Wednesday, November 16, 2005Over the Years
because sat's almost here and sat marks the youknowwhat (eep i dont even want to say it) of our lives together here
i shall just look back, SMILE (yes a big fat one), then move on
trinity year, in taylor's hostel
many pictures were still on film back then (hurhur) and
please don't comment on how we all looked.
17th bdays of su (i cant believe they gave me a bubbles) and jon.
1st year, marriott apartments
the start of uni life (this pic is so old i actually have highlights in my hair. have you ever seen me with highlights?! haha before that i had virgin hair and the highlights only lasted one semester before i got sick of it and dyed it black), phos cell at orientation camp
alpha days (when onceuponatime louise stayed in a different house from su - yes you are looking at lou's rightful home here. i say rightful because she never really lived in it much - the yellow couch you see in the picture below later became her bed in my house. hey she probably got the best bed. that was one lovely couch), pewtereyeliner days (along with bridge days, suburbanmalaysianfood days, lawlibrarydays and justplainplayful days)
boba days, vivien's cs apartment days
su's 18th bday (yes that yellow couch you see right there. and if you're observant enough, you'd realise that the red cap lou's wearing looks suspiciously like chad's red cap. she
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