Thursday, September 30, 2004
no alcohol, no bakuteh for the time being pls.
i need to wash my sheets, scrub the toilet floor, clean the carpet. before the other cell comes to our place tmr.
i will learn to chew my food.
thanks to lou, viv, eve and joey for tucking me into my make shift bed. i was (almost) snug as a bug. [i didn't get pimples! ;)]
i don't remember a single bit of anything. oh horrors, everyone else does. sorry. embarressment is an understatement.
i feel sick in the stomach. i am reduced to soup once again.
oh, what a night
pictures up soon! now for summer......
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
and as if a punishment for eating so much last night and being such a naughty girl the past few days, i developed a sore throat this old ailment kudos to very lousy tonsils. i am now reduced to soup.
but i made it before sunrise last night and am so proud of myself *beam* an old friend messaged me last night to say that he's flying from sydney to melbourne today. time to do some work before i play. again.
Su? Who?
you can tell alot about a person from a blog. what she thinks, how she reacts to situations, what she enjoys doing.....
i blog to express myself. and at the same time update friends spread out in different continents. but i've grown to realise that i'm holding back so much about myself because i'm afraid. yes. it scares me. i am afraid to
i've feared disapproval.
but i give up now.
so think what you like.
just don't pretend u know me.
Monday, September 27, 2004
Meet Bob
that's right, bob. i met him at royal showgrounds today. finally in person after so much correspondance with pictures.
of course, i call him bob. but many prefer calling him
![]() ![]() ![]() Sunday, September 26, 2004
oh shucks! another sunrise! i ought to start sleeping before 6am for my own good.
Celebrating Girlyness
i think guys often wonder what happens in the ladies'. after all, we always have to go in big groups and we take sooooo long. to them, toilets are plainly functional....just pee and go. but the toilet is the girls' retreat from the common crowd to make up, gossip, scheme. (we should have all learnt by now that it's NEVER safe to talk in the loo because you never know who's behind the door. but it happens ANYWAY.)
so if you ever step into a female toilet, don't be surprised to find this:
*wail from another cubicle*
girloutside(GO): heyyy...are you ok? why are you crying?
cryinggirl(CG): no, i'm alright. i'm just throwing up. ("ya right" thinks su)
GO: is your boyfriend outside waiting for you?
CG: no, i just broke up with him...
GO: awww that's alright...there are many other guys out there! don't cry over him.
CG: ooo...k.....
GO: do you want accompany? need me to stay?
CG: i'm alright *SOB SOB*
hm.. i was just innocently peeing. and that must have been one of the nicest and sweetest peeing experience. hum. ditch the gowns, champagnes and male company! just join the toilet gang - it's more happening than the party itself.
so speaking of girls, here's a Happy Birthday to a dear girlfriend, Grumperella. ;)
Friday, September 24, 2004
I am a Scatterbrain
which explains why my thoughts are all over the place. please bear with me.
i now know why calling london is cheaper than calling singapore (1.5cent vs 1.9cent!) - because you can never get through. sure, i get past the "you have 588 mins left on this call" but after that i'll get "the network is currently unavailable". like for a whole hour?? what the! whats with the london network...? ><>shabbily. i met at least 8 people in the short distance between warnet and dessert house. this city is waaaay too small. (murphy forgot to mention that you will NEVER meet anyone when you feel presentable.)
you know you're in trouble when shopping turns out traumatic, not therapeutic. -__- (but what makes me happy, though is that you can refund if you change your mind! time to unleash the impulsive buyer within. just remember to check the refund policy and whether whatever you're buying is a regular priced item. hurhur)
apart from that, i feel like a pork chop.
(big hug to rachel. don't sad.)
*aside: if you can design websites, and you want a mini iPod, Tell Me.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Everyday's a Saturday!
that's exactly how it is like during the holidays.
school's finally out now that i've handed in my reports and here's what we've been up to the past couple of days..
![]() ![]() Sunday, September 19, 2004
When you think you cannot get more blessed........
You have friends.
"...............I maintain that this group is particularly haphazardly formed; an eclectic mix of people who one wouldn't ordinarily imagine would get along, yet, resultant of the effort consciously invested in maintaining these ties, we come out in effect closer and more in tune with each other than I ever thought we would be. Each with her own trademark trait: one's transport stories/knocking over of food/beverage during the climatic point in a narrative, another's realistic-to-the-point-of-being-scary impersonations that end up in a superimposition of the impersonated's face on hers (almost), a characteristic quietness and generally passive observation (now accompanied by her S.O.'s in kind), recounts of the Australian Representative's mannerisms we've all come to know so well, even the part-time-member's absence........................."
".......I hate that tertiary education is pulling us (physically) even further apart, but I trust we'll make it. For something already so unconventional, it's got to take something bigger than mere distance to drive us apart...."
".............So all the best to my favourite PF in UCL (not UCLA for the uninitiated!!!), I still miss you in Melb U, Miss MeiMeiWong, and to the other three (and a half) who are staying in the Motherland with me, I'm so glad that I still have you close by................................................."
-- Rachel
My Sentiments Exact.
sorry dear i had to copy n paste....I could not have worded it better.
Angela's leaving at 1120pm.
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Cycle, Cycle, Cycling Home
lou and i attempted to go on a night cycling trip.
we then decided to visit a few of our friends - those located on bouverie and king st.
push push push out of our apartment. tires flat. -__- so we stopped by 7-11 petrol kiosk to pump.
cycle cycle cycle to bouverie st. lou's handle came loose. -__- asked everyone possible but none had a spanner. thank you to vee chan for driving over with his car's spanner...but it was 1.5 inches in diameter. not 1.5cm. (think murphy's law: Anything you try to fix will take longer and cost more than you thought.)
thank goodness we later found a man who had a spanner in his boot (i know it sounds dodgy...but we were desperate! *raise eyebrow*)
cycle cycle cycle up la trobe st to king st. pant pant pant
i never ever want to cycle on la trobe st again. it goes up and down. and when you think you're beginning to have fun...the road goes uphill again. (think murphy's law: If you're feeling good, don't worry, you'll get over it.)
on the way home...we gave up and dismounted. back to push push push....
(did you know that murphy was an optimist?)
my thighs are so sore. huff puff.
and then theng's words came back to mind: "cycle?? just stick to partying!" aye.
ah ha ha. how will we ever survive the nike 10 km run? time to train. cycle cycle cycle.
back home....
the girls had dinner last night. i am awfully jealous. because i was not physically around to find out that the singles are finally outnumbered. -__-
and then i've managed to catch up with people whom i have not talked to for the longest time. BIG HI to sherry and nicole.
conversations with theng (my cousin) are making me look forward to a trip back to malaysia this december. she's going to take me out. right? *blink blink* :D but before that, pls practise driving. :P i said hi to my granny on msn because she was over at theng's place. which is so strange. you don't usually associate 80 yr old grannies with erm. technology.
ho-hum. subang here i come!
if there's anything that will bring me back here during summer. it would be the fact that angela's leaving for london. already. the holiday's not going to be the same. she's not a 15 min walk away anymore. (bollocks! haha) >< pls mail me. i wonder how your roomie will be like.
chad's leaving tomorrow.
it's been a year. how quick was that!
i STILL remember....
the first time you came to cell with long hair aiyoh.
and then i saw you at lygon the next day. i barely recognised you. and you concluded i wasn't exactly the friendliest person around.
somehow we all met up after jumpstart.
what followed was a cascade of badminton, tennis, coffee, bridge, meesiam (ha!), jon, phonecalls, sofia's, penang coffee house, me and angie's bday after-party at my place, library, angie, kl, murni's, mango special, 3-in-1 shake, squeezing 4 in yuchun's guest room, singapore, su's no furniture house, the FAT CAT, "what would jesus do??", busride from siglap to queensway, siglap to jurong west, angie, "chad! faster go home! angie's online!", angie, danny, danny's korkor, strike bar, summer, angie, valentine's day, chad-and-angie. :)
wah lao. i'm going to miss you lah.
await december. you're bringing me to the mamak again.
Carlton Gardens
i felt like taking a walk. but the city is so busy, it makes me sick. so i decided on carlton gardens. it's been a long time since i last went there for a walk anyway.
it must be getting warmer already, because the possums are beginning to reappear. i saw at least 20 today. and i got confronted by one. now, if you frequent carlton gardens at night, you would have noticed that possums are usually non-confrontational and generally prefer to leave humans alone. but this one possum approached me instead of running away. i thought it would go away but NO! su went from gungho to scared. i just encountered a very brave animal.
apart from possums and sueewongs, i found out that owls also hang out in the park. they do NOT look friendly at all.
so i walked...and i walked...i sang...sat on the swing.......disturbed some couples' peace.......checked out drunk medical students walking out from the ball in exhibition building.....used the park's toilet.......
and finally after 3 hours of solitude, home beckoned.
go home go home, said the cold and numb brain. but where i truly want to be, the heart knows better.
Friday, September 17, 2004
and then you begin to understand what your heart really beats for when you start scheduling your life around it, and doing things that your sane little mind would never otherwise consider.
definitely a-purpose-driven-life (think day 3, day 6) taken slightly out of context.
it's a crazy world. occupied by impulsive beings like me. being rational has never been my forte anyway - i'm living in my own fantasy.
and then when i finally snap back to reality, i realise i still have 1 more report to write. at least i've finished the longer one (*pat on my back* :P). and i drown myself with songs to convince myself to hang around in reality for just abit longer........
before i dream away again............
Because I cannot figure out a question in my report....
i blog an out-of- point entry.
i spent the whole night in warnet slotting cards into plastic slips. slot. slot slot. i managed to finish a box of about 200. that's not too bad, if you don't consider that there were 8 boxes altogether. slot. slot. slot. if you want an activity that will drive you crazy slowly but surely, this is it. slot. slot. slot.
my blood pressure is low. maybe that's why i'm so pale all the time. it only took my partner 2 attempts to measure my blood pressure before i felt giddy. thank goodness the rest of the experiment involved only one subject, and the other will do the measurements. of course poor partner-of-su ended up being the subject. i took more than 20 measurements of her blood pressure....if i were in her shoes, i would have collapsed on the ground by the 5th attempt. anyway i'm glad they assigned partners in physio pracs. that way i get to talk to some of these people that i have never talked to although i see them everyday. lou and i must be the most antisocial people in biomed: sitting in a corner, going in and out of lectures in a flash. zoom. blah.
it's a lousy time of the night. i am so hungry. but cannot eat -__-
just 1 more day
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Disappearing Act
i suddenly find myself with too many contact hrs and too many reports to finish this week. plus coming to a sudden realisation that my tests/exams are drawing near and i need to start really soon to be able to complete the 72-lecture subject in time. aiyar. im beginning to sound kiasu. which is fine. it's how a biomedee shld sound anyway. :P i'm just digging my own grave here.
ooo and how can i forget. i have to choose a stream soon. and i don't know what to do. ya, some say "go with your heart, choose what you like to do. even if it isnt what people say is good". what if, just WHAT IF, i don't like anything that is offered to me. *thunder and lightning* then again, i don't really know what i like anyway. hum.
and what if the stream you may be considering offers subjects that involves 5 to 6 hours (each session!) of practical. what would you do?
and i need to find something to do during summer. im tempted to give cny a miss again. it wasn't that bad after all. my sister is going to rip me apart for dumping her in burning, no air-con batu gajah alone again.
i want to join the nike 10km run. even though i can barely complete 2km now.
i want to disappear from the face of this earth right now.
quote: "... your skin can detect warmth...and coldth....*silence* or whatever you call that." -- A/Prof Bornstein.
(you know you need to sleep when you have to edit the same blog entry 5 times to remove typos)
Monday, September 13, 2004
Deep Vein Thrombosis
that's the scary disease you get if you take economy class flights.
ok. maybe not just economy class flights...but basically it happens when you sit down for too long without're dehydrated...your blood is clots somewhere in your travels up to your heart...and then you die!
hum. it sounds like you can get that during lecture.
i was paranoid. i was thirsty, the seats were cramped, i felt an ache in my feet travelling upwards. i thought i was going to die from DVT as a result of sitting in a 1 hr lecture.
and then if that really happened, i would have been able to make a scene in the education department of the australian government. that is if im still alive.
but a pity.
im still here.
i think biomed is not a healthy (no pun intended) stream. i mean, you'd end up walking around thinking of what's the next thing you're gonna die from.
today, we learnt about drugs that can treat obesity.
andrew: oh my goodness, i'm obese.
su: can u pls. you so do not have a BMI that is >30.
andrew: lingshan, can u pass the cookies please???
so much for obesity.
did you know that the relative risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes increases by (approx) 5 times (i think. can't be bothered to consult the lecture notes) if your BMI increases from around 20 to 24. how scary is that? BMI 20-25 is supposedly the healthy range. of course, there's no need to go starve yourself so that you'd end up a 20, because there's always the genetic factors as well. but it's just a thought to chew on.
i've been having very morbid dreams lately. not good.
su's back in the habit again.
Sunday, September 12, 2004
I Found It!
i refer to my "irrelevant thought" in an earlier post about men and moodswings. so they DO get syndromes similar to girls. AND, they do not know why yet. who said females were unfathomable?
(taken from The Age)
Blokes get into the (mood) swing of it
September 12, 2004
A new study puts the men into premenstrual tension. By Kirsty Scott.
Those monthly mood swings, long considered an exclusively female affliction, may not be as gender-specific as once thought. Men, say researchers, can get premenstrual tension, too.
A study by psychologists from the University of Derby, England, suggests that men may experience cyclical symptoms similar to, or even worse than, those suffered by premenstrual women, including moodiness, discomfort and loss of concentration.
Everything, it appears, apart from the bloat.
The researchers asked 100 men and women to answer questions relating to seven types of symptoms usually attributed to the menstrual cycle.
"We were stunned when the men started reporting suffering from all the traditional PMT (pre-menstrual tension) symptoms," said Aimee Aubeeluck, who presented her findings to the British Psychological Society's annual conference in Edinburgh on Friday.
"They got unusual headaches, had severe mood swings and reported losing concentration at certain times of the month.
"To be honest, we still haven't managed to come up with an explanation for what causes it. But there has been previous research that suggests we all have natural internal biorhythms and the male symptoms could somehow be caused by that.
"It could be that we all have these cyclical changes in our moods and that it is completely coincidental that women also menstruate cyclically. Because men don't have periods, they simply dismissed those cyclical symptoms as being caused by other outside factors."
The men and women taking part in the study answered 47 questions relating to pain, concentration, behavioural change, physical reactions, water retention, negative feelings, arousal and control.
Men completed the questionnaire once while women completed it on three separate occasions over one menstrual cycle. On average, the men scored higher on all of the sections except water retention.
Dr Aubeeluck said she hoped to carry out more research on men to discover if they suffered PMT symptoms at specific times of the month, like women.
- Guardian
A Diamond is Forever
yea, more like to pay for a diamond from tiffany n co is to work forever.
this must be (almost) every girl's dream come true.
The Mum is Back in Action
ya she sure is. i just got news that she's competing in the singapore open (the sport's bowling btw) again. hoho! it's been a looong time. the last time was like years back when she hit a perfect game? which was when i was still in primary school, because i remember finding out about my mum's feat over a pay phone in the school canteen. handphone? what's that.
so now she's back to training. with a heavy ball. which is a great deal. because if you have seen my mum, she's pretty petite. i mean, apart from some weight that women generally put on after childbirth, she is small. think size 4 feet and skinny fingers. i cant even fit her wedding ring on my pinky. (ok so maybe i cant fit ALOT of ppl's rings on my pinky because my fingers r fat. but you get the idea) but, DO NOT be fooled. i once wore a pink tshirt that said "if u think im cute, you shld see my mummy". i ought to change it to "if u think i'm strong you should see my mummy". i carry a 12 pound ball. she is now using a 14 pound. no shit. you do not want to mess with her, her bicep on her right arm is so big (from training last time) my sister says it looks like a dead rat under the skin. she's one of the only mummies i know who can swing my luggage (my luggage ALWAYS exceeds 30kg) freely up and down. wait. she's one of the only people i know who can do that.
i wonder what ernie will think if she attends his kickboxing lesson. oof.
of course, now she's back in the veteran's game instead. i can't remember what age group that is. ok maybe i do. because it's the first yr that she qualifies for the vet group. but i shall pretend i do not remember so as not to disclose any sensitive numbers.
it is a good thing. i mean, who can compete with those youngsters nowadays. tsktsk. and i reckon it's more fun now that she gets to play with her ex national teammates (whom i assume have joined the vet ranks too), instead of teenagers the age of her daughters. hiakhiak.
so exciting.
im so proud of my mummy.
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Spring Cleaning
how apt considering it IS spring. this is the first time in weeks that i actually have a weekend free. i originally intended to just laze around the whole day in bed...yea i was really just rolling around in bed staring into space. but mich and joey motivated me to pack my room. so the 3 of us just buzzed around the house, in and out of our rooms with plastic bags full of thrash....passing around our pet, the vacuum cleaner, singing away to feel-good music as we pack pack pack away.
i can almost smell the holiday. the worst 2 weeks of my semester is about to end. only 11 lectures, 1 tute, 2 pracs and a CAL to go. hum.
the pastor last night used really pretty pictures from here. this is one i ripped off the site
WHAT in the world is going on in everyone's minds recently? Yes, i'm talking about you, you and you
6am and i'm feeling queasy
Friday, September 10, 2004
she turned 19 today (10 Sept). so for my dear housemate....
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Lost in....
angela? this sounds strange but i'm counting down the days before you leave for london because it feels like you're leaving me. not like we're not apart already, but london's strange. and foreign. if it's even possible, i'm going to....miss you even more..?
and hello, who are you? i dont know you anymore. please cover up, because the ugly side of you is showing already.
one year on. what are you doing this september holiday? what will i be doing.
i have a korean language exchange partner.
did you know. you cannot smoke while you're on the pill. (yes. contraceptives) it's a deadly combination.
and did you know that people pump soap up their butts as a form of laxative. stick to good ol' fibre.
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
What's New
standard routine. same people i see. same food i eat. same places i visit. same music i listen to. people beginning to talk abt the same stuff. say the same things. standard lingo. everyday, every week. mundane.
i'm getting bored. i cannot breathe.
i cannot get myself to school these days. help. somebody get me out of bed, the alarm clock's not working.
give me a reason to wake up each day.
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
I Like to Throw My Weight Around
met ernie with gie today for a session of kickboxing.
punch punch punch
ernie: "why your face so angry ah? how many faces are you imagining?"
hur hur not many. just abt 20? haha
kick kick kick
ernie: "don't kill me pls..."
it's fun to throw your weight around. especially when you're stressed.
but tiring. very very tiring.
highly recommended
i'm done with my patho mid sem, so im officially free....for now. :) still aching and slight bleary eyed from the ski trip and studying but it's all good.
so here's a report of what happened over the weekend.
On thursday night, we (me, lou, viv, eve) and a whole busful of erm mostly msians set off for fallscreek and the journey took 6 hrs. blah. part of the original plan was snowboarding for me and skiing for the other 3 girls. but i suggest that you don't try snowboarding if you have flat feet or weak arches because it hurts like mad and i hated snowboarding. so badly. i changed to skiing the next day. but i had to give myself a bit of credit for lasting the whole snowboarding lesson in the morning....tumbling, sliding and rolling around with teary eyes from the pain (not forgetting the misery that came with being separated from the skiiers). i slammed my chin into the ice/snow and now i have a graze which looks like a chocolate smudge. bah. haha so we obviously didnt last very long on the slopes because we were all SO tired and SO hungry from the bus ride (yea we started right after getting off the bus) we just nua-ed the rest of the day away. hurhur. it's different when u do it in the mountains with fullview of the snow ok.
the next day was so much more fun. (after i changed the board to skis) hohoho.
![]() Monday, September 06, 2004
It's a Woman's World
i intended to go to bed without blogging tonight because i just got back from fallscreek and im aching all over. buttttt i couldnt help myself. i just had to blog about this article. it's true, it's not just good men that are disappearing from the face of this's men in general. hoho.
anyway special mention to angie and chad...for driving kong ba pao (it is so yummy. burp) over just now because i was starving. and of course i was also craving chinese food due to the total lack of it during the ski trip. but more abt that tmr. i need sleep.
Thursday, September 02, 2004
before i go...
ok, vodka mixed with water is so gross it's not funny. AND, it makes you pee....alot. me and fanne churned out a phenomenol amount of pee.....
and i tripped twice in the library, almost fell in the tram and stepped on 2 guys' so clumsy. yes, i was completely sober. well, almost.
we're setting off from the gelati shop for fallscreek tonight at 2am. i just finished packing. i think the 4 of us are bringing enough food to feed an army for a week. hrm. there's almost more food than clothes! :P
i don't know why i feel as if im going somewhere far for a very long time (im mad. it's not like im going back to singapore). and then i feel as if i have to say my goodbyes. : im even beginning to miss the people who are not going! i think i really need professional help ;)
oh did i mention bun joined the webcam club? :D
su: tmr's prac easy or not?
lou: ya
lou: you only need to pee
lou: n measure pee.
haha. so all i have to do is drink 1ml/kg of body weight of smirnoff vodka and 7ml/kg of body weight of water. and pee. by the end of the practical i'll be bloated and tipsy. what kind of practical is this.
i didnt realise im going skiing tmr. (sorry rach! :p u can join me next time)
my face is getting SOO round. angela says the face is generally not very fat. but then *pinchhh* apparently not mine. too much cakes in a week. too much food in a day. which explains why i can't bear to look in the mirror and walked out of home today dressed funnily. it was just one of those days when you think you don't care how you dress and then regret totally once you step into school. walk fast, don't look around for people you know, zoom to class, zoom back to home. i could just hear eve screaming "your clothes tak match lor!" in my ear. *shudder*
kickboxing, gie? argh
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