Friday, February 25, 2005
Faster than you can say "wah, three mths already?!"
it has been my longest holiday back home and it was really good thanks to all you singapore folks (though im still missing a bun).
so take care all of you here
and i'll be seeing you, melbourne, tomorrow night. :)
(the hardest part of coming back is leaving again. i really should have gotten used to it long ago.)
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Oh my gosh school is starting soon
not happy
because pharm lect starts at 8am on monday and my 6hr practs start in 1st week.
don't tutes/practs normally only start in 2nd week? >.<
i don't understand why it's only when i'm about to leave that i find out i have many things i want to do.
for now, i just want to print more shirts.
it suddenly dawned upon me i'm going back real soon when i had to wake up early this morning to do a phonecheckin...(only to be informed that the lovely agent already checked in for me. i have no idea how that was possible because i called at 10am.......for a 9.55am flight 48 hrs later. i shall not complain for i got a good seat)
somehow, very strangely, i'm not as excited to go back as compared to prob a few days/a week ago. looks like ive got some things figured out.
im normal once again (i mean which normal person would actually be that excited to go back to melb?)
melbourne, have u missed meeee?
i've never taken so many photostickers in 1 day. i was once a lovegetty (however u spell it. you knowww those photocards thing) virgin. not anymore thanks to vic and alex.
err. it's fun but all the kawaii! gets tiring. i shall refrain unless necessary.
rachel, i was playing the djrachel gym compilation and am very motivated now. yay!
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
No More Archive!
i felt sickened reading what i wrote last time so i decided to take it down. that really is long overdue..i should have done it earlier.
for a while i thought it was because i didn't recognise the girl who has written all those. but when i looked closer, i realised i do recognise her and she is very much alive.
just gone into hiding, waiting one day to be discovered again.....
Marmalade Night
i mentioned this before i came back but we never got down to visiting marmalade pantry until tonight.
the food's glorious! glorious i say! pure bliss.
you havent had sticky date pudding until you've tried theirs. *floats away*
i'm still suffering from the (burp)ohnoicanstilltastethefoodandiwantmore syndrome.
(bonus: marmalade pantry stickers courtesy of a kind waiter. read sin's account!)
a proustian moment indeed.
in years to come, we'll remember everything about this night with every bite of stickydatepudding/crabmeatlinguini.
and we should remember this night because the queendom has something up it's sleeve (hurhur no pun intended). watch out. ;)
p/s: Happy Chap Goh Meh! it's been (slightly more than) a year since this blog entry:
Angie saw this article danny n chad werent kidding abt the orange throwing thing eh? hahahaa how apt gie how apt ;)
Orange aid
ROMANCE -- of the orange-throwing kind -- is alive in Penang.
Though this tradition is dying out in Malaysia, Georgetown in Penang still celebrates Chap Goh Meh annually. This year, it is on Feb 5.According to folklore, it was on this 15th and last day of the Chinese New Year that unmarried Chinese girls threw oranges into the sea or river, in the hope of snaring good husbands.In ancient times, young girls were not allowed to go out except on Chap Goh Meh when they were permitted to visit temples with their maids.It was then that young men could catch glimpses of these maidens. Hence, the day is regarded as Valentine's Day for the Chinese.In Penang, at the Esplanade or waterfront promenade next to Fort Cornwallis, you can catch lion dance and cultural performances on that day.
The Princess at 1/28/2004 10:40:17 PM
pp/s: i hate reading old entries. they are too frank. trash trash trash!
Monday, February 21, 2005
Dreams Really Do Come True
![]() Sunday, February 20, 2005
are so sneaky.
they never really appear to be very energetic in the earlier part of the day...until you seat 4 of them on a mahjong table and they can manage to go on till 4am.
the stakes were too high. i couldnt play.
as a result, guess who is almost done with another HK serial?
Saturday, February 19, 2005
I didnt have to wake up at 745am
because i got awakened at 5am. just 1+hr after i fell asleep! my relatives from england/batugajah arrived today.
so we brought them to the chingay rehearsal in orchard tonight because we figured it's as good as the real thing. just with less people.
within a day, they've already met singapore's mascots.
skinny singaporean girls.
one of my aunts actually asked me whether there's enough food in singapore.
chingay was no mardi gras.
they had really glamourous costumes i must say. very pretty. but they lacked...err...
cross dressing.
*raise eyebrow* it's more exciting tt way.
there was actually a rafflesian contingent! i took a picture of the float but im too lazy to upload it now. they were representing the "youth and sports" theme so the float was some waves thing with a sail. and of course atop the sail was a typical tanned goodlooking boy waving at the crowd. bun, i must say i got reminded of he-who-must-not-be-named.
the parade was quite good.
apart from the dancing guy-with-ponytail wearing ruffles and jc girls with counsellor-enthusiasm trying to make people standing by the side do the chingay clap (1 clap. *clap* 2 clap *clap clap* 11 clap *11 claps* chingay!). i mean theres nothing wrong with being enthusiastic (disclaimer: i was a prefect remember.) but the whole scenario was just so wrong. so so wrong. u cant try to hype up a grand total of about 5 people and make them clap with you. (5 people because everyone was spread out in a row and if u stand at 1 spot and tried to talk to the crowd, only a handful can hear you)
did i mention that my head/shoulder came in handy for the tall guy behind me to prop his elbow while he took photos of the procession?
Friday, February 18, 2005
I don't need to wake up at 7.45am
i have truly exercised my rights as a jobless individual today
watching a movie, 10 episodes of a HK serial and reading half a novel.
i've completed the serial and its currently stuck in my head. i don't know about you but whenever i engage in irritatinglyaddictive shows i wouldnt stop thinking about it for the next few days. so indulge me please cuz the last time i laughed and bawled in this manner (with a tv show) was golden faith exactly a yr ago.
i'm inspired by a tv character. go ahead, tell me i'm pathetic.
you know, bumming can actually be tiring. i've got this major backache.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Chinese New Year Part 2: Meet the Yongs
(location: subang. no idea what a subang is. got su no bang)
anyhoos, we headed to subang where my mum's relatives are. they were originally from bg too but moved out after my granddad passed away abt 13 yrs ago.
i really didn't take many pictures here. no idea why. (maybe because we're closer to the people here and see them more than just once a year. maybe baby) but we spent most of the time playing gin rummy here instead of mahjong. and of course we go back to good ol' blackjack again when we get too tired to think.
jinwee brought us, the older cousins, to this really cool place atop a building in KL for a drink.
![]() ![]()
Chinese New Year Part 1: Meet the Wongs
(location: batu gajah (perak). there's no gajah or batu gajah there. plenty of batu though)
i'm finally back from the land of appalling public toilets and immense heat. enough to melt su and remould her into a coke can. urgh.
i must say my complexion improved ever since coming back to singapore from msia. it was terrible there. i assume due to the heat.
anyway i took many many pictures! like MANY!
because for the first time in more than 10 yrs, all the wong siblings were back. every single one. all 7 of them. you get the idea!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Monday, February 14, 2005
Dear Louise,
Today i had lunch at the subang branch of
that yong tau foo shop in JB that is near a drain and has a logo of 2 dolphins holding a chilli.
![]() Saturday, February 05, 2005
I really shouldnt be blogging
cuz im supposed to be busy packing.
i have lost all purpose of my existence. which was to run gels and wash membranes.
let me wallow in self pity while i seek another purpose.
for now i'll just show you retro party pictures.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Friday, February 04, 2005
i was tempted to wear a sign on me that screams
"do not even think abt stepping on my diamentestuddedtoenails!!!"
in the mrt
anyway it's 9.14am of the last day. my supervisors just choped me for lunch. they so arent making this easy. peasy. lemon. squeezey.
>.< time for some serious gallivanting
update: su is stunned. she just heard that male colleague of hers (u noe. the one who doesnt talk to her. and just for the record again he has spoken to her twice so ask her how much protein she used in her gel) telling someone else to ask her to join them for k-lunch (erm karaoke. boss is on leave ;)) good things only happen on the last day. damn it.
update 2: they are playing retro mp3s in this office. and talking abt having a retro party. what the? did i mention im goin for a retro party tonight. ho ho ho square rooooooooms
Murphy Day
it's just one of those days where everything goes wrong.
end work late
arrive at the manicurist's more than an hr late
just as you are abt to leave the place at 10.15 u smudge a finger and you have to redo that finger till 11pm. (i was too paranoid to touch anything after tt. i got my mum to unbuckle my jeans for me.)
but that place was seriously nice man. i mean which manicurist opens till 11 just for their customers? they treat u like an old friend (i kept hearing them su-ing here and there. like "su you must be hungry!")...even offered to pop a cookie (kept offering me those fattening new yr kind cuz i hadn't had dinner) in my mouth for me cuz i couldnt touch it (or rather, too paranoid to touch it).
sigh wrong wrong wrong day. im gonna sleep it away. (i rhyme!)
but at least at the end of the day i got to walk away with
![]() Thursday, February 03, 2005
the only time i have to stay back in the office is when i have an appointment after work.
7pm *tick tick tick* almost 11 hrs in this office.
and of all days not to bring a phone, today. poor jiejiewong.
Filling in the Pages
we don't just have to write reports in school. we have to fill in the logbook that they provided me at the beginning of my attachment. everyone has one. it's a big fat green bound book with instructions stuck to the front. the purpose of the logbook is to "protect bti's intellectual property". yea whatever.
i didn't bother filling it up because other than protocols, i have no business recording results. i'm basically just running all the procedures for my supervisor(s) and handing them the results for them to analyse.
so after hr emailed everyone to arrange for clearance (argh!), i got an email reminding me to get every page of my logbook signed by a colleague to prove that i wrote it and hand it back to the company.
i had only filled in 3 pages of the book (book has 200 pages btw) with protocols and that's it. so pathetic.
*does a desperate little jig around the room*
now i'm just filling it up with just more protocols and writing
"refer to XXX for results". always arrow the supervisor.
because it's su and su's last day at biopolis more additional week for vic and a few more mths for shuyu, we decided to have lunch at one of the nicer restaurants in biopolis (instead of our usual market where we get 1.50 mifen or soulfood where they have expensive notnice food). i regret not goin to these restaurants earlier. you can get so much more (and so much better) for a good price.
i'm so full my stomach is pressing down on my uterus.
we were having this strange anatomical discussion over lunch (we'll always be science students). i conclude that the best line i've heard is
"is your bra strap too tight?"
which was what siti asked vic when she complained of a HEADache.
anyhoos, i was wrapping a gift i got for the office (a radio cuz the person who owned the prev radio left) and writing some cards when i realised i was feeling sad.
shut up already sueewong. you're so fickle minded, it's disgusting.
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
somehow everyone seems to remind me of fur-lee.
not everyone everyone, but just too many people. and of ALL PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD, it had to be fur-lee. (HMMM.........i seem to spat out the italics with some kind of contempt. so just think good/happy thoughts while reading it won't u?)
and as innocent as these people feelings towards them are all the same.
not healthy!
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
oh dear me
HR had to email the whole world to inform them that "Wong Su Ee is ending her attachment on 4/2/05" and they have to arrange clearance before i go. ok clearance sounds bad. i feel like a a clearstock item that couldn't sell well last season. :/
anyway i decided to run out of the lab because...
the combination of the hypnotic movement of the belly dancer (yes this machine im using is called that because it a err belly dancer) and the whiney hum of my colleague's machine which goes like this: woo...yeeeeeeeeeee! (it's soft. so after a while u start to wonder whether it's really there...or it's just your mind humming away)
is driving me crazy slowly.
a few hrs later i come back to this blog entry with no clue what i wanted to say earlier
other than the fact that i think my complexion's bad.
and my face always gets itchy in the lab (only in the lab!) when im wearing gloves and cant touch my face. it's like playing some kinda sadistic joke on me.
i'm extremely tired because it has been crazily busy in the lab. i haven't been able to sit down for more than 10 mins at one go. and i love desperate housewives. i want the dvd/vcd, i don't like to wait for one episode each week.
this post is completely random.
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