Friday, November 25, 2005Time Out
because nobody strangled me to death last night (read post below), i managed to spend some time tonight with sin and the other 2 lucky girls (erm girls doesn't seem appropriate suddenly ;)) heading off to bangkok tomorrow (RAHHH).
how we managed to laugh about food-dropping-on-clothes, weird-hand-actions, taste-of-water, walruses, bun's-goodol'-cactus-story, sin's-scary- we're missing out on a few who are either having exams or feeling homesick in a land-far-away-from-here. (faster come home please) hang in there dearie because your next 3 papers will be soon over and the other one should not stress over what to wear on friday night. i'm sure they'll be just fine (they because you is we. hiakhiakhiak) we need escape-from-singapore in 1 month. *tick tick tick* till then, i need to find another way to die because no one is willing to strangle me. i wish i could sink my fangs into my own neck. (it doesn't help that technology is driving me up the wall while i try to fix the slideshow for jiejiewong's wedding. on the up side, mummy and i got to look through old photos and it was really fun. my jiejie is a poser and nothing much has changed on my side since young. let me scan some and you'll know what i mean. if i could just get that damned scanner to work............. urgh. i miss john)
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