Saturday, September 18, 2004
Cycle, Cycle, Cycling Home
lou and i attempted to go on a night cycling trip.
we then decided to visit a few of our friends - those located on bouverie and king st.
push push push out of our apartment. tires flat. -__- so we stopped by 7-11 petrol kiosk to pump.
cycle cycle cycle to bouverie st. lou's handle came loose. -__- asked everyone possible but none had a spanner. thank you to vee chan for driving over with his car's spanner...but it was 1.5 inches in diameter. not 1.5cm. (think murphy's law: Anything you try to fix will take longer and cost more than you thought.)
thank goodness we later found a man who had a spanner in his boot (i know it sounds dodgy...but we were desperate! *raise eyebrow*)
cycle cycle cycle up la trobe st to king st. pant pant pant
i never ever want to cycle on la trobe st again. it goes up and down. and when you think you're beginning to have fun...the road goes uphill again. (think murphy's law: If you're feeling good, don't worry, you'll get over it.)
on the way home...we gave up and dismounted. back to push push push....
(did you know that murphy was an optimist?)
my thighs are so sore. huff puff.
and then theng's words came back to mind: "cycle?? just stick to partying!" aye.
ah ha ha. how will we ever survive the nike 10 km run? time to train. cycle cycle cycle.
back home....
the girls had dinner last night. i am awfully jealous. because i was not physically around to find out that the singles are finally outnumbered. -__-
and then i've managed to catch up with people whom i have not talked to for the longest time. BIG HI to sherry and nicole.
conversations with theng (my cousin) are making me look forward to a trip back to malaysia this december. she's going to take me out. right? *blink blink* :D but before that, pls practise driving. :P i said hi to my granny on msn because she was over at theng's place. which is so strange. you don't usually associate 80 yr old grannies with erm. technology.
ho-hum. subang here i come!
if there's anything that will bring me back here during summer. it would be the fact that angela's leaving for london. already. the holiday's not going to be the same. she's not a 15 min walk away anymore. (bollocks! haha) >< pls mail me. i wonder how your roomie will be like.
chad's leaving tomorrow.
it's been a year. how quick was that!
i STILL remember....
the first time you came to cell with long hair aiyoh.
and then i saw you at lygon the next day. i barely recognised you. and you concluded i wasn't exactly the friendliest person around.
somehow we all met up after jumpstart.
what followed was a cascade of badminton, tennis, coffee, bridge, meesiam (ha!), jon, phonecalls, sofia's, penang coffee house, me and angie's bday after-party at my place, library, angie, kl, murni's, mango special, 3-in-1 shake, squeezing 4 in yuchun's guest room, singapore, su's no furniture house, the FAT CAT, "what would jesus do??", busride from siglap to queensway, siglap to jurong west, angie, "chad! faster go home! angie's online!", angie, danny, danny's korkor, strike bar, summer, angie, valentine's day, chad-and-angie. :)
wah lao. i'm going to miss you lah.
await december. you're bringing me to the mamak again.
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