Tuesday, June 28, 2005Haven't Done It In a Long Time
haven't seen rgs in a long time
havent taken a bus from the scgs bus stop in a long time
havent taken a bus down bukit timah in a long time
all because
i havent taken a bus in a long time. i took a 190 instead of 106 (i know they look v different but somehow they looked the same to me at that time)
i did all the things i havent done in a long time.
i think singaporeans are a bunch of very socially inadequate people. i asked 2 guys for the time today and from the expression on their faces, you could have thought that i asked them to bed me. of course not forgetting the aunties at shop and save who give you a second look when you smile and say hi. which is more than enough to stop me from saying Hows It Going?
i still havent find a gown because all those that they are renting at the shop are so...i dont know. gaudy. ok that's harsh. they're just not me. my sis isn't having that same problem with her gown (THANK GOD) because the shop is tailoring one for her according to what she wants. i reckon she's happy with the gown. cuz i am. the final product seemed pretty. :)
anyway back to the bridesmaid. she's been hopping in and out of daniel yam but their dresses are just obscenely small. so it just wont do.
i'll think of something later.
i ought to go lose some weight like now. and im really beginning to believe that money can buy you beauty. seriously.
Monday, June 27, 2005Why Like That
i devoured alot of hao jian and regretted it almost immediately after doing so because i'm feeling extremely sick in the tumtum.
so i shall be boliao and do something stupid before going to bed.
49 questions....
1. Like to walk under the rain?
- you wouldn't if you knew what rain is made up of. i know, so i dont.
2. Sleep with or without clothes on?
- with. i shy.
3. Dress up on Halloween?
- no money for a nice costume :(
4. Like to travel?
- yes!
5. Like someone?
- i like many people.
6. Do they know?
- i assume they would know.
7. Who do you think is a b*tch?
- eeps. let's be friendly around here.
8. Think you're attractive?
- yea. to dust mites. i'm feeling allergic already.
9. Want to marry?
- already got the wedding all planned out.
10. Who?
- that's the problem.
11. Are you a good student?
- of course. *look around*
12. Are you involved in sports?
- urm.
13. Christmas or Halloween?
- Christmas!
14. Colored or black-and-white photo?
- coloured
15. Do long distance relationships work?
- Nah.
16. Do you believe in astrology?
- Why!
17. Do you believe in GoD?
- Yep
18. Do you believe in love at first sight?
- n.o.
19. Do you consider yourself the life of the party?
- i really dont think so.
20. Are u an outgoing person?
- uhh. no. im not a good person to talk to.
21. Do you make fun of people?
- hur hur
22. Do you think dreams eventually come true?
- WAH LAO. they better not.
23. Favourite thing to do?
- i cant decide.
24. Chocolates or Candy?
- CHOCOLATE! just pile on the endorphins.
25. Fave. person?
- ok i cant decide either
26. Favorite feature of the opposite sex?
- personality
27. Favorite food?
- just give me anything sweet.
28. How's the weather right now?
- bloody hot
29. Hug or kiss?
- both can? :)
30. Last person you talked to on the phone?
- gie
31. Last time you showered?
- too long ago :P
32. Loud or soft music?
- both. it's a weird mix around su.
33. McDonalds or Burger King?
- eeps. neither.
34. More romantic? Baths or Shower?
- why would anyone take baths and soak in their own dirt. and why in the world would a shower be romantic either.
35. Night or day?
- night or day what?!
36. Number of pillows on ur bed?
37. Piano or guitar?
- piano
38. Read or write?
- read
39. Snow or water?
- snow
40. What are you going to do tomorrow?
- gonna get myself a haircut
41. What clothes are you wearing?
- a dirty pink shirt and a pair of shorts
42. What do you drink?
- sugarcane
43. What's ur wallpaper on your computer?
- pooh and gang on a cliff
44. What's right next to you?
- doll doll
45. What's your bedtime?
- bedtime?!
46. Who do you talk to the most online?
- i cant decide
47. What would you like to say to the person you
- hi, i miss you.
48. Who do you hate most?
- i don't HATE.
49. What's your nick name?
- pls dont come up with any for me.
Sunday, June 26, 2005She's Back
i really don't understand why even though there are so many of us, we always end up taking different flights.
even when we all leave on the same day...we still take different flights.
urgh. taking a plane alone always makes me feel lonely. ok that came out quite strange. but i dont usually feel lonely when i'm alone...unless i'm on a plane. i dont know. maybe because i'm leaving a part of my life and returning to another part of my life that i've abandoned for too many mths. and then i get all teary-eyed watching dodgy movies...and even more teary-eyed when i see the singapore skyscrapers. then again it could just be pms. always blame it on the hormones.
nonetheless...i'm back in a familiar room where everything is just so in order it's making me all fuzzy inside. the marble's squeaky clean, my clothes in my wardrobe have been rearranged into even neater piles than before, clean sheets, blankie that has been air-ed in the balcony and the best bit? a tableful of new goodies. hiaks.
i'm seated before an ancient computer that is driving me up the wall. it takes slightly less than forever for something to load....and when it does like freeze up (too frequently) it'll add this extra rap-y thing to my music. hiak. speaking of which, you know that your comp is really old when you find extremely strange songs on your playlist.
murphy struck and my sim card aint working. so if you need to get me or something before i actually get to you, drop me a mail and i'll give you my home number. which is quite pointless because i don't reckon i'll be home much. but it's better than nothing i guess. oh my aircon aint working too. ok it is kind of working but whatever that is coming out of that darned thing on the wall is more pathetic than my fan. melting su.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIN. see you real soon :)
this is going to be the first night in many weeks i'm going to get unrestricted sleep. no more 3-4 hrs a night for a long, loong time.
don't wake me up.
(gown fitting tmr. crap)
Thursday, June 23, 200548 hrs. Checked In.
all my bags are not packed, i'm not ready to go
have u noticed that you get really, really busy just before u go back home?
considering it's my 7th semester in melbourne, you'd think i'd be a little wiser to start doing all that i need to do earlier.
apparently not.
ventured into the city after work today to
![]() Help Su Clear Her Debts
dear pet nit the cell (and siblings) died and got thrown out today at 5.25pm.
before i left work today my colleague told me they weren't looking too good and she'd help me grow new ones.
eve treated us to dinner tonight. pics up tmr cuz ive got sleep debts to clear.
head's throbbing and heart's feeling sluggish as if it wants to beat no more.
its 3.30 and ive got work tmr. eeps.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005I Also Got Pet
seems like a trend for everyone (click click click. see i told you it's everyone!) to adopt a virtual pet.
was in the lab today and my supervisor gave me a pet to take care
thought to myself. how convenient! i can put on my blog also...
here we go...
![]() Tuesday, June 21, 2005Life's Like a Piece of Cake
all it ever does is make me fat
nonetheless, just stuff your face the night after your exams like a slightly-happier-su. (who is apparently putting her cake so quickly into her mouth she cant even see now whether thats cheesecake or tiramisu) hiak! it feels funny to be sitting around doing nothing. i catch myself feeling guilty once in a while just to realise i'm supposed to have no purpose in life anymore. ok hang in there louvivsofvic. freedom's almost yours too. :) homebound in 4 days. mixed feelings. Stand On the Shoulders of Giants
ok so perhaps everyone knows about it already.
and i'll appear to be so outdated but i found this today and i was so intrigued by it! i mean. GOOGLE SCHOLAR??? hiak! what have i been doing all these time? looking through pages and pages of nonspecific hits (sounds like genome science :|) on GOOGLE GENERIC! scholar.google.com Pharmacology: A Short Course by S.E.Wong
antagonism: effect of one drug is diminished or completely abolished in the presence of another.
answered the questions in my exam mostly in this manner was too dazed to bother to try find the right words so figured trial and error would suffice until i get it right. something woke me up at 3 last night and i couldnt go to bed after that. i still havent figured out what on earth is keeping me out of sleep...other than the bladder. i'm still up. and i would consider taking one of lou's dozile (sitting conveniently on the dining table) if i didn't have to wake up for work at 8-ish. ok let me freedom at last. but i don't seem to feel it. Monday, June 20, 2005Pure Adrenaline
i can't believe i'm typing this at 5am...the morning before a 9.30am paper.
considering i've only accumulated a total of 9 hrs of sleep in the last 3 days...i really should be in bed now.
oh horrors.
and this time it's not even the coffee.
each time i manage to fall asleep...i'll start dreaming. and my dreams for the past 3 nights have the same theme. PHARM.
what a nightmare. (i really should stop studying in my sleep)
and when i keep my mind off pharm..it starts to wander to....other stuff....
so i think i'll just give up on trying to sleep. cause all my alarm clocks are set for 6am which aint too far away now.
when tomorrow night comes. i'm going to crash.
oh yea i am.
if i havent passed out already.
happy birthday dear vic. :)
p/s: u noe u're up at a very dodgy time when the most unlikely people start msg-ing u online. nonetheless, it's a nice change.
Sunday, June 19, 2005Nigh
doom reckons in 12 hours
freedom is imminent.
15 hours.
homebound in 6 days.
Advocate after thought Saturday, June 18, 2005Transition![]() Uhh
i get the dodgiest stuff you know.
found this in my email a few days ago:
Dear Friend,
I am Mrs. Suha Arafat (Wah. SUHA email ME!), the wife of Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader who died recently in Paris. Since his death and even prior to the announcement, I have been thrown into a state of antagonism, confusion, humiliation, frustration and hopelessness by the present leadership of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the new Prime Minister. I have even been subjected to physical and psychological torture. As a widow that is so traumatized, I have lost confidence with everybody in the country at the moment.
You must have heard over the media reports and the Internet on the discovery of some fund in my husband secret bank account and companies and the allegations of some huge sums of money deposited by my husband in my name of which I have refuses to disclose or give up to the corrupt Palestine Government.
In fact the total sum allegedly discovered by the Government so far is in the tune of about $6.5 Billion Dollars. And they are not relenting on their effort to make me poor for life. As you know, the Moslem community has no regards for woman, more importantly when the woman is from a Christian background, hence my desire for a foreign assistance.
I have deposited the sum of 21 million dollars with a Security financial firm in whose name is withheld for now until we open communication. I shall be grateful if you could receive this fund into your bank account for safe keeping and Investment opportunity. (I opened netbank yesterday to pay bills but didnt see it increase by 8 digits. seriously. my main acct has only a pathetic 3 digit amount) This arrangement will be known to you and I alone and all our correspondence should be strictly on email alone because our government has tapped all my lines and are monitoring all my moves.
In view of the above, if you are willing to assist for our mutual benefits, we will have to negotiate on your Percentage share of the $21,000,000 that will be kept in your position for a while and invested in your name for my trust pending when my Daughter, Zahwa, will come off age and take full responsibility of her Family Estate/inheritance. Please, if you are honest, I am going to entrust more funds in your care as this is one of the legacy we keep for our children. In case you don't accept please do not let me out to the security and international media (UH OH I JUST DID) as I am giving you this information in total trust and confidence I will greatly appreciate if you accept my proposal in good faith and send to me your complete personal contact information.
May God bless you and your household.
Yours sincerely,
Suha Arafat
lou was using my comp when she said
"su u got msg."
"from who?"
"i dont know how to see. but it's flashing"
i came back to my comp to see this
:: Louise :: 我的愛明明還在 ...
So before casual sex we were clear-headed, sure that we could walk away with no regrets. After sex we may suddenly feel involved, emotionally intimate whether we like it or not - and whether it's wise or not.
Result? Casual sex may simply be a bad idea for us because it can create feelings that we can't control - not to mention needs that we cannot meet.
so better think twice!! hiak.
then she says: "Oh maybe it was me."
msn would be glad to noe that someone actually reads "msn today".
Still @_@|@_@
thats the ultimate cure for ultimate frustration.
well. almost. we bought a new bottle of coffee powder today. got sucked into the advertisements and bought nescafe gold *roll eyes* you know, the do-not-disturb-the-beans one. got ambitious and probably added too much powder to my mug and i instantly became shaky. and probably too happy for my own good. hur. yes from bip...bop...bip...bop to bipbopbipbopbipbop kind of high. even the twirling of my pen got quicker. then i realised the old bottle of coffee powder which joey bought was mild roast. no wonder. anyway it's almost strong enough to convince me i can go on without sleep for 2 days. which i need to, come to think of it. pharm's going haywire. Friday, June 17, 2005Time Of Your Life![]() ![]() How Much Do You Charge?
ok just tell me now.
how much you charge to fold my clothes?! roar. just took out a(nother) pile of laundry from the dryer. so that makes 2 piles on my bed now. which sucks because laundry is finally taking over my life. the last thing i want to do after getting home from the library at 2am is to fold my laundry. at times like these i miss home. oh wait. i fold the laundry at home too. sometimes. when i get caught watching too much tv. uhh but still! >.< speaking of the library. we caught this guy digging his nose.....ok no big deal. thing is he would put his finger into his mouth after that. highly gross yet highly distracting. (it's human nature to stare ok) rachel. tell your friend i respect his laundry business MIGHTYLOADS all of a sudden. Update: ok after throwing laundry tantrum i sat down and thought about all the exorbitant quotes i'll probably get and decided to just Thursday, June 16, 2005Reasons Why I Could Actually Love Work
and this is one of them:
Hi Su,
that's fine. It will be good to see you next week, it is getting a
bit lonely in the lab!
been absent from the lab for too many weeks already.
i have only 1 more paper to the end of my second-last-exams-in-my-entire-life (I HOPE. provided nothing goes wrong with the previous 2 papers. if not this will be my third last exams. O_O)
off to the library i go!
Change is Good
you know how you can find a million and one other things to do when you're busy...but nothing to do when you're bored.
i can come up with so many funny things to get out of studying. so far my best refuge has been the shower (ive resorted to taking more and longer showers) and well...the computer obviously. decided that im bored of the old skin and changed it abit. just abit. so it didnt take me THAT long :P
the hand sign is actually british sign language for the letter s. i've forgotten (goes way back to primary sch man) most of the british sign language though it's much more interesting than the american one considering it involves both hands. but then cannot sign and eat at the same time? *raise eyebrow*
realised my picture below looks kinda bak chew tak stamp.
bak chew tak tea bag.
NOTE: apparently people can only see a PINK BOX instead of a banner on top. WHY LIKE THAT?! >.< tag me and tell me if u see it pls. :(
Wednesday, June 15, 2005Got Desperate
hurhur. desperate attempt at the eyebags.
looks like photobucket finally died and the top bit got replaced by a lousy question mark. an excuse to change it i guess. my paper today went bad. oh well. afternote: lookie here. photobucket's alive again! Then No Need Do Exam
was flipping through an old rgs exercise book to use as scrap paper. workings done in sec4 (amaths) doodling from trinity year as part of a 'hen xiang si hen men' conversation with someone while in the library.
found this in my mailbox Dear All, As you have been informed, due to a burglary, we have had to abandon the marking of the 534-301 pharmacokinetics prac. .... burglary?! in year 1 there was some break-in saga in the chemistry building (which resulted in tute and prac cancellation muaahaa). some silly guy smashed glassware and broke the fume cupboard...but that loser subsequently locked himself in the building by going up to the roof kudos to the one way firesafety doors. and now there's a burglary in the pharm lab. i do not understand why they break into labs. there aren't even cool(toxic) drugs available in STUDENT labs. hiak. nonetheless it's prob the best thing i've heard today...i couldnt exactly do that report and probably bullshit-ed half it. yay! 2.30am
another paper tomorrow
sleepy and operating on a bottle of brands essence of chicken. (even the coffee's ran out in this hse)
still trying to go strong for another 3 hours
going mad
replaced the archives just because
wish i haven't deleted a certain blog entry from march last yr because transparency died with it.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005Brr
i dreamt last night that i was back home. i was clad in just a pair of shorts and tee and walking home from 7-11 with linda (who used to work for us). was trying to recall pathology but it was frustrating trying to regurgitate dmd and muscle pathology over and over again.....esp when linda knew it better than me (what the?). woke up in the middle of the night with my blankie only half covering me. felt so cold that i reached around the bedside table for the AIRCON REMOTE just to realise i was not in my 23 deg singapore room. it's almost as bizarre as pulling a tissue out of the box when the alarm rings. oh well. havent woken up to a window looking like that in a long time. no wonder so cold.
anyhoos after 1 whole new ink refill 8 booklets a very painful finger which fingernail positively looks crooked to me 3 hours of regurgitation (and too much of 'WHY DID I EVEN TAKE THIS SUBJECT') pathology's over! :D another one tomorrow. poo.
exams start in exactly 9 hours for me.
i shall not freak out.
i shall go to bed.
i shall not think about how much i cannot remember.
i shall not cry.
Monday, June 13, 2005
"The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in him, and i am helped.
My heart leaps for joy
and i will give thanks to him in song."
Psalm 28:7
p/s: my papa shares the same birthday as the queen! :D
I'm No Coffee Girl
but i believe in the power of caffeine.
well. obviously. considering how it makes my heart beat faster.
just had: 3 cups
but still feel like i need: 7 cups
i feel like a frustrated phagocyte.
![]() Sunday, June 12, 2005
Back to DollDoll
i've decided that the day would seem to have no end and no beginning if you don't go to your bed. not just go to bed but go to the bed.
was reading my notes on the couch last nite and tried to be funny by deciding to sleep on the couch and wake up once in a while to continue reading my notes. took a nap at ard 4ish and set the alarm clock at 6am. ended up waking up at 6,7,9am...and at all times without reading my notes (rah!)......instead, each time i woke up, i had to stand up, walk around the house and crack the ACHING (!!!) back before curling up on the sofa again. figured i've come so far on the couch...so i might as well just continue sleeping in the living room or i'd never wake up once i return to my bed. (stupid or what?)
currently disoriented and panda-fied.
roar. i shall take a nap now before studying. this time im returning to my good ol' bed.
let me just put alarm clocks around the house........
oh yes. suddenly there's something very enticing about anonymity. :)
Saturday, June 11, 2005
moping around has been a trend lately.
fell asleep on the couch and in my semi-sleeping state, the mind was processing genome science. eeps!
manifestation of a guilty conscience.
so i better go study. cause it seems as if i can't sleep until after church tomorrow morning considering the rate im progressing.
double eeps!
i leave you with this quote
"i started from complete kiss idiot to jedi master"
by who else but the handsome asian version of brad pitt who does high-quality eyebrow plucking on the streets.
i wonder who was kind enough to provide the training.
Aiyar. Really Should be Studying
eve and viv are staying over...we're having some kind of study slumber party (whatever. hur) and
we were taking pictures with the timer function on the camera and we placed the camera on the marble bartop which separates the kitchen and living room.
while fidgeting with the camera lou discovered this:
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Friday, June 10, 2005
Yet Another One
someone(thing) reeked of alcohol today. (i mean, 5pm, bailieu library?! looks like i was at the right place for happenings) i sniffed in all directions but couldn't figure out who(what) it was. it wasnt there when i sat down...until THIS GUY walked past then the whole area started smelling dodgy. so i concluded it was that guy. until he walked past me again later and i realised i accused him wrongly. poor innocent guy had no smell. *shifty eyes*
oh well
we were driving down lygon when we went past fcuk with bright lights, wide opened door and best of all big big sale posters.
decided to abandon dinner for a little while and make a detour.
but by the time we parked and got to the shop, the lady was locking up already. all within the span of 4 mins O_O
i'm officially very screwed!
su's panicking now.
well, it's about time.
yield, surrender, capitulate, give in, cave in
resist, withstand, fight, combat, endure, defy, refuse, abstain, desist, restrain, fend off, forbear, refrain, eschew, shun, reject
the irony of it all?
i can think of more antonyms of succumb than its synonyms.
but in reality, when
i know i shouldn't
i do it anyway.
More Library Quirks
the girls were watching amazing race outside and i decided i still have not learnt to appreciate that show/game/whatever. reckoned i'll be better off getting rid of library-dirt in the shower.
speaking of library, i'm convinced i sit across the strangest people. today it was this girl who was so highstrung she looked like she was ripping her scarf off when she only intended to take it off. and when she couldnt get it off i positively thought she was going to scream. well, honey, please relax or you'll give me alot of trouble when you rip your neck off together with that scarf.
my ankle hurts because i almost sprained it in my room. yes. on flat ground, soft carpet.
i'm such a loser.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Different place. Same old boring stuff
decided to get a change in environment and moved out of spring st lib to bailieu lib today. and prob tomorrow. because tmr i will get the TUTE VENUE right and i will be in the medical building instead of petermac cancer institute -_-
anyhoos, we sat across a biomed compatriot who had "iamsoSTRESSEDiamgoingtoCOLLAPSEanytimesopleasedontBOTHERmeiamVERYBUSYcantyousee?!?!?!?" written across his forehead...
which got me very worried of course
since i'm not panicking like him (well not yet at least)
but i havent decided whether i was more worried for myself or for him.
note: (just when i thought 'this guy has issues' he fell asleep on the table even quicker than i could say complete my own sentence with "maybe he shld take a break")
something's just very disturbing about the way tom cruise is behaving on oprah (about katie holmes).
speaking of tommy, i just found this picture recently. i almost forgot abt it.
![]() ![]() Tuesday, June 07, 2005
I Blog Too Much
but i can't help it because i'm beginning to suspect thats all my breaks from
i received this email from my lecturer a few days ago.
and thought to myself
whoopee! tutorial! (ok i'm never THIS happy about tutes...but when you're desperate...uhh you know.)
Hullo All,
A few things:
1. I will be giving 2 revision tutorials this week, after John's
sessions, on Tuesday June 7th and Thursday June 9th, in the Peter Mac
Seminar Room on Level 4 . He will start at 12.00 and I will start
when he finishes around 1.15 pm and go for an hour or so. I will be
particularly reviewing my early lecture material.
so i did all that i needed to do..you know...wake up at 11...get dressed...reach peter mac on time (i.e. 12nn) just to find out that there wasnt even a level 4. *uhh*
i dont know about you but i find it extremely nauseating walking around (up down left right) a hospital too many times.
and i can't believe i also spent 35 mins of my life getting help from everyone from level 1 to level 3 just to find out from vivien that...
peter mac seminar room
peter mac.
got such a room meh?!
but if there's any consolation, we weren't the only ones who asked the receptionist for the seminar room in peter mac. apparently.
currently: tumtum still feeling extremely grumpy. :( pimple sitting on nose (ala rhino horn) still menacing. skin still dull. hair still out of place. in summary, macroscopic features of *su still looking bad.
it's one of those rare moments that i have absolutely nothing to do. ok i have tons to do...but considering i've decided to stop studying for the day....i have nothing to do.
one of those rare moments when i get the combination of being the last in the house to sleep...(well, in this case, there is only one other person around. who err, had some help in sleeping early to set the body clock right for her paper. but yea. sometimes there are more...depending on which part of the world i'm in), having no one else online to talk to, no newly-updated blogs to read, of having even the latest news on theage.com.au growing cold because you've read the headlines a few times since the morning.
and at times like these, i find myself refusing sleep (ok because i'm refusing sleep, i shall not complain about eyebags).
i know i should be in bed since i've decided to leave the books. my dad used to tell me very often "either study...or go and rest. don't waste time lah". one of the wisest advices i've gotten (dad's always right...right?)....wise enough for me to actually repeat it to some people lurking around this house. but of course, we never practise what we preach. well, not always at least.
then i wonder
why is it so difficult!
i've heard it so often:
eat slower, take your time in the shower, why you walk so fast?
and then i think
but why cannot!
without realising that all these just makes so much sense.
eat slower or you'll choke. take your time in the shower and enjoy the warmth of the water against your skin. walk slowly and take in the beauty of creation.
we tend to forget that people who care for you don't tell you things just because. you know these people don't mean any harm. they only want the best for you.
and i know that there's someone out there...who's telling me to slow down, take my time, stop taking things into your own hands...wait. wait and just wait.
its as clear as writing this on a bright yellow post-it:
Dear *su,
don't you know...
I don't do things according to your pocket-pc calender?
Love, God
if you thought i was going to go oooo ok, then.
you were wrong.
i'm still going to say
at times like these...i feel so small. so insignificant. so ...weak. because i can't even do something as simple as that
and then all i can do is holdfast to the fact that...He said: my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
on an unrelated note, what a pretty quote...
Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth. -Mark Twain
Monday, June 06, 2005
Instant Noodle Aftermath
i woke up alright.
i woke up waaaaay before the scheduled time.
i really want to sleep somemore.
but the bloody after-instant-noodles-stomach-ache persisted till today.
in pain and can't sleep :(
*writhe ard in bed*
This is Why I'm Still Sane
(or rather: This is Why I'm not MORE insane than I already am)
(nick altered to protect identity. i love doing this identity thing hiak)
*su: dangerous.
i hate studying
she: i'll stop the world and melt with you
me too
but i hate working more
*su: dangerous.
yea me too
so how?
she: i'll stop the world and melt with you
die lor
find a rich husband
*su: dangerous.
she: i'll stop the world and melt with you
you got better plan?
*su: dangerous.
no so far rich husband is the best plan
she: i'll stop the world and melt with you
ok good
i also say
now we must find.
when all seemed wrong
when all i could think about was microsynteny, affymetrix, illumina, BLAST, orthologs, paralogs, linkagedisequilibrium, ulcerativecolitis, tlymphocytes, immunoglobulins, thrombocytopenia, arthusreaction, myastheniagravis, cytochromep450s, ethics, clustalw, yeast2hybrid, fret, bret, emphysema, and chronicbronchitis...
with intermittent distractions such as oreo cookie, minties, australia'sbesttastingchocolatechipcookie and wandering thoughts of you, you, you, this, that, where and who....
i reached for the box in the innermost corner of my wardrobe....
the box that contained those photos...
which i now have on my door...
to remind me each day to thank God for the people around me.
and if you were wondering how to avoid oversleeping during the exam period. do it the Household for CHRIST method (uhh). we have one alarm in the living room. one in lou's toilet. a handphone in her room. an alarm and a handphone in mine. that makes a total of 5 alarms in one house ringing at the same time. and if that's still not enough...try my method. switch on all the lights, draw the blinds, turn off the heater, play music and put the playlist on repeat for the whole night. i havent switched off the lights in a week. maybe thats where the eyebags come from. who cares! as long as i wake up in time!
goodnite :)
hope we wake up.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
I'm a Hazard to myself
Repeat after me: oh my goodness
i came out of my room to return to my seat on the dining-turned-study table.
i couldn't find my black pen
and that was when she started giggling and refused to tell me what she was up to.
then she ran to the toilet...(slammed and locked the door too mind you)
MY black pen (what the?!) and a liquid paper
i could only hear scratching,
hairdryer blowing,
scratch somemore,
blow somemore
then some giggling
and this was what she came out of the toilet with
![]() Saturday, June 04, 2005
I want to go NOW
i've got a terrible backache.
and i'm feeling very bothered. :(
i'm looking forward to going to batam with sin rach n cheryl.
![]() Friday, June 03, 2005
Call me
We are really bored and unglamourous
i mean who wouldnt be.
with a book like that
![]() ![]() ![]() Wednesday, June 01, 2005
The Reopening
i've recently discovered that bailieu makes me more nervous than anything considering the number of thieves lurking around. i found myself putting one hand on my wallet while scribbling with the other. how inconvenient.
furthurmore, it's just too cold (and troublesome. my coat, scarf and bag takes up another seat) to step out of the house.
so we erm opened our library again.
open everyday, early till late.
![]() ![]()
Exam Shortcuts
my housemate dreamt that
i woke up early to play badminton with a patho lecturer...
and instructed her to prepare the blankie and the pillow because he was putting up a night in our house.
hence begins her series of dodgy dreams involving me. (why me!)
did someone ask how to get H1?
Our Bill
City West Water
Volume charges - 29 Jan 2005 to 4 May 2005
The average cost of water consumed per day for this account is $0.21
ok, either we never shower. or we never wash clothes. either way, it's so wrong. i've never been this happy to see a bill
note: speaking of dirty, i realised that i have a constant urge to brush my teeth. i have no idea why but i have already brushed my teeth twice in 1.5 hrs. probably a new manifestation of swotvac-related stress.
morphology of su:
puffy-eyed, dull skin and dry lips.
definitely not a picture-perfect sight at the moment.
anyway bun, have a gd trip. the thought that i might not hear from you until the end of august is insane. as if we're not far apart already. :| hope nature installed some technology and i'm sure you'll be just fine in the company of children. heh. :) take care please.
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