camp does not tell u the activities and whereabouts of the participants? well this is one of them. think they want to be secretive..duh. cheryl drove us there in her (spy)van haha. we were all sitting at the back like dodgy illegal immigrants..but it was a funky van..not construction workers kind. will post pix soon keke. when cheryl left to play games we ended up playing bridge in the middle of raffles hall (lucky got 4 of us) cause she was gonna drive us home after that. but since my jiejie was passing by, she came to pick me n bun up. yea, so our business at NUS is explained. hehe.
it was a hot and smelly day.
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
pedicure with an oomph
went to check out the fitness first in singapore with eve today and it's soo nice!! it's so much nicer than the australia one....they even provided the towels, soap/conditioner/shampoo and plastic bags to put your dirty clothes. wahoo. to think we loaded our big bags with all the essentials. sigh. bodypump was good as always and they were actually using the exact same songs as they did in melbourne. quality assurance i see. i was so afraid i'd get a cramp halfway through the workout cause i didnt eat anything the whole day and if i got a cramp under such circumstances, i'd have fainted and would have req eve to drag me out of the gym. hurhurhur. not so good for a first visit. :D
after working out so hard we treated ourselves to a pedicure at a nailspa in ps. *beam* now i got pretty toes to show off to everyone kekeke. since we are carefree people with no apparent aim in life we decided to go watch a movie at WEST MALL after the pedicure. it's good to go out with people who live near you hehe. we watched the jack neo production and it's not bad i must say. lived up to my expectations from all the reviews i've read. never really watched a local production in the cinema so i must this is quite a change... :)
sin's bday picnic is tmr and i intended to bake banana cake. but guess what. when i went to shop n save..there were NO BANANAS. can u believe it. bah. gotta make do with some brownies.
sticky su who is as sticky as a tagboard ought to shower again...yawn.
Monday, June 28, 2004
forgot to mention that im glad that there are still blogs so that i can keep up with everyone else even on holiday :D yay. have a good holiday. :)
what a day. intended to go to eve's church this morning but overslept. what happened was that she actually messaged me last night asking me to call her to make some plans for today...but blur su, with a whole load of messages from people last night, thought she was sin yee and thought she meant make plans to meet up so err i messaged sin instead. hurhur. oops so eve called me this morning just in case i was goin but well " still sleeping....zzzzzzzzzzzz"
so i ended up goin for lunch with rach at holland village to eat ipoh hor fun...then adjourned to starbucks to have a drink as well as surf the net on rach's new powerbook cause there's wireless internet there. it didnt really work out though. i didnt manage to convince rach that you have to PAY to use that service :P
dinner was none other than DURIAN. i can feel my throat dying already. heatiness has a whole new meaning right now >< nonetheless it was GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD but im so bloated. i dont know why i always feel this way after durian.
not enough for the i went over to bun's to play mahjong with her family. diaong. i know that sounds weird but i always do and its very fun haha. not much is at stake...just some spare change :P
i've been taking pictures so that i can post them at the end of the month. (i didnt bring my cable back!) stay tuned.
unfortunately my allergies are back. everytime im back in singapore my eyes will get itchy and my nose will get runny. sigh. any clue anyone?
whassup the next few days...
singapore fitness first with eve tmr!
karaoke with eve, viv, gie on tues afternoon (lou if u see this...what u doing on tues aft??)
picnic at botanical gardens with the usual singapore suspects on tues evening
then to china to china to buy a fat pig on wed (ok maybe not a fat pig but u get the idea...)
Sunday, June 27, 2004
30 degs n rising
im home. *does a little jig around the room* the flight was good...clear skies, nice movies (watched 4 and a half movies!! got my money's worth alright haha) and nice neighbours who did not leave their seats at all (i was on the aisle seat :D). a pity lou didnt get onto the same flight or it'd have been more fun...
by the time i got home i was sweating already. wasnt very wise to wear a black long sleeved shirt with jeans and covered shoes..but hey! didnt have a choice cuz it was cooolddd in melbourne. turned on the shower and the dial on the heat control slowly went from "high" to "med" to "low" then to "COLD" haha. i think singapore's the only place that i need to dash from the toilet to the room so that i wont start sweating straight after a shower. was nice to know that my mummy actually got the aircon serviced in preparation for my return. (oh ya, not to forget the mopped floors and clean bed sheets *beam*)
as i fluff up my pillows and straighten out the glad to be home. in MY space. :)
havent slept properly in a long time.
quote of the day: "weather in singapore is good. current temperature is 28 deg celcius..." --- singaporean pilot. (what do u mean...good?)
Friday, June 25, 2004
my new toy
i forgot to mention that my new fone is arriving in the mail in about 5 working days. what a pity i wont be around to collect it. nonetheless, i am pleased.
"i suddenly have no aim in life anymore....and i love it." -- me after exams
it's finally MY turn to say "THE EXAMS ARE OVER" whoopee. don't feel any different from this morning though...think it hasnt sunk in. well. i dont have much time for it to do so cause i'll be leaving on a jetplane tmr. yay :) it's really quite exciting to know that im going to be spending so many months in singapore this yr. considering the fact that i only went back for one month the whole of last yr...this is goin to be SO good. hmm..i know this sounds abit weird but everytime before returning, i'd feel a bit sad when i leave melbourne... as much as i really really want to go back to my home in singapore, spending at least 8 mths in melbourne has made this place pretty much my home too. nonetheless, nothing beats the familiar smell of my room and the streets of singapore that i miss so much. hurhurhur. it's time to partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
gotta pack. crap.
THE plan
i've been reading others' blogs (some of whom i dont exactly know personally :P) and i realised alot of them are suffering the same fate of having their last papers sometime this week. everyone has the same complain: the libraries are getting is melbourne city. hoho. anyway here's our plan for tmr...
after the exam at 4+ we shall
cheong to bridge road to add to our wardrobes
rush back to city to make full use of late night shopping
off to ocf. gotta run a few errands there (like handing jenny some stuff)
home to pack our the house as well as our luggages.
watch troy on the computer perhaps?
looks like we don't need to sleep.
sat morning what do we do? shopping again of course :P
lou's goin to pull an angie and standby at the airport in hope of getting onboard my flight. hope it works out. travelling alone is b-o-r-i-n-g.
anyway in preparation for saturday's flight, i was doing ALL my laundry. goodness you cannot believe how many loads i just did. i dont know how i can accumulate so much laundry but i did. anyway cuz im too tired tonight to fold my clothes, i'll just have to make do with sleeping with my pile of clothes. thank goodness it's a double bed. so half for me. half for clothes. ack. what a loser.
Thursday, June 24, 2004
can u smell it?
i can almost smell the sweet sweet smell of freedom. in less than 24 hours, i'll be a free girl. i can do anything i want. go anywhere i want. in just..less...than...24..hrs... i didnt expect it to be so hard. never ever do i want to have my paper on the last day of the examination period again ><
it has been the longest week of the semester.
the week is coming to an end.
2 days. i'll be home. await my return :)
u shld see my mummy
when i was young i had this tshirt that said "if u think im cute, u shld see my mummy" which im sure my mum liked me wearing haha. anyway i was just telling my sis that she n mummy are so weird, no wonder im like that. hrm "if u think im weird, u shld see my mummy" keke.
quote of the day: "if she wears that combi....she'll look like a bolster! with frills at the end. my mum the bolster"-- jiejiewong
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
all the love in the world
despite feeling sulky and whiney the whole day, im slightly happier now thanks to all our great friends out there who have shown us support in many ways. thanks to eve n viv (hey your names rhyme!) we had chicken rice for dinner......and now thanks to mario who's driving us to lygon to get waffle for supper cause we're hungry!!! whoopee. :) and many thanks to all those who have been cheering for us online, over the phone, or in whatever way. it means so much and it's deeply appreciated.
oops just got home and there was no waffle. there was stalactites instead so settled for soup. *burp*
coming out of the library with a brainful of (useless) knowledge
cant get enough of being irritating. here's more i came up with
irritating people in the library..
1. every 10 mins, get out of your seat and go to the toilet. while walking past people, peer into their work.
2. gulp down your water really loudly and give a satisfied "AHH" at the end of it.
3. buy really pungent food and eat it in front of everyone else. make sure it's pungent so that people who cannot see it can smell it.
4. spread your notes over the entire big table or chope 5 carrels for your 2 friends so that they'll be spoilt for choice.
5. after reading each page of your notes, say "OH!"
6. if you're sitting at a big table, turn to your friend and say "my gosh. someone around us just farted" pretend to be whispering and look accusingly at the person opposite you.
7. ok i learnt this from a chinese lady who goes to cae: if someone leaves his/her seat for the toilet, grab that empty chair and sit down next to this person. do your work purposefully. chances are, you'll get stares from that person's friends but all u need to say is "this chair got your name meh?"
8. bring your soft toys and put them on seats around you. make sure they have books in front of them.
9. listen to your receiver and place it in someone else's face because only in that spot is there reception.
10. if you have a laptop, type away loudly with one finger. it prolongs the torture.
im so upset. michelle just left home for singapore (how ironic. left home...for home?) and i'm seeing my friends, one by one, finishing their last papers and leaving for respective home countries... here i am, with lou, waking up with a sense of dread everyday because we still have 1 paper left and we're nowhere near finishing the syllabus that will be examined. sigh. lou was actually wondering what would happen if she doesn't take the paper. as much as i think that's a mad idea, i have to admit i contemplated it as well. but nah it's TOO mad. and my mum will KILLLLL me. :|
sigh i shall pack my little luggage and china bag (ya haha im loading my things into a china bag cuz i figured i shld start bringing home stuff now or i'll have too many things when i graduate...hehe) tonight after studying to motivate myself. just 4 more days.
hang in there dear biomed-ees. we're almost there. constantly praying for you guys
in this with you, su
Monday, June 21, 2004
huff puff and i'll blow your house down
me n lou came home from the library with subway in our hands and lou's idea of jogging before dinner still fresh in her mind. to our surprise, we couldnt seem to get the lift to 13th floor no matter how many times we scanned lou's key (mine officially doesnt work anymore). we found out later that it was not just us but everyone else who was trying to go up. unless, they got someone to buzz them out. UNFORTUNATELY, 2 out of 3 of our household was together and michelle was out. so we decided to just have our dinner and wait for a while in the lobby..who knows the lift might work later. but ACKK!!!! NO it did not >< so i told lou "forget about running...lets climb up the stairs..."
halfway thru i started engaging in what u might call the "pilates breath" but also known as HUFFFFFF PUFFFFF. considering what i did in the day (refer to earlier blog entry) i really felt like my legs were going to give way. thankfully that didnt happen and i made it here to my room and my butt is now permanently stuck to the seat.
will have a very good sleep tonight i bet.
i was so bored in the library i came up with a few ways to irritate people while doing your exam. :P here goes
1. during the 15 mins reading time, keep smiling to yourself KNOWINGLY
2. within the first 1/2 hr ask for an extra booklet
3. within the first hr, change the refill of your pen and make a dramatic show out of it
4. scribble really fast without even looking up and try to finish really early.
5. keep leaning back and flipping your hair into the other person's table
6. keep dropping something onto the aisle so that the invigilator has to come over and ask the person next to you whether it belongs to him/her
7. punch your calculator loudly
8. if your pen is retractable, keep clicking it
9. if the person next to you keeps looking at you for making so much noise, raise up your hand and complain to the invigilator that "he/she keeps looking over! i cannot concentrate!!"
10. if you have to go to the toilet, take the longest route and click your heels/boots purposefully (modification: slap your slip-ons loudly)
yawn im bored
are you strong enough?
in a desperate attempt to lose abit of wt before going back to singapore, i went for both the bodypump and pilates fitness classes just now at fitness first. as always, bodypump has left me quivering and descending the stairs has become painfully difficult. haha. despite that, the class was packed with all sorts of people but with the same kind of determination.
so there i was with a barbell in hand...screaming "ooo wont u miss me like a hole in the head, because i do boy, and it's cool boy. n ooh bet u thought i'd never get out of bed because of you boy, sucha fool boy.." to the music and pumping along to the beat of the oh-so-scary lady instructor (she's so strong i think she can flip me). hurhur.
on the way from fitness first to bailieu (where i'm at now), a lady came onboard and she was juggling a pram, a big bag and a little boy. i suddenly remembered myself falling in the tram and i cant imagine myself doing what she was doing....i cant even balance myself! mothers never fail to amaze me. speaking of which, my mummy just sms-ed me and told me:
"i was supposed to go to shanghai after seeing u at the airport this sat. but i've changed my flight to thurs, so i'll only be seeing u on 30th when u come down to shanghai."
i was like *pause*
*blink blink*
ok maybe not bawl. but u get the idea. sigh
bailieu basement is getting emptier and emptier by the day. which is good..yet SAD because that means everyone else has finished while im still struggling here. i cant even hear anyone else typing...i feel like im making music.
sigh. full of nonsense. better get back to studying. if i can still write that is...
Sunday, June 20, 2004
what's wrong
either i've been reading too many left behind books or i have a very morbid sub-conscious mind because i'm getting really really weird dreams. the night before i dreamt that i got shot...and last night i dreamt that someone was pulling some kind of metal railing down (u know those that people use to close the shop with) and smashed it on my head. i didnt feel any pain but collapsed immediately. woke up feeling slightly woozy. haha. anyway for the past 2 weeks i've been haunted by such weird dreams so much so that even if i wake up in the middle of one i can go back to sleep after that cause im so used to it anyway. (last time i'd be too scared to go back to sleep after that..)
and i dont know whats wrong with me today cause i cant seem to stop sighing...feeling awfully crappy now. :( in one of those -easily irritated- and -snappy- moods. pls forgive. sigh.
thanks to soonwei who brightened up my screens with a link to wonbin's picture galleryhere. korean hottie. now we're talking
oh yes. i checked with the library today and they found no fines on my record. hooray.
Friday, June 18, 2004
i hate the school library!!! they just sent me an email informing me that my 2 hr loan book was overdue for AN HOUR and that they will charge me although i actually returned the book 1 hr before it was even due. IM SO ANGRY. i will NOT pay those fines because it's not fair that the book could have been sitting in the returns drawer until they finally decide to process it. the reserved books fine is a hefty sum mind u. grrr. the book was due at 10pm last night and eve lou n andrew can vow for me that we left at 9+ so ti was impossible that i returned the book after 10. like what the?! im so sure i returned it at 9.15 cause that was the due time for another book. im so angry angry angry and this is not the first time...happened to angie before too i think. ARGH. hrmphf.
gai si de jia huo
ya im directly quoting louise and my mum (my mum used to call me that everytime i freak out last min when i was younger...thankfully she doesnt say that anymore now haha). im really one of those gai si de jia huo who regrets the day before her exam. what comes to mind now?
"what have i been doing?"
"sorrrryyy.....plsssss leeett me passs this time and i PROMISE to study harder next sem. promise!"
"i will study everyday next sem!"
"i want to quit school"
"im going to failll *bawl*"
"i feel so stupiddddddd"
bah. there we go. really deserve death. thats for not being hardworking enough. ok all out there, hold me to my word that im goin to study real hard next semester. join me pls. >< haiyar. well for now just gotta try my best and pray real hard. im really in trouble. man.
Thursday, June 17, 2004
i forgot to mention that i downloaded the william hung mtv-- SHE BANGS (yes mtv as in music video. not the american idol audition video clip) and it is hilarious.... watch it if u get the chance. destress. :)
those were the days
me lou and mich just spent more than an hr tonight looking at secondary school yearbooks and old video clips. what a night. it all started when i told lou i was writing to yongfeng cuz i had a nightmare last night. i dreamt i met him and he IGNORED me...didnt even want to talk to me. :P so i decided that i ought to write him a card which i bought AGES ago to tell him i miss him...(as well as "pls dont ignore me" and "sorry for not writing for soo long"). anyway, our conversation led us to yank out all the old school pictures when we still had funny hairdoes and such young faces hurhur. we proceeded to the living room to watch my class video (and a couple of other class' videos) and lou's band performance. we were so excited pointing out people that we've mentioned in daily conversations but have yet to meet.
"oh this guy used to be super thin..."
"i used to hang out with this bunch of people in sec 2. aiyor. very paikia one"
"i understand su. i was like that in sec sch too"
"haha...look at my hair! my gosh"
"ohhh...soooo cuteeee...."
hrm that was how our conversation went while watching the videos. i miss old times. not so much the school but the people that shaped my teenage years and made those precious few yrs of mine so painful yet so wonderful at the same time. so here's to a few people who i really miss. and who i thank so much for being part of my life...
angela... we knew each other in sec 1 cause we were taking the same school bus and lived near each other. but we never really realised each others' existence until sec 3 when she was looking thru my phone book and found that i knew yongfeng who was her pri sch friend. we shared many funny stories abt him (he doesnt need to know that) and things just took off from glad she looked into my book.
amira... i've known amira since i was 10 and it's our 9th yr of friendship now. its amazing how we started off as gd friends (because we were so similar) yet become each others' worst enemy all because of a GUY. can u believe it? we managed to split the class into half! you're either on my side or hers baby. haha. those were the days..our form teacher had to talk to us about it. :P well, we dumped that guy and later became best pals and went to rgs together (we were 2 out of 3 from the pri sch) we later ended up in the same class again in sec 3 and 4....:)
sin yee... i thought she looked really bitchy in sec 1 and 2 but later we found that we had so much in common when we started talking in sec 3 and 4. we had a common love for all things a common love for the potato from the malay store. but she was not your typical bimbo. she was smart. she was determined and she was pretty. wait she is. anyway me sin amira and brinda always had this monday party thing during recess when each of us would bring something...i remember amira bringing the fake champagne (think grape juice) complete with wine glasses. i still have that picture....
rachel... i dont know how we even started talking because we were so so different. i heard so many horror stories about her but all those just got chucked aside after getting to know her better. we became much closer at the end of sec 4 and then in acjc but it was a pity i had to come here just when our friendship was blossoming...however im glad that we still talked pretty often and she could confide in me about stuff that she wouldnt be able to to other people....until now im glad we didnt just lose each other JUST BECAUSE.
lydia... she's probably one of the wackiest people i know. i cant even begin to describe how AH Q she is. haha. but i still remember the time i surprised everyone with my trip home from melbourne and she cried in the middle of taka. that was a pleasant surprise for ME. :)
Yongfeng... who would think that a stupid conversation online when we were just 14 could lead to such a great friendship... like he would say "actually i was just trying to buaya u. and i bet u were too right. you're the biggest buayee i know" ya right. im innocent. anyway we were planning some stupid thing which never materialized..but what did come out of it was a strong friendship marked with many milestones. mainly it involved me being pms-ey and slamming the fone on him for what reason...till now i dont noe. he remains my best guy friend. :) friends used to say they can just imagine us getting married next time...i beg to's because our friendship is (almost. shall not elaborate) platonic that it managed to last till now.
Alex... we were the first 2 students to come to class at the British Council when we were 15 and we just eyed each other suspiciously. but all is good because he has remained my good friend till now. after the classes we didnt exactly see each other in person very much but we talked/emailed often...we finally went out together last holiday and it felt normal (altho i havent seen him in yrs). well he's really sweet cuz he sent me new yr goodies all the way from singapore cuz i was missing CNY....i'll NEVER forget that dude.
Pak... i started talking to pak when i was sec 3 or 4 because i felt sorry for him. ya i know it's a weird reason...but i heard he was greatly despised by his classmates (yongfeng was in his class) and those people were just SO MEAN. :P they call him all sorts of names so i thought i ought to get to know him better...maybe he isnt as bad as what they described him to be. and he wasnt! he knew me before i did and im glad that we hit it off the first time i talked to him. until now he remains one of those who can i complain to and whine to all the time. esp when my hair's wet at night and i refuse to blow dry....
there are so many people worth mentioning and i think i can do that forever. but for now. this is it and i hope i didnt forget anyone...
my love to all my friends :)
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
i realised i have nothing to blog about because nothing's happening. apart from eat sleep study of course. ok maybe not THAT disciplined...but u get the drift. BAaaHHhh
mario fixed my comp today and i can listen to music again! whoopeee. thank you thank you thank you mario! hehe. AND it's slightly faster now too :D *beam*
hmm. i cant believe im goin back soon. ive seen this line on many blogs but it didnt exactly register until today. IM GOIN BACK NEXT WEEK! waaaah. even after a couple of yrs (2.5 to be exact) overseas...goin home never fails to excite me :) didnt go back last winter so im really looking forward to this winter. this warm warm winter in sunny singapore (and err china) yay. im goin shopping. eat chicken rice. brunch at tiong bahru market. kaya toast in east coast. gym-ing at SSC. and of course...meeting everyone :)
oh so surreal.
Sunday, June 13, 2004
i got a call at around 8pm from a girl called Amy who found my optus fone at city church. she had scrolled down the phone book to find my house number and im SO GLAD i recorded it in my fone...:) so she left it at the arrow reception for me to collect. if there's anywhere i want to lose'd be in church. err.
so around 9pm i was on my way to collect my fone...and while crossing the road just outside city gate i decided to be extra careful and look carefully before crossing just in case there's some speeding car coming from around the corner. then i suddenly felt like someone pushed me from the side and i literally shouted "AHHHH!!". i turned to my side and saw a car right in my face. crap. this car that stopped outside my house was reversing and bumped into me!!!! >< i dunnoe whether it was my coat or my hair that blended into the dark of the night because he didnt see me! THANK GOD he didnt continue reversing....and THANK GOD i didnt hurt myself. >< later i saw his car at the traffic light and he didnt even seem to realise that he had bumped into someone. hrmphf. :(
so i was walking around grumpily and decided to go to safeway cuz i havent bought any groceries for AGES...on the way home i called eve cuz she gave me a missed call earlier. cuz i was on the fone..and my hands were full..i couldnt scan my key to get thru the sliding door. thank goodness there was this guy behind me who was goin in as well. city gate has many doors and i had to get thru another door. crap. my sensor started to act up again and REFUSED to scan....that nice guy who was, by now, walking up the stairs to the other apartments walked back down to scan it and held the door for me. i am happier now knowing that my neighbours are pretty nice :) not so grumpy anymore...:)
im using the computer at bailieu and i wanted to log onto friendster to approve someone...the friendster page loaded and i nearly fell off the chair when it appeared cause the person who used the computer before me didnt sign out and it was his account. i stared at it in disbelief because i almost thought that my face was replaced by that person's picture. that person was veechan haha :P dude. stop friendstering and study lah ;)
charlene's leaving tonight :|
had people over for dinner at our place tonight..:) we had good food and almost all of the dishes were spicy (imagine me and lou reaching for our bottles...). my stomach's still burning but the warmth feels nice when the night's so cold *brr*
my family never really entertained and i never knew the joys of it until i came here. i never thought people would actually want to spend their night at someone's house just nua-ing away.
thank you for coming over tonight to have dinner; to sing; to share life....i'm loving it ;) all warm n fuzzy now. can't wait for our next round
Saturday, June 12, 2004
my new pet
have i ever mentioned that my vacuum cleaner smells like a dog whenever it's turned on? yes it stinks and i have NO idea why. even cleaning out the insides (sounds bad) doesn't help. we so need a new vacuum cleaner. ><
i was just telling my mummy that im tempted on goin on exchange again now that something can be done about the living arrangements back here in melbourne.....things seem to be falling into place...who knows i might be out of melbourne for 6 mths next yr and off to england to meet angela :D whoopee
i need to sleep. and the most crooked part of my back is hurting like mad
Thursday, June 10, 2004
angela doesnt like the word diaong
"suee! can u pls stop saying that" she says.
"if anything, diao sounds better. diao is more correct" she adds on
"and suee! can u please stop entering! and sending multiple msgs!"
"huh. but i dont like to use punctuation and im afraid you might not know what im talking about"
diaong. oops i mean diao
haha here's one for u girl.
"oh, but i don't like to....."
dedicated to eve. ;)
i dont really like to eat/drink...
1. tomatoes
2. carrots
3. prawns
4. nachos
5. potato chips...too much makes me car sick?
6. kebab
7. coffee..caffeine high!
8. coke...sugar high! (n sprite...n...)
9. tap water that is not cold (i know this is weird ><)
10. doritos
11. beef brisket
12. rice (unless there's some kinda nice sauce? i dont green curry?:))
13. crust of cheesecake
14. sponge cake
15. cream
16. stuff with batter...maybe calamari rings once in a while but not a big fan
17. fast food
18. chilli
19. cashew nuts
20. peanuts
21. wasabi
22. instant noodles!! :P
23. pizza
24: cheong fun
25: chicken feet
26: chicken wing
27: most sausages..esp the angmoh ones >< dont mind chinese ones
28: BBQ!!!!!!!!!! (how could i have forgotten..)
29: fish cake
30: chocolate flavoured ice cream. i like chocolate but not the flavoured ice cream.
31: cordial
cant think of anything else. will update if i do hehehe
thanks for dinner eve. :D whoever said i was fussy...
its over! yay. its over. *wail* im over! ack. it was a crummy paper. >< oh well.
1 down
2 to go
i checked out the supp paper dates just in case...anyone interested...?
Supplementary Examinations: Thursday 15 July - Friday 23 July
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
dark n gloomy
its pre-exam day for me and it doesnt help that it is so dark and gloomy. feeling very very frustrated now at my inability to remember everything and i hope it aint rubbing off vivien and louise. *sigh* :(
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
completely stoned
normally when the fone rings when im at work i'd say "hello, warnet. this is su speaking!" but i dont know what i was doing/thinking i said "hello, this is warnet. su...err.." just now. diaong. the customer was abit stunned and went on to ask for mario. oopsie. >< feel so stupid now.
i just started studying for my IBS paper (next week) cuz i got very bored of microbio (which is on thurs).... haiyar there's still a glimmer of hope for my IBS although im not getting my hopes high. nonetheless hope all goes well...that i'll be able to regurgitate everything on thurs and never need to look at it ever again. oh yes i remembered to tell my mum not to expect much from me this time too >< all ye on the same boat, i'll be praying for u. jia you. we're almost there.:)
im goin to compile a list of what i dont like to eat, as well as my pet peeves soon (upon request of eve) haha. she insists i must be the world's fussiest eater >< well it's only prawns...tomatoes....carrots....chilli......ok. fine there's more...
Monday, June 07, 2004
i read this article on the straits times abt JOLIN TSAI. she thinks she's an incarnation of a hawaiian interesting.
SINCE appearing on the Mandarin pop scene five years ago, Taiwanese pop star Jolin Tsai has gone through a couple of incarnations.
Photos -- STEVEN LEE
She first made her name on her girl-next-door image, and became the poster girl of many an NSman.
Two years ago, she ditched that for a hipper J-pop look, dying her hair blonde and donning clothes bought in Tokyo's trendy Shibuya and Harajuku districts.
But here's one side to her you may not know about - she takes stock in spirits and gurus, and even believes that she is an incarnation of Hi'iaka, the younger sister of Pele, a Hawaiian goddess of fire.
In an interview in a suite at the Hyatt Hotel last Saturday, Tsai, 24, revealed that a year ago, during a performance in Taiwan, part of the set behind her caught fire.
'I didn't know about the fire till later because it happened as I sang the last song. It happened just as I was walking off the stage,' said Tsai, who was in town for four days to promote her latest album.
She later consulted her 'spiritual guru', a psychic whom she looked up on a friend's recommendation, and whom she has been seeing for several years, about the accident.
He told her that the fire could have been related to the spirit of fire, which apparently protects Tsai, shielding her from the bad intentions of evil spirits.
She had visited Hawaii in her teens, and had been struck by how comfortable she had felt on the islands.
'It just seems to make sense,' she says, when asked why she thinks she is an incarnation of Hi'iaka.
If that seems a loose conjecture, she adds that the deity is also known to love dancing and singing, and is the patron goddess of hula dancing.
annyonghikaseyo (goodbye)
i remember a blog entry about 2 mths ago with the title "annyonghaseyo" (hello)....that was the day i took my first korean lesson...and i thought it apt to start this blog entry with "annyonghikaseyo" because today is my last lesson... hrm. didnt feel like 2 mths and ive grown attached to the weekly 3 hrs i spend here in CAE trying to pronounce out loud all the tongue-twisting words. not forgetting the class, of course, made up of such different individuals: a cyclist with a korean gf; a software engineer who's learning korean for his korean wife; the japanese girl with big eyes and tons of mascara; the indonesian girl who comes in every week with a different outfit and really HIGH heel shoes; the malaysian guy who initially asked how to say "New Zealand" in korean just for fun..but is actually from msia; this slightly odd guy whom i did alot of my dialogue practise with (he sat next to me); this guy whom i still cant figure out whether he's called jim or james cuz my teacher cannot pronounce properly; a guy who comes only once every 3 lessons but has greatly blessed everyone with a korean vcd each..i reckon he likes the jap girl; the HK girl who has not come since lesson 3; this really funny guy called jamie that everyone seems to like to call whenever the teacher says "ok ask anyone from this class..."; and the 2 of n vivien...the littlest in the class.
of course not forgetting the sonsaengnim(teacher) with her trademark hairstyle and fashion(pinafore and flare pants?) who im sure has inspired many in the class.
well, as u can see, i did not walk out of this whole korean course (unfortunately) with a new korean nam cha chin ku ..but it sure has been good. hahaha
wow we sure have come a long way since the first lesson... i cant wait for the next semester...
the line that i taught louise...which i think will be stuck in our heads for a very long time: "o-ti-e-kayo?" "namchachinku chip-e-kayo"
Sunday, June 06, 2004
veggie tales
we studied in QV after church and it's a pretty good place actually. quiet...big big tables....empty... :) we got so bored we went supermarket shopping and took some pix...
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save the trees!
i was walking along La Trobe st (towards swanston) today and saw a huge grp of people across the road from me holding banners that said "save the trees" or "treasure our bushes" hrm. they were dressed in green/brown and had like leafy/twiggy crowns on their heads. anyway they crossed the road and started to walk alongside me. when i finally got to swanston st i realised that the real rally was at state library and it was pretty now i was totally engulfed by the "save the trees" people and they all gave me acknowledging looks...>< i seriously didnt know why until i looked at my bag. i was holding a green/brown leaf-printed bag. ack! had to squeeze my way out and make my way to the law library.................
toilet bowl
i was scrubbing the toilet bowl just now and left the duck on top of the toilet bowl uncapped. after brushing my teeth just now i saw the duck and decided to cap it back before putting it back on the floor. butter-fingered me accidentally dropped the cap into the toilet bowl!!! argh. baka. lucky i just cleaned the toilet bowl....still... i had to stick my fingers in to pick it up....>< yuck. reminds me of that time when i dropped my handfone into the toilet bowl in my sis' nus hostel........thank goodness she just cleaned her toilet bowl too...AND i havent peed yet haha. the best part was..the fone still worked. it was hardy. it was a nokia 3210.
accident prone
this reminded me of how accident prone i am. lemme recap hehe.
*shattered my right wrist when i was around 8. we were rollerblading and racing and i crashed.
*fractured my left arm when i was 10.. my friend bumped into me during PE and i skidded across the hall and crashed into the stage. banged my head too. spent this whole yr in n out of hospital cuz i had to undergo 2 operations...
*sprained my finger in ACJC playing captain's ball. this guy jumped in front of me when iw as trying to get the ball and my finger hit his hand. his hand quite muscular man...
*sprained both ankles a few goes:
few times during badminton training in rgs
once during a badminton match in ACS(I). had to be dragged off the court...yikes
once in the carpark below my block
once in ACJC when i was walking along the track..or rather the side of the track cuz we cant walk ON the track
once outside my new condo when chad n yuchun were visiting
once near wilson hall while walking to my genetics exam.
was on crutches and wheelchair a few times haha. cant rem when else i sprained my ankle. my mum might remember. the mere thought of the CRACKING sound my ankle makes when i sprain it is enough to make all my hair stand and cringe.
*sprained my toe cant rem when
*sprained my back once during badminton training in rgs
fainting spells:
*once in the middle of the carpark below my building
*once in the train from singapore-KL haha
*once outside my new condo
*once in the middle of ACS(I)
*once in my toilet in the marriot apartment before church. chad had to wait downstairs in the car for me haha
*once in the marriot apartment living room. was having a high fever
well....most fainting spells associated with my sprained ankle or when i have not eaten for too long. if u ever see me faint...just give me a lollie.
and how could i forget the time when i stuffed a ORANGE TIC TAC up my nose when i was abt 4....i had to go to the hospital because of that
well thats all i remember tonight. maybe i'll rem more and post it some other time
im surprised im still in 1 piece. toodles
Saturday, June 05, 2004
long time no see
have u guys watched "love for all seasons" starring sammi cheng n louis koo. the song from the show is stuck in my goes :
"long time no seeeeeeeeeee....i love u so much u still laugh at meeeeee....i love u, u love me not? i love u u not me not? i love u u love me not???" diaong. it is all eve's fault
im in warnet and i dont know why there are so many chinese people outside. think a chinese movie just ended at the cinema and we (me lou andrew) have become exhibits. they are like peering in and looking at us! what the??
i was deleting all my old smses from my fone just now....err ya and got caught twice by eve hahaha. i was supposed to be studying (and i was!) but somehow everytime she walked over i was playing with my fone. realised im a very sentimental (as well as thrashy) person..i keep all sorts of smses...theres 1 that dated back to my 16th bday...and others from recent christmases and new yrs. decided to delete them. well most of them at least. it was nice goin through all those messages...i've come this far. :D
car sick
yest i was sugar high in cae. now im car sick in bailieu. i have no reason to be carsick cuzi havent been in one...this is so weird. but then again i can get carsick when i walk also. dont ask me why. i dont know myself.
its back to bailieu for me today cuz cae closed at 1pm and i have no where else to go *wail* bailieu is such a drag....crowded...stuffy...distracting. but it sure beats studying at home. anyone else with new hideouts which i can visit during the weekends? tell me pls. very much appreciated.
"i'm not in love" -- enrique iglesias and kelis stuck in my head now. shoo shoo. go away.
im officially stressed.
currently listening and singing to "i don't wanna miss a thing"
lyrics goes "i dont wanna close my eyes...i dont wanna fall asleep cuz i miss u babe and i dont wanna miss a thing" hohoho
this morning i did not want to OPEN my eyes. diaong. as always i was having a very very nice dream so decided to snooze a tad longer keke. whats wrong with me >< i seem to be able to will myself to dream of stuff that i want to dream about and put a pause on it before continuing it if i happen to wake up in the middle of it. hurhurhur. its fun. but it makes me sleep longer. bah.
bored su n eve
me n eve were so bored studying in the library...we decided to take some pictures...hmm
![]() ![]() ![]() Friday, June 04, 2004
sugar high
im studying at cae now and i think ive had too many heart is beating super fingers r trembling and im on this sugar high. hurhurhur. i cant sit still! ><
i just read andrew's blog. cant believe i didnt do that earlier. i wonder how many ppl have read that blog entry between the time he wrote it and now. no im NOT with him >< andrew only wants my car. the bmw that i was supposedly getting. but NO im not getting one anymore! >< lol. actually when i was looking at the bmw page that day in was because mario wanted to get a new car and was thinking of the 3 series. HURHURHUR. sorry andrew....time to cheong to mario instead ;)
haiyar boliao.
anyway last night's dinner at lingshan's was good. there was SOO MUCH (good) food...and a big death by chocolate cake courtesy of sofia. i really died after that. it was so good :) we watched how to lose a guy in 10 days after dinner and i cant believe i fell asleep on that show the last time i watched it in michelle's room -__- but then again i always fall asleep during movies. anyway the show's good lah. shld watch it if u haven't. hurhur. think last night was really dvd night because i came back and watched death becomes her with louise on her laptop. the last time i watched that was prob 12 yrs ago and it was one of those movies that i watched over and over again (think Laser Disc). just wanted to relive my childhood so i borrowed that dvd. unfortunately i fell asleep halfway...again. -__-
eyebags galore..
"Princess Sophiaaa...." -- How to lose a guy in 10 days
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Phonecall from far away
The phone rang last night but i chose to ignore it thinking it was probably not for me. but then it WAS for me and it was a long dist call from singapore :) we had a very good conversation and it just felt good to know that someone out there still knows me and understands me so go through the same kind of obstacles and joys in life hurhurhur. missya bun cant wait to go home! counting down to 26/6 :D
slept at 3ish last night and woke up at 9 cuz i had to go to CAE to put more money in the locker that was actually expiring at 7am this morning. thank goodness no one took things...dont thing anyone would want to steal a crummy microbio file/textbook...and i dont think anyone in the right mind would steal the 2 library books i borrowed that was about the BIBLE. diaong. im completely stoned right now sitting in front of eve's laptop and waiting for her to finish showering before i can do so myself. went to the gym to train with gie this morn and i got the time wrong >< was supposed to meet our PT at 10 but i told gie 1030 >< oops. sorry babe. we made it anyway hurhur. sigh gotta go study again soon. i have no life.
oh yea. special mention. today's lingshan's bday. happy birthday girl. we're goin over to her place tonight for a pot luck dinner :D me and lou bringing chicken wings. hope staphylococcus doesnt get into our food! :P
house of sighs
that just explains the mood of everyone in this household. each of the 3 of us, sighing at intervals...staring into space with lots on our minds. "this is definitely the worse time to have distractions. and somehow...distractions that shld only distract us during normal sem time only come when we're having exams..." me n lou succumbed to exam stress and dyed our and streakblonde respectively. well its a "new lou" according to her ...but for's back to old su. thrashing all the crap that happened along the way between the last time i dyed my hair black and now :) nice to meet u.
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
its 9am. im sleepy. my face is pale and i look ghostly. my hair's so ugly. i sat myself on the bed in front of the window and stared at the roads's wet. it's so cold. >< i have to go n study >< thought i'd blog before i disappear....*ting*
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
feeling redundant right now :(
have u ever imagined a world without you? your parents will have a different daughter(son)...your sister will have another sibling...your housemates will be sharing the house with another person....your friends all having fun..without you.... the world will still spin in the same direction....the sun will still rise in the morning and set in the evening...sigh. but i dont like >< i cannot imagine everyone doing everything without me >< my parents, sister, friends are MINE hrmphf
this blog entry is redundant.
currently listening to love song dedications on mix 101. i love this station. havent tuned in for a long time ><
stretching time
im now at work but i was also studying.....been a long day and all i want to do is go home and take a shower. the shop is closing in 2 mins... :) well. last night's praise and worship session with my hsemates was great. it was small. it was simple. yet it was so powerful. God's presence was strong and it reminded me of how He's always there for me even at times when i was not :| if you have housemates too, try it :)
anyway my new hide out is fantastic. i love it! :)
me n lou just set up a new blog (as above). it's a place for us to regurgitate all the stuff we learnt (makes it more interesting than writing on paper). hurhur. welcoming all microB ppl :)
i was supposed to wake up abt 2 hrs ago...but i refused to because i was dreaming the most beautiful dream. sigh. but i snapped out of it and its time to hit the books again. >< i found a new hide out :)
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