Tuesday, November 29, 2005FINALLY
moved to the new blog
the oracle over at wordpress.
update. :)
Monday, November 28, 2005Almost Satisfied
t w o girls, f o u r hours of karaoke
e i g h t cups of honey water. amount of time spent pee-ing? phenomenal. ![]() i think i pulled a hip muscle from all the singing. *limp away* Sunday, November 27, 2005I Really
1. do not like madonna's new prancing-in-leotard image. it's fine if you're a cute little ballet dancer. it's thrashy when you're madonna.
2. do not understand where my mum gets the stamina to play mahjong from 2pm till idontknowwhattime. it's 12.45am now and she ain't home.
3. cannot believe i visited the bukit batok swimming complex for the first time yesterday after living in bukit batok for the past seven years.
4. liked the idea of being able to go to a pool tt is so nearby (because i normally go to one tt is too-far-away) so much, i went again today. the smell of chlorine and body lotion is bad though.
5. found alot of old pictures. there was one of me looking very very fat in sec 2 so i dug out my health booklet for interest sake. which was very interesting indeed because i found out i have been all of short sighted, long sighted and alright sighted in the past 20 years.
6. have been watching too much Discovery Travel & Living. i want to travel the world. NOW!
7. got scared of marriage when i dreamt of it last night. i didn't think i'd get scared of the whole idea of marital bliss but i.proved.myself.wrong. because i still shudder when i recall my dream. (it was interesting to know that my dream took on a certain MTV style where the groom's face was always sneakily hidden)
8. freaked out when i found out my mum did not continue subscription to starworld and axn and called 1633 today to reactivate those channels. i threw in HBO while i was at that. :P:P:P ive been very spoilt with good drama on australian television.
9. am trying to be very patient because i really do not understand why you must pick.on.every.little.thing that i do/dont do! sigh. [hello bun, autonomy blog entry identified]
10. want to eat everything in the fridge but i know i should just go to bed instead.
Saturday, November 26, 2005Some things don't change
so these were the pictures i dug out from the cabinet.
i've been karaoke-ing since young
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Friday, November 25, 2005Time Out
because nobody strangled me to death last night (read post below), i managed to spend some time tonight with sin and the other 2 lucky girls (erm girls doesn't seem appropriate suddenly ;)) heading off to bangkok tomorrow (RAHHH).
how we managed to laugh about food-dropping-on-clothes, weird-hand-actions, taste-of-water, walruses, bun's-goodol'-cactus-story, sin's-scary- we're missing out on a few who are either having exams or feeling homesick in a land-far-away-from-here. (faster come home please) hang in there dearie because your next 3 papers will be soon over and the other one should not stress over what to wear on friday night. i'm sure they'll be just fine (they because you is we. hiakhiakhiak) we need escape-from-singapore in 1 month. *tick tick tick* till then, i need to find another way to die because no one is willing to strangle me. i wish i could sink my fangs into my own neck. (it doesn't help that technology is driving me up the wall while i try to fix the slideshow for jiejiewong's wedding. on the up side, mummy and i got to look through old photos and it was really fun. my jiejie is a poser and nothing much has changed on my side since young. let me scan some and you'll know what i mean. if i could just get that damned scanner to work............. urgh. i miss john) Thursday, November 24, 2005The Wedding is Nigh
although she could have done something more exciting after her last paper than keep up with a marching sueewong, w very kindly walked around bras basah with me to look for decorationstuff for the sister.
potter was fine but i dont understand how come harry and ron are growing up to become so ugly.
there's something positively wrong with the singapore air - i'm sleepy/nua all the time. or maybe it's because by 1.30am my mum would remind me that it's really late....and that..i...should...go.......to.........bed.........
but before that, i need someone to rest palms on my neck and then at the count of 3....
squeeze hard.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005Say Hello
to my ironing mum, the new laptop (yay!) and patrick the starfish (i've been told i look like him)
thank you for patrick and the treat. dinner was great, let's do sun with moon again sometime. i need to try alot more things on the menu. (yep, no oats tonight) Tuesday, November 22, 2005Things I never thought I would say
1. i actually like beetroot+apple juice. my mum has been into juicing and im not complaining when she makes me a cup because im a sucker, a lazy sucker for that matter, for juice. celery does wonders too.
2. im sitting in my living room and im actually feeling....cold. i went for a test today and i officially have low blood pressure. not like i didnt know it before but i just didnt trust the figures when i was handling the machine myself - if you know what i mean. i think i shld do something about it because i've been feeling cold in singapore. sigh, thats just not humanly possible.(to think i mocked people who buy jackets in singapore)
can you please make my heart race? :)
3. i had oats for dinner in singapore. ack. please don't smack me.
anyhoos i visited the tailor's today to change the design of my dress and i'm pretty excited to get it on tuesday. although i think i'm still very fat (and i think my mum and everyone else think so too), whothehellcares as long as my dress is pretty. sigh.
Monday, November 21, 2005Foreign and Familiar
i think i've been kept away from real technology when i'm in melbourne.
like hello, dvd recorder? where did that come from. so we now have a dvd player in the living room that can record tv shows (!) and it has an option of storage within the player (!!) if you don't want to burn it into a dvd. the hard-disk within is 80gb. my my.
im think im going to become a couch potato - after all i've got my hands on my sister's dachangjin.
but technology aside, i think i've been spoilt in melbourne with a big bedroom. i went to our new place today and my room's tiny. i like space. i am claustrophobic and i suspect i might hyperventilate in my own room. but it's for the same reason (space and not me hyperventilating) that my parents are moving. they need a place small enough, what with absent children and a dad who flies around so often. speaking of absent children, they've even considered just putting a sofa bed in my new room and opening it up whenever im back. maybe they'd have went ahead with it if i didn't remind them i get a backache too often to be sleeping on a sofa bed. i really dont know where they get such ideas from. *flail arms*
we bought a new laptop today and i'm waiting patiently for the battery to charge up. i guess if i can be so patient with this stupid desktop, i can wait. i really can. and i'm not exaggerating when i say that this computer is motherdodgy. lou would know - she's TRIED using it before. it takes tenthousand years (and probably abit more) for me to be able to reply a message on msn. it's almost a miracle that i can blog. oh and i really should have taken a picture of my mum's face when i showed her how john looked like. she almost wanted a 20inch mac herself. i miss john.
i.need.to.sleep. because sleeping past noon is almost a sin in my mother's house, guess who STILL looks like a panda.
Sunday, November 20, 20053400 miles away
i'm glad i made it.
after a bad time at the tullamarine airport because the stupid computer system screwed up and the ground staff were getting agitated with us/me for what seems to be THEIR fault. i was about this |-| close to losing my temper when they gave me the wrong seat and were still so rude about everything.
but because people were watching and i didn't want to be labelled as THAT-hypocritical-christian-girl, i think i've exhausted all self-control (that could have lasted me a week) to stop myself from going beyond my first line of verbal abuse. sigh. i'm actually quite proud of myself for that because i've never been good with thinking-before-speaking when i'm angry (sooorrry :()
i'm beginning to think that murphy's stalking me all over again (then again, he probably never left me) i came back thinking i could pretend i'm not moving in melbourne and just shove the thought out of my head while i'm on holiday....just to find out i'm moving in singapore as well. what.a.pain. oh and if you needed to know, there has been a change of plan and we're moving to the westcoast home instead of the eastcoast one because that remains rented out. looks like you westies have no chance of getting rid of me just yet.
have i mentioned that i think im allergic to singapore. im starting to feel the symptoms (again) within 4 hours of contact with singapore air. i've moved the air purifier from the living room to mine.
i have a bad feeling my sleep-for-a-whole-day plan will not work out. my mum will probably wake me up tooearly. for brunch or something.
but it's still good to be home.
Saturday, November 19, 2005Hello, Goodbye
can someone tell me how to fix my new blog. i have no idea what wordpress.org is trying to say - so much for simple 5-step installation. i don't even know how to describe what i dont know.
aiyar. all i want to do is add my flickr badge to the new blog. *whimper*
please let me know if you can help me - i'll be eternally grateful.
ok byebye i should go to the airport soon.
So kiss me and smile for me
the presentation went alright and anything that sounds like assessment, exams and results shall be deemed vulgar. for now.
i'm attempting to pack for real.
i don't think i deserve to sleep tonight. i've booked the washing machine for the next 10 hours (sorry lou!) because i have 10 million clothes to wash. sigh.
i'm panicking.
i have this gut feeling i'll have to spend xmas here thanks to my procrastination.
less than 24 hours singapore, and see you in 3 weeks, dear melbourne.
tell me that you'll wait for me
Friday, November 18, 2005Why these girls are so important![]() they feed me ![]() and entertain me ![]() they do scare me sometimes ![]() but they also find me new ways to train my triceps. the new fourpointfive kilograms dumb bell. ![]() and because some of them are really just closet aunties like me (dig dig DIG into the pile i say!) ![]() it's a good thing there are some patient ones to watch our bags while we try on clothes. ![]() ![]() and if there's no reason at all...sometimes you just really need them.. because it's never fun to have a beer alone but most definitely, these girls are so important because they are ![]() my girls. Note to Self
ditch the 12hour-sleep plan and go for the plan that allows you to sleep-through-breakfastlunchdinner-for-2-days. the palefatpanda look is so not in.
now, the sun has to just hold.it.right.there (nooo! don't rise now!) and you have to get.out.of.my.dreams.
oh thank God my presentation's at three and not nine.
*climb into bed*
Thursday, November 17, 2005Push the Panic Button
something about being awake while the sky starts to brighten makes me panic. and because of summer, the sun is starting to rise extremely early and if not for daylight saving, we'd see a bright sky by 4.30 in the morning. (and for once, i see the absolute need for daylight saving which has been otherwise accused for stealing an hour of my precious time)
i've just finished the slides for real and have copied and pasted bits of my report as notes to each slide. i have a slight problem - i'm presenting it in front of my supervisor tmr but i havent practiced it at all and i neeeeed to because i run the risk of making a fooool out of myself in front of people who probably know-my-stuff-better-than-i-do. doesn't help that it is now *gaspcoughchoke* 5.35am and my brain has been completely destroyed by a lousy motion picture otherwise known as The Forgotten. i really do-not-like alien shows. oh, i can see the greater powers sucking me up into the milky way right now for the blasphemy.
and because i did manage to see the migration lawyer today and settle a few things...
guess who has not packed, yet.
push the big fat bright red panic button.
close your eyes. breathe.
then scream in horror.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005Over the Years
because sat's almost here and sat marks the youknowwhat (eep i dont even want to say it) of our lives together here
i shall just look back, SMILE (yes a big fat one), then move on
trinity year, in taylor's hostel
many pictures were still on film back then (hurhur) and
please don't comment on how we all looked.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sneaky
i found an old pic of us doing our dear friend a favour by taking a picture of the guy behind us. you see him you see him you see him?
that was first sem last year. :) |
![]() April 2003 May 2003 June 2003 August 2003 January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 June 2004 July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 ![]()
Summer 05/06 19/11 - 9/12 Singapore 9/12 - 17/12 Melbourne 27/1 - 5/2 Malaysia 20/2 - Dec Melbourne ![]() ![]() ![]() This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.