Monday, April 25, 2005
Some of the most classic Indian/Hindi movie scenes
ahaa. i ripped this off friendster.
1) The hero has a Brain Tumor which, according to the doctors can't be cured and his death is imminent. In one of the fights, our greathero is shot in the head. To everybody's surprise,the bullet passes through his ears taking away thetumor along with it and he is cured.
2) In one of the movies, the hero is confrontedwith 3 gangsters. He has a gun but unfortunatelyonly one bullet. Guess, what he does, he holds aknife in his hand and throws at the middle gangsterand shoots the bullet towards the knife. The knifecuts the bullet into 2 pieces and kills both thegangsters on each side of the middle gangster &the knife kill the middle one .
3) This time the hero is chased by a gangster. Hehas a revolver but he got no bullets in it. Guess,what he does. Nah not even in your remotestimaginations. He waits for the gangster to shoot.As soon as the gangster shoots, he opens thebullet compartment of his revolver and catches thebullet. Then, he closes the bullet compartment andfires his gun. Bang... And the gangster dies....
4) Now the hero gets to know that the villian is onthe the other side of a very high wall. So high thatour hero can't jump even if he tries like one ofthose superman techniques that our heroesnormally use. He has to desparalety kill the villianbecause it is the climax. So, suddenly pulls twoguns from his pocket ( probably a backup). Hethrows one gun in the air and when the gun eachesthe heightof the wall, he shoots at the trigger of the first gunin air, with his second gun. Now the first gun firesoff and the villian is dead.
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