Thursday, June 17, 2004
those were the days
me lou and mich just spent more than an hr tonight looking at secondary school yearbooks and old video clips. what a night. it all started when i told lou i was writing to yongfeng cuz i had a nightmare last night. i dreamt i met him and he IGNORED me...didnt even want to talk to me. :P so i decided that i ought to write him a card which i bought AGES ago to tell him i miss him...(as well as "pls dont ignore me" and "sorry for not writing for soo long"). anyway, our conversation led us to yank out all the old school pictures when we still had funny hairdoes and such young faces hurhur. we proceeded to the living room to watch my class video (and a couple of other class' videos) and lou's band performance. we were so excited pointing out people that we've mentioned in daily conversations but have yet to meet.
"oh this guy used to be super thin..."
"i used to hang out with this bunch of people in sec 2. aiyor. very paikia one"
"i understand su. i was like that in sec sch too"
"haha...look at my hair! my gosh"
"ohhh...soooo cuteeee...."
hrm that was how our conversation went while watching the videos. i miss old times. not so much the school but the people that shaped my teenage years and made those precious few yrs of mine so painful yet so wonderful at the same time. so here's to a few people who i really miss. and who i thank so much for being part of my life...
angela... we knew each other in sec 1 cause we were taking the same school bus and lived near each other. but we never really realised each others' existence until sec 3 when she was looking thru my phone book and found that i knew yongfeng who was her pri sch friend. we shared many funny stories abt him (he doesnt need to know that) and things just took off from glad she looked into my book.
amira... i've known amira since i was 10 and it's our 9th yr of friendship now. its amazing how we started off as gd friends (because we were so similar) yet become each others' worst enemy all because of a GUY. can u believe it? we managed to split the class into half! you're either on my side or hers baby. haha. those were the days..our form teacher had to talk to us about it. :P well, we dumped that guy and later became best pals and went to rgs together (we were 2 out of 3 from the pri sch) we later ended up in the same class again in sec 3 and 4....:)
sin yee... i thought she looked really bitchy in sec 1 and 2 but later we found that we had so much in common when we started talking in sec 3 and 4. we had a common love for all things a common love for the potato from the malay store. but she was not your typical bimbo. she was smart. she was determined and she was pretty. wait she is. anyway me sin amira and brinda always had this monday party thing during recess when each of us would bring something...i remember amira bringing the fake champagne (think grape juice) complete with wine glasses. i still have that picture....
rachel... i dont know how we even started talking because we were so so different. i heard so many horror stories about her but all those just got chucked aside after getting to know her better. we became much closer at the end of sec 4 and then in acjc but it was a pity i had to come here just when our friendship was blossoming...however im glad that we still talked pretty often and she could confide in me about stuff that she wouldnt be able to to other people....until now im glad we didnt just lose each other JUST BECAUSE.
lydia... she's probably one of the wackiest people i know. i cant even begin to describe how AH Q she is. haha. but i still remember the time i surprised everyone with my trip home from melbourne and she cried in the middle of taka. that was a pleasant surprise for ME. :)
Yongfeng... who would think that a stupid conversation online when we were just 14 could lead to such a great friendship... like he would say "actually i was just trying to buaya u. and i bet u were too right. you're the biggest buayee i know" ya right. im innocent. anyway we were planning some stupid thing which never materialized..but what did come out of it was a strong friendship marked with many milestones. mainly it involved me being pms-ey and slamming the fone on him for what reason...till now i dont noe. he remains my best guy friend. :) friends used to say they can just imagine us getting married next time...i beg to's because our friendship is (almost. shall not elaborate) platonic that it managed to last till now.
Alex... we were the first 2 students to come to class at the British Council when we were 15 and we just eyed each other suspiciously. but all is good because he has remained my good friend till now. after the classes we didnt exactly see each other in person very much but we talked/emailed often...we finally went out together last holiday and it felt normal (altho i havent seen him in yrs). well he's really sweet cuz he sent me new yr goodies all the way from singapore cuz i was missing CNY....i'll NEVER forget that dude.
Pak... i started talking to pak when i was sec 3 or 4 because i felt sorry for him. ya i know it's a weird reason...but i heard he was greatly despised by his classmates (yongfeng was in his class) and those people were just SO MEAN. :P they call him all sorts of names so i thought i ought to get to know him better...maybe he isnt as bad as what they described him to be. and he wasnt! he knew me before i did and im glad that we hit it off the first time i talked to him. until now he remains one of those who can i complain to and whine to all the time. esp when my hair's wet at night and i refuse to blow dry....
there are so many people worth mentioning and i think i can do that forever. but for now. this is it and i hope i didnt forget anyone...
my love to all my friends :)
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