Wednesday, April 20, 2005
gmail outdid themselves. i mean, 2GB ?!?!
i don't have to thrash mail! im loving it!
it's a lazy afternoon and i'm stuck in front of this comp trying to complete my UROP (undergrad research opportunities prog) application and read articles for a report on the protein relaxin which is kinda due tmr at 9am. kinda. hur. i wish i could be relaxin. not writing about relaxin.
it's funny how our brains work. i was taking a nap and it just kept working at what to write in my UROP application. when i woke up i quickly typed it out before i forget what i came up with in my sleep. strangely, i was just agonising over it last night because i really cant imagine how i'd have answered the questions before getting stoned for lying through my nose. i cant help it if they asked dodgy questions like "how and when did u discover your interest for science?" to begin with....what interest?!?!?! i suddenly feel like a science nerd. and then there's the "what qualities are important for a successful researcher?" question.
urgh. talk about originality. (ironically, part of my answer suggested scientists being creative HAHA)
i want to watch horror movie.
there's a new pope!
i must admit there's something very intriguing about the whole process of selecting a new pope in secrecy. and of course waiting for that puff of smoke.
it's all dan brown's fault.
i still have not changed my mind about visiting the vatican city. :)
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