Sunday, September 12, 2004
I Found It!
i refer to my "irrelevant thought" in an earlier post about men and moodswings. so they DO get syndromes similar to girls. AND, they do not know why yet. who said females were unfathomable?
(taken from The Age)
Blokes get into the (mood) swing of it
September 12, 2004
A new study puts the men into premenstrual tension. By Kirsty Scott.
Those monthly mood swings, long considered an exclusively female affliction, may not be as gender-specific as once thought. Men, say researchers, can get premenstrual tension, too.
A study by psychologists from the University of Derby, England, suggests that men may experience cyclical symptoms similar to, or even worse than, those suffered by premenstrual women, including moodiness, discomfort and loss of concentration.
Everything, it appears, apart from the bloat.
The researchers asked 100 men and women to answer questions relating to seven types of symptoms usually attributed to the menstrual cycle.
"We were stunned when the men started reporting suffering from all the traditional PMT (pre-menstrual tension) symptoms," said Aimee Aubeeluck, who presented her findings to the British Psychological Society's annual conference in Edinburgh on Friday.
"They got unusual headaches, had severe mood swings and reported losing concentration at certain times of the month.
"To be honest, we still haven't managed to come up with an explanation for what causes it. But there has been previous research that suggests we all have natural internal biorhythms and the male symptoms could somehow be caused by that.
"It could be that we all have these cyclical changes in our moods and that it is completely coincidental that women also menstruate cyclically. Because men don't have periods, they simply dismissed those cyclical symptoms as being caused by other outside factors."
The men and women taking part in the study answered 47 questions relating to pain, concentration, behavioural change, physical reactions, water retention, negative feelings, arousal and control.
Men completed the questionnaire once while women completed it on three separate occasions over one menstrual cycle. On average, the men scored higher on all of the sections except water retention.
Dr Aubeeluck said she hoped to carry out more research on men to discover if they suffered PMT symptoms at specific times of the month, like women.
- Guardian
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