Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Just read Yuchun's blog. The whole singapore/msia thing is..i must say... too hyped up.
personally i dont think singapore is in any way better than malaysia (or vice versa). and im not saying that cuz i was born msian cuz i was brought up singaporean and am. almost 100 per cent singapore. i reckon its just abt being open minded and accepting the fact that these 2 countries are very very different countries with cultures that are worlds apart (despite what people think. it doesnt mean that the 2 countries are the same just because they r next to each other. and yes. we are next to each other.....singapore aint in china...) isn't it as stupid as saying "my red bag is redder than your blue bag" it just doesnt work that way cause u cannot compare 2 things that are completely different.
bah. waste time. waste effort. too much conflict. loving both singapore and malaysia still.
certainly. this issue aint big enough for so many blog posts.
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