Sunday, February 29, 2004
Currently bobbing to WHAT CHU WANT by J WESS PROJECT *bop*
just took a loong....LOONG...walk in the PARK with....
lou (who were u expecting?)
it was a whole 1 hr of sharing and just talking about serious stuff that we've probably nv talked abt before. what she has said pointed out the guilt ive been hiding (or have been trying to hide) in the past mths.... just really got me thinking abt how im living my life and how im a hypocrite. my actions and thoughts always contradict each other (negatively) and this is just something that ive been trying so so hard to change. i can safely say that ive changed quite a bit from last time.....but it just aint enough...cuz every small action counts. every mean thing ive said or done is still a sin. and what do i do about it? continue sinning.
its not gonna be easy. but i have faith. i ask for forgiveness
[by the way...tip for all ur lOOOoooOOovers out there...carlton gardens is a really good place to pak tor at night. its really deserted...and dark...but still bright enough to see each others' faces (in close proximity *wink*) a few rounds around the park is therapeutic and will prob do ur relationship good] *wink wink wink*
Saturday, February 28, 2004
my jiejiewong is getting married soon. she's registering at the ROM on April 23 and her meimeiwong cannot be there. her meimeiwong is stuck in melbourne and meimeiwong is very sad. :( but thankfully her wedding dinner (which is way more exciting) will be next yr when meimeiwong is around. i guess she cant do without a bridesmaid anyway. hohoho. meimeiwong is very excited. and meimeiwong will start losing weight in the middle of this yr to fit into a pretty dress next yr. u guys wanna help me? its mission get-meimeiwong-into-a-dress *grins*
ehhhh my principles of genetics PANGSAI lah :( gotta buck up buck up buck up yay! jiaYou jiayou jiayou *wink*
on a more positive side
I DID NOT STALL THE CAR AT ALL TODAY muaaahaaahaaaaa victoria roads here i come *vroom*
im at work again and im looking forward to rich mahal tonight *slurp* im bored and the only person im talking to is jus. who is a few comps away -__-
Friday, February 27, 2004
what am i to do abt my tagboard *wail*
oh yes check out my new additions (under the links section over there -->) andri and yuchun's blogs
will update u guys when i add more :D
my rowing pix are out!!!!!! click here to check out. its quite happening. it was the last day of our rowing we kinda had a 3 races to be exact. and my team won all threee. muaahaahaa *Flex arms* we're strong. lol. anyway enjoy! ;D
so many many things happening i dunnoe where to start blogging from.
had yuchun's farewell thing today and it just seemed until, of cuz, i found out he's coming back in april for graduation. CHEY! i thought he's nv ever ever nv ever ever ever ever coming back again *wail*. but no. my feelings got cheated. muaahaa. well at least theres something to look forward to *big grins* will upload the pix soon ya. :D
i wish i could play the piano. cuz whatever joey is doing to the keyboard sounds good *envious*
it was SO HOT today but amidst the sveltering heat i managed to get myself an adidas tracksuit and nike sandals *very pleased look* i really really gotta work hard the next 2 days to get my money back man....:P
so sleepy sleepy sleepified. but my hair is so wet wet wet so wet. aiyar.
looking forward to:
1) tmr's o-nite
2) sat no-more-hsewarming nite. goin to rich mahal instead. muahahaaa roti here i come.
3) sch reopening (siao ah. ya siao.) o have i mentioned i got a PANGSAI timetable. too much too much. too many gaps :( no more allocate :((
Passion of the Christ
watched that last night. on opening night. many asked how i found it. and i really didnt know what to say..... who am i to judge how good it was? for the plot came from the greatest story ever told...... maybe we could comment abit on the acting. but considering the fact that we all left the cinema teary-eyed.... im sure not one of the actors was actually ACTING....but was truly expressing their emotions. how can anyone not be moved by such a great love that no one is capable of but Jesus?
well. it was refreshing to see the gospel pop up at me like that.
go watch.
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
when i leave melbourne can idare say that "I am already being poured out like a drink offering. and the time has come for my departue." have i fought the good fight and have i finished the rcae? worse still, when i die do i dare go up to God and ttell him that in the face...and expect a crown of righteousness. no way. for i know i have done so many things so unworthy and so undeserving of His many things that He has forgiven me for..over and over again. [2 Timothy 4:6-8]
yc is leaving soon...for good and reality hasnt really sank in yet...:S teaches me not to take things for granted and assuming its everlasting presence. have u taken ur friends for granted recently? time to reflect. have u taken God for granted recently? He's always there. but are we?
just spent the whole night chatting with lou. i feel like a part of a threesome on a holiday in a little chalet.....spending nights up in our pyjamas just talking and wasting time. thats what hsemates are for hey?
anyway our club (u know what club) is shrinking day by day and very soon lou will be joining the dark side as well. hehe. (ok maybe not that dark lah) im sure. with much effort. we'll accomplish our mission. right lou? and dont u worry abt me. i'll just hang around the club alone and dominate the world myself. muaahaahaa i can finally get rid of competition ;D
hmm. i went to bed with a headache almost 5 hrs ago and got up 3.5 hrs ago cuz of a phone call. cant sleep until now. i can feel my headache coming back.....
currently on my desktop : paul frank's clancy with a big fat frown. it looks as grumpy as me. well, almost. check out little clancy here
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Just read Yuchun's blog. The whole singapore/msia thing is..i must say... too hyped up.
personally i dont think singapore is in any way better than malaysia (or vice versa). and im not saying that cuz i was born msian cuz i was brought up singaporean and am. almost 100 per cent singapore. i reckon its just abt being open minded and accepting the fact that these 2 countries are very very different countries with cultures that are worlds apart (despite what people think. it doesnt mean that the 2 countries are the same just because they r next to each other. and yes. we are next to each other.....singapore aint in china...) isn't it as stupid as saying "my red bag is redder than your blue bag" it just doesnt work that way cause u cannot compare 2 things that are completely different.
bah. waste time. waste effort. too much conflict. loving both singapore and malaysia still.
certainly. this issue aint big enough for so many blog posts.
we went clubbing a couple of nights ago....and took a few here to view them. oh ya also some pics from today when we were lepak-ing at greco's. with 3 huge slices of cakes in front of my nose...i struggle not to be tempted...but finally caved in and took 1 bite of the stupid chocolate cheese cake that was oh-too-yummy (not to mention oh-too-fatty) anyway was looking at my old pics and it was like goodness gracious me (says it with a little shake of the head) im soOOoo fat now. horrors of horrors. lucky its taibox time tmr...
im really really really BOOOREEEED i cant wait for the end of this week when more things are WORK, OCF, HOUSEWARMING (yay!) gotta hunt for a fridge asap and its major cleanup time. gotta clear everything before our housewarming paarteee *panic* we still need so many a new frying pan, knives, chopping board and cutlery *hint hint* kekekeke. ok fine. dont need to go to all the trouble...but if u do have extras and would love to donate. pls do. *blink blink blink* :D
looking forward to the opening of passion of the christ....movies anyone?
Sunday, February 22, 2004
today is domesticated day. think i got more of a workout scrubbing the toilet floor than playing tennis for an hr and a half. (my lousy second finger still hurts :() anyway with our very limited resources (we still haven gotten a fridgeee!!!!) we managed to churn out an omelette, tuna pasta bake and butter chicken. (hehe realise everything is not perishable. oh other than the chicken that joey just got today. and of course...has to be finished by today...) not too bad a dinner hey? (say yummm...) anyway im starving starving starving....................:| and im really really bored cuz i realised theres really nothing to do when i have no sch. ya. got no holiday complain. got holiday complain. keke. oh well. at least there'll be a nice movie on tv tonite....looking forward to sch reopening! for now.
Saturday, February 21, 2004
"You know, everytime i hear the song "you bring out the best in me, like no one else can do", i think of you? i realised that the fundamental difference b/w you and everyone else is that when im around u, im the happiest and most at ease. you're prob the only one i can never get pissed off with...." - Angela Xu
just received a letter from angela. and what she said really made me tear. cuz just when i thought that im losing everything that ive been familiar with... God reminds me of all the blessings that He has so graciously given to me....
and suddenly everything that ive been thinking about or been upset about seems so unimportant and so insignificant compared to all the beautiful things i have been blessed with....
gotta start sorting freaky-ol-me out for its time for some lovin' in this world baby.
Friday, February 20, 2004
NO MORE EXAM! yay...check out what i had to go thru before my paper ended.....
1) sprained my ankle while WALKING to the exam venue. thank goodness for nutella bread...i didnt faint, just felt abit giddy thats all
2) halfway thru the paper...MY NOSE STARTED TO BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEED! the exam was held in a lab so thankfully there was kleenex nearby. got stares from viv and lou. think i would have burst out laughing if i caught their eye
3) the lousy paper was tough tough tough. oh well at least i think i'll pass
nonetheless. its OVER! keke. :D
walked around the city after our paper....we went into cotton on and saw this guy dj-ing away in the middle of the shop. so we were like oh cool! continue shopping anyway. later, this salesman hopped onto the platform in front of the dj and started dancing away. crap. it was horrendously er xin. hahaha. im mean but hey. it really was quite bad. didnt help that the jackets we were looknig at was right in front of the platform *frown* (by the way gie, this is the guy who looks like SAM.....if u remember that ABC salesperson from cotton on...........hehe) his colleague conveniently told us he's single....and that we could join him on the platform...............thanks. but no thanks. got our jackets. and left as quick as we could
on a more serious note. 2 articles have appeared on the ST (yest and today) abt Singapore's rising biomedical industry. by 2010, the industry output would be a whooping $20 billion....along with the 10 000 jobs for *knowledge* workers and the setting up of those oh-so-famous companies ala glaxosmithkline, mercksharpanddhome and pfizer (if i ever work in pfizer....maybe i could get a discount on viagra for u guys...?) its pretty encouraging i suppose considering ive always been unsure of my decision to do biomed as compared to dentistry or law or something way more fanciful and prob more prestigious sounding. well. at least it puts me back on track towards my goals that i have become a stranger to.
why do u think i dont wanna go to msia to work ?
my internet is FINALLY working....and im FINALLY online. been so deprived i cant rem how it feels to be connected to the rest of the world again
my paper's tmr. i ought to sleep soon...but just gotta get some stuff off my mind first before i can actually sleep properly. dont think thats possible for now. maybe 10 mins later. ya. can.haha goodnite wish me luck
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
sitting alone at angie's:
not feeling very happy tonight. i dont know why. prob the thought of having a paper in just a few days turns me off. along with the frustration of not being able to work out the tute questions....and then comes the distractions from this little daydreaming mind of mine....crap.
singing along to a couple of sappy songs on angie's comp. just staring at the screen. dunnoe what i shld do now *look around* wanna attempt the tute questions that i got wrong. but just cant get down to doing that in such an unfamiliar environment...doesnt help that i need my notes/textbook. crap. maybe i shld just TRY.
oh here we go. ai wo bie zou. *hums*
no one's online. no one to talk to. my handphone not with me. left it in chad's car. no one to call. was so bored just now so decided to call angie to crap but then i dunnoe how i ended up here instead. which is good actually cuz i needed to check my tute answers. anyway turned on the tv and theres nothing to watch. aint my hse so theres nothing to eat. oh wait. even if i were at home there's still nothing to eat.
ok. im just complaining and complaining.
shaking my big fat bum to... superstar! i dunnoe what it issss that makes me feeeel like thissss i dunnoe who you areee but u must be some kinda SuuUUpeersstaaarrr *screeeeech*
i love tai box!
im driving later
and im feeling too lazy!
now i noe why they always say find bf with car
to drive u around
cuz driving can be so leeyyy cheyyy. :|
no manual cars for me. i think.
im lonely. no one is at home...wheres everyone?!!
i better get my ass down to studying soon
real reeal soon
Monday, February 16, 2004
gie i was just reading ur blog and yes u did scare me when u said u were crying. but i can understand now too....cuz i felt like that when i read the song lyrics of finally found....felt my heart totally melt and watever left of emotionless-su (emotionless today at least) ooze out. hurhur
good stuff girl!
its test day again! and im in the law library waiting for tute to start at 12nn. it was a really good weekend...ever since yuchun and chad came back (along with our new friend jeremy :D) we've been doing all the fun things again....going to boba (too many times) playing tennis, goin to church tog and just hanging out like before. yay. makes exam preparation a tad more fun :D so although its test day. i sound awfully happy and maybe just abit insane..walking around grinning like an idiot. maybe cuz im so so happy for CHAD AND GIE that i cannot help it. seriously. :D u guys wouldnt believe HOW happy i am. hrm. its alright i'll just remind u 2 everyday hehe. ;D
dont feel like working today. wanna just go home and lepak. but i cant. gotta earn that bit of money cuz ive been spending so much. after today its time to get down to some serious studying....exams on friday and cant afford to screw up. no time to think about unimpt things. but i cant help it sometimes. i have a mind of a daydreamer.
got some issues to meditate on *om* but i'llget over it :D
oh happy day!
Saturday, February 14, 2004
Happy Valentine's Day
:D and im sitting here in mario's office with shanna. what a GREAT way to spend vday...doesnt help that it is so warm and i feel like im roasting. nonetheless feeling all CHEERY today cuz its a beautiful day with many couples out there holding hands, flowers, chocs and looking absolutely haaaaappyyy *float* not like im one of them. cuz here i am not holding flowers, chocs, hands but more like holding staplers, choppers, scissors and hundreds of ADSL brochures. but the feeling around here is just so good...despite all the breakups ive heard about in the past 2 weeks (and witnessed my own corridor) hrm. looking forward to finishing work so that i can go out for dinner with the rest...its quite weird intruding on some people's privacy (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE keke) but its all good. i'll just hide somewhere with the rest...try blending into the background hurhurhur. have to emphasise again on how warm im feelin right now :|
i finally got my BATTERY! yaY. thanks chad. its snappity snap time again for me and lou. :D will CONTINUE to take those forbidden pix that yuchun cannot see. MUAHAAHAHAA :D
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
im working now and theres no one in the cafe. oh ok someone just walked in. but u get the idea. 2 comps occupied. 1 customer. the other 2 taken by mario and andri. hahaha. it was really crowded just now and i felt more useful...but currently just staring into space waiting for something to do. when ive got no internet i can think of so many things to do. but when i actually get the chance to be online and get connected for like 5 hrs. my to-do-online list suddenly blanks out to a mere *check email* which i have done probably a million times in the past 3.5 hrs. yea. so its 1.5 hr more to go with i dont know what to do. hrm. taking things for granted as always.....nv appreciating the presence of stuff until its gone gone gone *boohoo* ok. yes. boredom does this to u. got rowing tmr and aint really looking forward to it. its all fun when i get down to rowing...but goin there alone and not being able to really talk to the rest (reckon im the youngest) does alot to the motivation. doesnt help that its gonna rain tmr. oh well. see how it goes :D
im so bored!! and i feel like shitting
i haven been online forever!!!!:S no internet for the next couple of weeks. just moved into our new place and there isnt even a phone line. BAH! feel super lost and deprived. thats when mario's internet cafe come into place. lucky im working. get to use unlimited net for 5 hrs tmr. kekeke. anyway the moving that day was disastrous
1) the movers changed the timing from 2pm to 4pm to 5pm and finally arrived and started the job at 6.15pm :|
2) we originally planned to move for 2 hrs 1oo bucks....but i dont know why they took so long and we ended up with 4.5 hrs
3) got scolded at our old hse by some resident cuz we were moving after hrs. but we really couldnt help it cuz the movers were so irresponsible and missed the timing
4) got scolded and threatened by the security guard at the new place for moving in also after hrs. he wanted to call the police ;( lucky he just let it go and let us move the stuff fromoutside thru the carpark, thru a few doors and up the lift to our apartment. AS FAST AS WE CAN. so we had to engage help from 10 ppl (including ourselves of course)
anyway the whole process of moving costed me the whole day from morning till night like 11pm. and also costed me both lunch and dinner. i was tired, grumpy and definitely starving (not to mention dehydrated) at the end of it. but its all good now as we're slowly settling in....
had a test today....and quite proud of myself that i managed to do work amidst the whole moving nonsense. told myself i must buck up after the last week....hmm... think the big study table is very motivating haha.
anyway in old hse now waiting for my laundry to dry and its taking forever. once i leave this place in a while i'll be internetless again
vday coming and im working. prob goin clubbing that nite. what a great way to spend vday. with so many dates. hurhur
chad and yuchun coming back soon! ;D
taking this opportunity to blog as much as i can. :D
Thursday, February 05, 2004
found a patch of blood on my pillow this morning. i first suspected it was my nose. then i remembered that was infected my earhole....lo and behold! it was my earhole. which is much better now although its still caked with dried blood. ok its disgusting but it really is much less painful this way. hurhurhur. oops. anyway its the 15th day of the lunar calander. which means its the last day of the chinese new year and chinese valentines day. we're gonna have a dinner thing at vivien's tonight...shld be good.... :D
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
dramas of the day
john the mover: "ya we can give u 2 men for $50 an hr.." HUH!!!
michelle: "hello kia-...i mean nickey please..."
william hung from american idol: "i did not get pwofessional training." simon: "NO! thats the surprise of the century...."
Blog entry for Angie
just read angie's blog.
thought to myself whether im guilty of being one of her "good" friends who dont bother to look beyond the surface and know the inside her. so do i noe the real deal gie? or do i only noe the superficial u? im sorry if im one of those who didnt bother.... cuz i know myself too well....i live with the guilt of not treating my friends good enough. i know i'm not the perfect friend to many and it kills me...i judge too much and listen too little.... and i know it aint much use just apologizing ..i gotta put my words into action. and ive asked Him for help. to build better relationships with people around me. so i hope i'll be forgiven and given a second chance. cause i know i'll do better this time round.
Monday, February 02, 2004
forgot to mention that i completely screwed up today's test. but it aint THAT bad considerin i didnt exactly comeplete the paper. left many many blanks. well. no pt wallowing in self pity (tempted to but figured i shldnt) just gotta study harder for the next test :) Gotta thank God for helping me out with this. :D could have failed!
driving a manual car is no shit man. but its fun anyway. no ...i did not kill any pedestrains, cats or crashed into any other car. but at this rate im goin. i can see why no one would wanna lemme drive their car...or be in the backseat without strapping in and holding on tight. nvm. i'll be alright. i'll do well for the sake of all the fellow car-sickky ppl out there. :D there's hope in this world! kekeke
anyway ive been made a happy girl thanks to ALEX for sending me pineapple tarts, prawn rolls and hersheys chocolates. i love receiving stuff in my mail! receiving a parcel full of food from home is even better! hurhur. my frens love u too dude. lol THANKS !!!!!!
watched queer eye for the straight guy. quote of the day
"oh my gosh...his son is sooo cuteee..." complete with the gay actions and cheerleader excitement.
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