Saturday, April 30, 2005
I feel sick
gym sessions on saturday mornings?
bad idea.
uh-uh. no more.
p/s: i tried removing the remains of any eye make up this morning.....just to realise i cant...because it was really dark eye circles/eye bags.................*sulk.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Some things I'll never understand
i really do not know why the websites on my computer appear in chinese! it's like how you can have singaporean google and australian google. i get like CHINA google.
what did i do to deserve chinese google and blogger?!
everything else is alright. it had to be the two main pages i visit that appears in chinese. (cry murphy)
i thought i could live with it because it normally turns back to english AFTER signing in.
but i know things are bad when i log into the acid blog and everything remains in chinese.
i stared at the screen and i didnt understand what it was saying so i didnt know what to do. (i still don't btw. i was trying to do something other than posting so i cant exactly find what to click or what to type in. i decided to log out and try again tmr)
AND i think my poor overworked washing machine is protesting.
it's crazy!
it would stop in the middle of a wash, as if to cry for attention, and it would be ok after i open and close the lid. and when i walk away, it would stop again.
either something's stuck in it. or it really needs a break.
i can already see my dirty laundry piling up. :(
adrenaline is a beautiful thing.
who needs sleep when you have adrenaline!
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Contemplating Mortality
my life is currently all about
doing and folding laundry
so. exciting.
for many years already, i thought of writing a stack of letters to people i care for in case i get knocked down by a car the next day.
i never got down to it.
and it's interesting to see how the group of "people i care for" changes each time i get reminded of doing such a thing.
it's quite morbid admittedly. but i think i might just get down to doing it this time. for real.
it's like some kind of slightlylessthanaquarter-life crisis. *raise eyebrow*
life's too short for regrets, no?
p/s: really. i'm alright. i'm not suggesting suicide O_O
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
We are running after the same thing
funny how we go about doing so much
just for the pursuit of happiness.
sadly, all i (or you) can do is stand by one side. to watch. to listen. and to cheer each other on. because i can't live your life. and neither can u live mine.
the pursuance becomes lonely. even when we're going after
the same thing
happiness, happiness.
nonetheless, thank God for girlfriends.
Monday, April 25, 2005
Some of the most classic Indian/Hindi movie scenes
ahaa. i ripped this off friendster.
1) The hero has a Brain Tumor which, according to the doctors can't be cured and his death is imminent. In one of the fights, our greathero is shot in the head. To everybody's surprise,the bullet passes through his ears taking away thetumor along with it and he is cured.
2) In one of the movies, the hero is confrontedwith 3 gangsters. He has a gun but unfortunatelyonly one bullet. Guess, what he does, he holds aknife in his hand and throws at the middle gangsterand shoots the bullet towards the knife. The knifecuts the bullet into 2 pieces and kills both thegangsters on each side of the middle gangster &the knife kill the middle one .
3) This time the hero is chased by a gangster. Hehas a revolver but he got no bullets in it. Guess,what he does. Nah not even in your remotestimaginations. He waits for the gangster to shoot.As soon as the gangster shoots, he opens thebullet compartment of his revolver and catches thebullet. Then, he closes the bullet compartment andfires his gun. Bang... And the gangster dies....
4) Now the hero gets to know that the villian is onthe the other side of a very high wall. So high thatour hero can't jump even if he tries like one ofthose superman techniques that our heroesnormally use. He has to desparalety kill the villianbecause it is the climax. So, suddenly pulls twoguns from his pocket ( probably a backup). Hethrows one gun in the air and when the gun eachesthe heightof the wall, he shoots at the trigger of the first gunin air, with his second gun. Now the first gun firesoff and the villian is dead.
*su has just signed in
i've come to the conclusion that
MSN is unhealthy
yes. it is.
this was from a conversation i had with lou.
there's just something lacking when you're chatting on msn, no?
maybe it's the body language...or intonation. this certain human touch.
i remember how emails used to be an issue....when it was deemed impersonal (in comparison to snail mail of course) but those are just letters. to think even daily conversations can evolve to become so instant and so.....cold.
if u think about it....
how am i supposed to interpret something even as simple as "i don't know". is that a genuine i dont know or an irritated I DONT KNOW? call me oversensitive but sometimes i'd rather choose to believe the latter and stay away. just in case.
heck, you can't even tell whether a person really wants to talk to you. i mean, who knows whether they are really busy or they are just ignoring you.
of course, i got to admit msn's the best way (unintimidating!) to get to know someone. or if you're annoyed, you could always just block and chuck them in a 'rejected boyfriends' category or sorts. no fuss. non-confrontational. but it's so easy for the relationship of MSN buddies to grow stagnant after a while. probably happens when you run out of emoticons to express yourself. hur. and i'm also sure it'll do you more good in the long run if you can stop the cycle of run-away-from-you-virtually-but-have-to-be-polite-when-i-see/hear-from-you.
but in a similar way to running away from annoying people,
i've dangerously succumbed to escapism. because i've grown to become pretty paranoid to think that perhaps i'm the problem and not vice versa.
so i've taken extreme measures to ensure that i don't end up irritating/scaring/stalking(??)/disturbing you.
i think sometimes we really forget about the most basic form of communication.
next time, call me if u want to talk to me. or ask me out if you want to catch up with me.
p/s: the above does not apply to all that live half the world away. msn rocks when you're 7/17/24 hrs from me.
pp/s: even housemates need to have a chat over a drink. picture taken with my lousy camera fone :)
Sunday, April 24, 2005
celebrating freedom.
bon appetit.
i'm feeling
at this moment
we decided to rent a car and go far far away because it's a long weekend.
we went to mornington peninsular with the intention of visiting the strawberry farm but we ended up visiting a maze (what?? haha), a winery and a beach. :)
(oh we also went to carnegie grandma kimchi, docklands, brunswick st to eat ice cream and then to safeway. making full use of the car lah.)
apart from the fact that there were many mishaps...what if me spraining my ankle just when i was about to step into the car before we set off (WHAT? AGAIN? yea i noe. swollen and painful to touch now.) and viv and lou having a headache thruout the whole time. i must say i'm very satisfied with our err roadtrip. hurhurhur.
enjoy pictures!
(notice how the last picture is actually the first picture? i should post them in a reversed order next time)
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
gmail outdid themselves. i mean, 2GB ?!?!
i don't have to thrash mail! im loving it!
it's a lazy afternoon and i'm stuck in front of this comp trying to complete my UROP (undergrad research opportunities prog) application and read articles for a report on the protein relaxin which is kinda due tmr at 9am. kinda. hur. i wish i could be relaxin. not writing about relaxin.
it's funny how our brains work. i was taking a nap and it just kept working at what to write in my UROP application. when i woke up i quickly typed it out before i forget what i came up with in my sleep. strangely, i was just agonising over it last night because i really cant imagine how i'd have answered the questions before getting stoned for lying through my nose. i cant help it if they asked dodgy questions like "how and when did u discover your interest for science?" to begin with....what interest?!?!?! i suddenly feel like a science nerd. and then there's the "what qualities are important for a successful researcher?" question.
urgh. talk about originality. (ironically, part of my answer suggested scientists being creative HAHA)
i want to watch horror movie.
there's a new pope!
i must admit there's something very intriguing about the whole process of selecting a new pope in secrecy. and of course waiting for that puff of smoke.
it's all dan brown's fault.
i still have not changed my mind about visiting the vatican city. :)
Ripped off Rach's blog
( ) snuck out of the house
( ) gotten lost in your city
(x) seen a shooting star
(x) had a surgery
( ) gone out in public in your pajamas
( ) kissed a stranger
(x) hugged a stranger
( ) been in a fist fight
(x) Had alcohol
( ) laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose
(x) pushed all the buttons on an elevator
(x) been close to love
(x) been to a casino
( ) been skydiving
(x) broken a bone
( ) skinny-dipped
(x) skipped school
(x) flashed someone the middle finger
( ) saw a therapist
(x) played spin the bottle
(x) gotten stitches
(x) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour or water
( ) bitten someone
( ) been to Disneyland
( ) gotten the chicken pox
( ) kissed a member of the same sex
( ) crashed into a friend's car
( ) been to Japan
(x) ridden in a taxi
( ) had a crush on someone of the same sex
(x) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
( ) stolen something from your job
( ) gone on a blind date
(x) lied to a friend
( ) had a crush on a teacher
( ) celebrated mardi-gras
(x) been to Europe
( ) slept with a co-worker
( ) been married
( ) gotten divorced
( ) had children
( ) seen someone die
( ) had a close friend die
( ) been to Africa
( ) Driven over 400 miles in one day
( ) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
(x) Been on a plane
( ) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
( ) Thrown up in a bar
( ) Purposely set a part of myself on fire
(x) Eaten Sushi
(x) Been snowboarding
(x) Met someone in person from the internet
( ) lost a child
(x) gone to college/ poly
( ) graduated college/ poly
( ) done hard drugs
( ) tried killing yourself
( ) fired a gun
( ) purposely hurt yourself
(x) taken painkillers
(x) miss someone right now
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
singapore being very singaporean decided to be slightly kiasu and gave a go ahead to not one but two casinos.
but singapore being very singaporean also decided to be slightly kiasi by imposing a $10,000 entrance fee to furthur protect our dear already-frogs-in-the-well citizens. (foreigners free!)
maybe by 2009 i'd be able to afford that 10,000. maybe. maybe by then i foreigner already?
my test went so wrong today
came home and decided to change the location of my computer. well not really my whole comp but did some shifting around and i'm now very satisfied.
the only fengshui involved is probably i don't get anymore cold feng from the window.
i'm so grouchy it's not funny. blame it on the hormones! feed me chocolate.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Thank you ;)
i got a
pink. fluffy. with a smug-looking piglet that lights up.
it's so suee.
Faster Lah
i think i'm too impatient.
i want everything to be done quickly. i eat too fast, i shower too fast, i walk too fast. it's like everything's so...chopchop.
i'm the kind of person who wouldn't be able to sleep the night she comes up with some kind briliiant (or rather she thinks is brilliant) idea because she wants to act on it asap. i can't wait for shops to open the next day, i can't wait to wear my new clothes, i can't wait to get my results, i can't wait for a reply to my emails, bun and i can't even be bothered to wait for each other over skype because of the lag we have to call each other.
i can't wait i can't wait i just can't wait!
think about it. we've been conditioned to be that way. food's instant, communication's instant, even that carplate i have on my door was instant. -_-
but guess what?
God's not instant.
so when it's time to starts getting...slightly...uncomfortable.
"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Psalm 27:14
Thursday, April 14, 2005
I am feeling drowsy.
yes, drowsy's the word...not
have you ever noticed that both the heat and the rain make you want to go to bed....?
it's wet and cold outside and all i want to do is wrap myself up like a sushi with my quilt and sleep the whole afternoon away.
at least i've gotten one test out of the way. it wasn't fantastic. but enough for the assurance of a pass. i think. urm *raise eyebrow*
nonetheless, things are taking a positive turn.
i did get my job. i think. and will be starting soon....sometime next week perhaps. guess i'm back to being a lab rat...but
God's good indeed.
furthurmore, i'm feeling more able to overcome this certain inertia...which has been around for too long
going to start work real soon. have a test coming up on monday :)
it's nice to know that in all i do, i'm victorious already.
i was once addicted to katie melua's closest thing to crazy. now i'm just addicted to katie melua.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Just another day.
i realised i havent been blogging properly
maybe because nothing's up.
then again, close friends will scoff at that because someone once described my past few weeks as real-life drama.
but still, nothing's up.
easter's over and i've fallen into the routine of school once again. or rather, trying to go back to the routine and the whole idea of school. disturbingly, i'm still holidaying. no it's not remnants of the easter break. it's the remnants of the 3 mths holiday. (kill me now)
so instead of working hard on genome sci/patho, both with tests coming up, i'm still bumming and wasting my time because i can barely concentrate.
it's a trend.
something always has to happen during some exam/busy period to distract me.
so i really hope i get the job.
then it'll keep me occupied and stop myself from doing anything more stupid.
i wish i could be more honest over the www.
yet, i blog but don't blog for the same reason: people are reading.
i'm goin to the living room to study. lou's waiting for me.
have you ever had those kind of nightmares where you can hear people talking but you just cannot respond?
as if you're invisibleeee?
i feel that way on my screwed up msn.
SOMEHOW i cannot send msgs. and even if i could, they are not to those that i normally talk to.
what the?
Monday, April 11, 2005
he can't just drop us an email and tell us to hand in a report by friday!
this is so not happening.
happy bday mummy.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Dig Dig Dig
i feel a compulsive need to dig a hole in the ground and stick my head in it until everything's all over.
pass the shovel pls.
She'll be coming round the mountain
can u believe that
at nearly midnight
su, lou, vic, eve and michael would decide to take more than an hour's drive in a humongous land cruiser (and err. michael's merc) to the dandenong nature park where there's a lookout.
ok so su and vic are the culprits of such a mad idea.
anyway, we went all the way there just to find out that the lookout CLOSES (can u believe it can actually close) at 11pm. so all we got was glimpses of greater melbourne between trees along a dodgy winding road (imagine su's green face now) and erm tons of pictures taken with the fence and gate.
at least we got back before 3.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
i've got nothing to do on a lovely warm saturday afternoon!
i should be studying.
i got nothing to do!
i foresee myself doing this someday
msging in the wrong windows and calling someone by accident while yakking to someone else.
terrible su.
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Why Like That
i'm feeling out of sorts.
because it's so discomforting to know that i just became a statistic.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
i'm clearly in a picture mood
(then again. i always am huh)
taken with some biomed girls at vic's place. :)
![]() Tuesday, April 05, 2005
veronica wong would have been sooo disapproving
then you realise it's really the simple things that make you happy.
like seeing good things happening to people you care for.
and since salvation is the best thing that can happen to anyone, i'd pray for it...for you.
layan me.
Monday, April 04, 2005
Out the Old, In the New
so i've finally decided to move that ass of mine down to the library later and park myself there to study properly (because home only manages to induce sleep and make-merry). this is probably the first time this semester (NOT GOOD!)
out of the window went my plans to study during easter break.
my computer is still dying. i still cant go online and the screen is still flickering. which is just as well since i need to study anyway. hur.
it's abt time to get my life back in order.
i havent figured out the how-tos. you know how you can point out exactly what's bugging you but strangely and sadistically you refuse to remove that thorn in your flesh because you rather feel the pain than not feel at all.
i've never woken up feeling as miserable (miserable with a hint of whine) as i did when i woke up yesterday.
lou has this cute song on her laptop:
i need a hero!
Sunday, April 03, 2005
It's a Sign
to quit bumming online and finish my report
because the net just doesnt work on my comp (but it works on lou's) and my monitor is flickering.
why like that!
Friday, April 01, 2005
Ugly Wail
6 hrs of badminton in 2 days.....
leads to one sprained ankle.
at least i didn't need to get dragged outta court.
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