Sunday, June 06, 2004
toilet bowl
i was scrubbing the toilet bowl just now and left the duck on top of the toilet bowl uncapped. after brushing my teeth just now i saw the duck and decided to cap it back before putting it back on the floor. butter-fingered me accidentally dropped the cap into the toilet bowl!!! argh. baka. lucky i just cleaned the toilet bowl....still... i had to stick my fingers in to pick it up....>< yuck. reminds me of that time when i dropped my handfone into the toilet bowl in my sis' nus hostel........thank goodness she just cleaned her toilet bowl too...AND i havent peed yet haha. the best part was..the fone still worked. it was hardy. it was a nokia 3210.
accident prone
this reminded me of how accident prone i am. lemme recap hehe.
*shattered my right wrist when i was around 8. we were rollerblading and racing and i crashed.
*fractured my left arm when i was 10.. my friend bumped into me during PE and i skidded across the hall and crashed into the stage. banged my head too. spent this whole yr in n out of hospital cuz i had to undergo 2 operations...
*sprained my finger in ACJC playing captain's ball. this guy jumped in front of me when iw as trying to get the ball and my finger hit his hand. his hand quite muscular man...
*sprained both ankles a few goes:
few times during badminton training in rgs
once during a badminton match in ACS(I). had to be dragged off the court...yikes
once in the carpark below my block
once in ACJC when i was walking along the track..or rather the side of the track cuz we cant walk ON the track
once outside my new condo when chad n yuchun were visiting
once near wilson hall while walking to my genetics exam.
was on crutches and wheelchair a few times haha. cant rem when else i sprained my ankle. my mum might remember. the mere thought of the CRACKING sound my ankle makes when i sprain it is enough to make all my hair stand and cringe.
*sprained my toe cant rem when
*sprained my back once during badminton training in rgs
fainting spells:
*once in the middle of the carpark below my building
*once in the train from singapore-KL haha
*once outside my new condo
*once in the middle of ACS(I)
*once in my toilet in the marriot apartment before church. chad had to wait downstairs in the car for me haha
*once in the marriot apartment living room. was having a high fever
well....most fainting spells associated with my sprained ankle or when i have not eaten for too long. if u ever see me faint...just give me a lollie.
and how could i forget the time when i stuffed a ORANGE TIC TAC up my nose when i was abt 4....i had to go to the hospital because of that
well thats all i remember tonight. maybe i'll rem more and post it some other time
im surprised im still in 1 piece. toodles
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