Friday, October 29, 2004
This is it.
The long awaited winner.
![]() Thursday, October 28, 2004
The End is Nigh
lou and i were walking along swanston st today. the first in a very long time. we noticed a dodgy abandoned big blue haversack near college house.
lou: eh, got a bag *point*
su: oh.
we broke out into a run at the SAME time while saying to each other with a horrified look:
how morbid if you link it to the title of this blog.
anyway, putting that (i mean the title not the bomb) in another context.
i realised my career as a second yr biomed student is coming to an end. (tomorrow's the last day of school!) well at least i HOPE it is coming to an end....i sure do not want to do anymore metabolism-physiologywithsophieping-6lecturesaweek next year.
i need to do something to commemorate this day.
somehow i can only start functioning well from 10 oclock onwards. and because of that, i'm so grateful for the fact that bailieu closes at 3am.
i am restless.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Hairy business
i feel so dodgy.
but i only feel dodgy. i maintain im NOT a dodgy girl.
i was really bored. and i've been having this compulsive urge to bake since friday. so lou and i baked enough to feed an army. but i was still i erm....played with this hairstyle program i found somewhere. hehe.
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If I could
i would choose to sleep forever
then i would never have to wake up from a beautiful dream feeling
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
not bringing my lab coat to pharmacology prac must have been the worst mistake i've made this year. ok almost. but you get the idea. not that i have a problem with pharm prac mind you because i actually think it's the best prac out of the least they have more helpful lab demonstrators than most of the physio ones. ANYWAY. i thought such a beautiful, clean and high tech lab like the pharm one would provide nice spare lab coats but no! they only loan out those dirty-wornbefore-stained ones that i could not bear putting over myself. even the laoyapok biochem labs provide the hygienic plastic apron ones (ok those apron ones are ugly but they r CLEAN!). i told myself i'd personally wash every single lab coat in the spare-lab-coat-closet if i ever work there.
my clean and dynamo-smelling lab coat hanging in the closet is taunting me at this moment.
but that of course was entirely my own fault and i claim all responsibility for it.
i'm still sticking with to my pharmacology (therapeutics) stream next year (i can then have 6 hour pracs in that lab where i will never ever forget my coat again). which reminds me...have u remembered to re-enrol? this student did not forget to re-enrol. so, pls do not forget.
there must be something about the way phophoenolpyruvate sounds. it keeps appearing in my head.
AND i have a new skill.
i can pipette with both hands at the same time. -_-"
i'm stalling. i really really ought to get back to studying but andrew's beloved alana mitchell's lectures are just putting me off. ><
Hush now
late at night. when all the world is lie in bed, extremely sensitive to every sound you hear.
sounds you thought you'd never pick up when your music is blasting; when the tv is switched on; when all you hear is the typing on your keyboard and the voices of the household.
every footstep
everytime the door opens
the tumbling of the dryer
the clicking of the modem
the cars on the streets
the whispering of His voice.
shh. Listen.
Can you hear it?
p/s: our (lou and i) lunchtime-in-singapore plan is materializing. ;)
Sunday, October 24, 2004
i can only imagine
that's why.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Loser. (Part Two)
(what is with me today?)
you'll never know the value of 50 cents until you stand outside a gelati shop on a hot hot day with a housemate with a grand total of $6.50. 50 cents short of $7.00....the amount needed for two roche-strawberry-on-a-cone gelati. we sat in front of the shop, digging and digging, searching and searching, in hope to find a glorious 50 cent coin in some dodgy pocket of our bags. I don't normally keep loose change in my bag. but by some stroke of luck I FOUND A 50 CENT COIN IN A POCKET. we had gelati, and we didn't look TOO bad.
and then i came home to take a short nap before heading off to rhythmicity in uni. i planned my time right so that i could make it there before 7pm...but i woke up slightly late and rushed off, marching in my flip flops towards uni. i DID make it before 7pm. but the area outside the theatre was...empty. shucks. i looked around and thought i was probably late. so i called shanna....and found out....i was too early. it started at 7.30pm.
so like a loser, i went to buy a box of shapes from foodway express and sat in a corner of the union eating and sulking. not far from me were this couple and a guy friend of theirs. and they were so weird i wanted to burst out laughing. they had alot of food wrappers (mainly from the vending machine) spread out on the table. and the couple just couldnt get enough. the whole 15 mins i was sitting there, they bought food. ate. stood up, buy food. eat. buy more food. eat. ALL FROM THE VENDING MACHINE. which makes me wonder WHAT on earth could be so nice from that machine. (!) AND the guy friend of theirs couldnt stop singing ("if tmr never comes...") and talking about himself (those two actions done separately. it would have been interesting if he had done both at the same time). he just went on and on but he was oblivious to the fact that the couple was not really listening..because they were too engrossed with ......GETTING FOOD FROM THE MACHINE!
oh man.
so anyway. rhythmicity.........
i felt like i was back in sec sch all over again. i miss rgs night. even the dodgy dances that we had to put up during prefects investiture (somehow they were always to backstreet boys).
i wish i could sing. i wish i could play some instrument. and most of all....i Wish i could Dance....................................................
wishful thinking.
i left out the most scandalous bit of my dream:
i intended to call up this other guy (after my so-called mysterious, faceless groom ditched me) to cry over the phone.
charsiewfan. i still can think of doing something like that.
anyway, being a very responsible student of the university, i decided to pop by the polling booth today with my trusty $20-sengekedly-laminated student card to VOTE. i had every intention of voting for this particular party because in it are people i trust. i walked into the polling area confidently and picked up all the voting sheets. but to my HORROR, it looked very different from last year's. it did NOT have the universal voting sheet at the front where you can just vote for a certain party and then all their candidates will get votes for whatever positions they were running. INSTEAD, what was staring at my were names names and more names. all the names of the people without any indication of which party they belonged to. there were sooooo many HOW WAS I GOING TO KNOW right? -_-" so i stood there for more than 10 mins (felt like an eternity i tell you) not knowing what to do. i looked right looked left...which didn't help because i was in a polling BOOTH. i peeked around and saw that everyone seemed to know what they were doing.
oh horrors of horrors.
i loser-ly approached the security guard and asked him whether he could look after my voting sheets so that i could go outside and get a brochure from one of those people to get their names right.
luckily the area was not crowded.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
i had a realllyyyy weird dream during my nap this evening. but it felt sooo real and i can remember it sooo well it's not even funny. anyway, i dreamt that i was getting married (WHAT THE? too much fullerton) and we were having this big reception at my place. ok, this happened in australia but the place didnt look like citygate. there were alot of people with all my girlfriends buzzing around me. HOWEVER, the groom did NOT appear. and i got DUMPED AT THE ALTAR.
i got a few people asking me "who was the groom?" after i told them about my dream. well, thing is, he DIDNT APPEAR so i dont know! hum. so wedding got cancelled and i ended up crying in vivien's lap. i know i was mad at eve cause she left early in danny's car to go home and try on clothes that germaine brought back for her from singapore (what?!). at least she didnt leave early to run away with the groom. -_-"
i even remembered changing my MSN nick in my dream to: *su: Dumped at the Big Altar.
which explains my current nick. i have no idea why "BIG altar" either . haha
anyway, lousy dream aside.
it was a beautiful day! the sun was out and shining sooo brightly. :)
and we had a prayer/worship session tonight after a long draught in apartment 136.
we even learnt lou's sunday school song mountain moving faith complete with actions. i'll show you someday.
ho hum.
back to studying. no one seems to believe i'm doing that. ><
(at the end of this blog entry, i felt like i was talking really fast)
Monday, October 18, 2004
Vote 1 for...!
i was sitting in the union and it took me a while before i noticed the polling booth situated in the north dining hall (oh! that explains the brochures that i got!). which is ironic because voting is supposed to be more happening.
it reminded me of last year when we were part of IA. those were the days when we wore bright banana-yellow shirts to lectures and giving out badges that says "Bite Me, I Voted IA" to voters. Everyday just flew past......we woke up early in the morning (way before 9am lect!) to chalk....then campaigned during lunch.....campaigned somemore after schoool......and if you thought that was not enough, we even went to colleges at night to bug people. :P you cannot walk past union without a whole herd of campaigners at your back (and by your side...and in front of u...err) giving you brochures and telling you how bad the other party is :P. Then of course there were the dodgy people from other parties who tried to scare you when you stand next to them (actually i didnt want to admit it but they were really QUITE scary) and the court cases, legal disputes and petty arguments (hey! it was all part of the game!). The hype and the buzz of the north court was unmistakable. you cannot miss voting. it was too in-your-face.
they probably dont give out $8 food vouchers anymore.
anyway i've got pictures!
Su's 19th Birthday
The jiejiewong has decided on this. for 3rd December 2005 :)
and the meimeiwong has decided on this. for erm. i dont know when. but yea. haha
Andd....I really ought to get back to studying for my test.
(deleted some picture links because yahoo cannot accomodate all of them)
we ended 2 weeks of bday celebrations with a nice dinner at waterfront tonight. i know i said we were going on a BOAT earlier... but we didnt in the end...pls dont ask why. haha
as always, we took tons of pictures.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sunday, October 17, 2004
yesterday: either someone stole sueewong's wallet or she dropped it.
it's gone. and she's not very happy about it. :(
but she and lou had a lot of fun doing odd stuff at home last night.
and she's looking forward to dinner on a boat tonight.
back to the seat in the basement of bailieu -_-
Saturday, October 16, 2004
The Celebration Continues
thank you both cells for celebrating my birthday last night
thank you jesse,justin and jason (3 Js?!) for yet another slice of cheesecake (sorry i was so abrupt)
thank you, lou, victoria and fanne for you-know-what (haha so dodgy. err)
anyway, we woke up early this morning. ok maybe not so early. but yea. early enough to view an apartment in focal.....(we were so sleepy we didnt bother goin to rathdowne st for another open house. instead we went back home to continue sleeping). the apartment's cheap but slightly too small. ><
currently we dont need to move out by 20th dec (despite judy's yelling) and can stay till 25th jan (so lou and mich will move for me since they'll be around). which is just as well because i cannot extend my 27thnov ticket to 1st week of dec since i'm only on waiting list. hmm....the next available flight is somewhere in mid-dec and i don't think i want to rot here till xmas. too sad, too lonely -_-
so what now?
STILL pack pack and pack more. got to pack before i leave.
oh boy.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Thank You
you guys make growing older fun :)
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Wednesday, October 13, 2004
when you have a housemate with a little sister who needs to write a rhyming poem for homework, you get 2 19-yr-olds working on "fat, cat, bat, sat...." and "fly, sky, die, lie, my....".
we kept reminding ourselves not to use words too big for a little p5 girl.
BUT when we proudly presented our poem to her, she insisted that it was very wrong because it was not pro enough! *diaong* hahaha
this was what we came up with.....
At the Beach
Blue skies, palm trees,
birds fly.
A place where you'll never hear a sigh.
Warm sand and waves
so high,
Splashing and swishing
into the sky!
Indeed, i am talking
about the beach.
Hanging out there are people
poor and rich,
Playing with a beach volleyball
they cannot ditch!
With a gentle breeze,
I sat on my mat.
And watched my cat
chase my hat.
Having fun in the sun?
It has just begun...
yes it's true! our citygate apartment has been sold and we got a letter today from judy stating that we have to move out by 20 december.
so what now?
pack pack and pack more.
since lou and mich are going to be back for summer, they'll be returning first and i'm going to extend my stay in melbourne for another week after my last paper to move. so i'll be back in s'pore around 5th or 6th dec? :)
and if anyone is still going to be around during this time, and feeling highly charitable, you could help me? :P i promise i'll try not to engage john the mover again.
thank you for your prayers.
time to look for another apartment.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
The Call
when my mum starts giggling on the phone, i know SOMETHING is up.
mum: "hahaha. i'm going to jiu zai gou (some place in china) with papa. hahahaha. hahahah. hahaha."
su: "huh? but but but...i want to go too!"
mum: "hahaha. hahaha. it's during the deepavali break and you won't be back yet. sorry ah."
always like that.
but then her conscience gave me the go ahead to tour msia with my friends. hoho. she offered. so i'll just accept questions asked. :)
anyway, this must have been the longest call home ever since i came to melbourne. maybe it's because the international sms rate has increased to 35 cents that i'd rather squeeze everything into a phone call. and of course with so many things coming up like holidays, cny and of course my sis' wedding, which is tentatively going to be in september next yr - date and all set to suit this princess' timetable) *smug look* how exciting.
this BALLROOM is what she has in mind. very pretty, but very expensive. considering my mummy alone wants 15's gonna cost more than $35,000 to throw a wedding. how in the world can anyone afford a wedding nowadays?? (shattered are my fullerton dreams. crap)
so with all 3 of us yakking away (2 on the phone. 3rd one in the background eavesdropping disguised by whistling/walkingaround/readingsomething) i felt like i was transported to a room in my grandmother's house containing my mum and all my aunties (my grandparents had 8 girls and 1 boy ok). imagine too-many females in an enclosed area speaking in too-fast cantonese at the top of their lungs all at the same time. in this same room you get money transactions, latest who-n-who's son/daughter and the familiar sound of mahjong tiles clashing.
i so know how i'm going to grow up.
of course, just SLIGHTLY different. my sis and i spent the last 20-30 mins of the phone call talking about isoprenaline, dobutamine, tilt table test and blood pressure.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Even My Eye is Going Cuckoo
(i just have to rant abit first, indulge me) danny and i had dinner in lygon today... and we ended up driving around for more than an hour before going back to lygon for dessert because everywhere else was CLOSED. i cannot believe it. i'm terribly car sick. if there's one thing im sure about, it is that i'm NEVER going to get a 2 door car. uh-uh no way baby. and definitely not a celica. *green face*
well, at least i satisfied my fruit gelati craving.
AND eve and i went shopping today in the glorious weather.
anyway, back to the title of this entry. i just discovered that (to my horror) one of my eyes seems to deviate everytime i take pictures. it is actually a condition called STRABISMUS where the eye would turn when looking at the object of regard.
and oh my gosh! guess what else this website says...
".......symptoms include diplopia, headaches, loss of concentration while reading, carsickness, avoidance of reading, blurred vision, and/or eyestrain. This is the most common type of type of muscle problem occurring in approximately 5% of the population. Symptoms are on the rise with increase reading and computer use..."
but THANK GOODNESS it is just a case of intermittent (vs constant) strabismus that can be corrected easily with judicious patching. so if you do drop by my home one day and see me walking around with an eyepatch. do not be scared.
cinderella story must be the most predictable story around (ok so how different can cinderella be). watch it only if you've managed to rip it off someone.
Hard Rockers
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Limbo Rock
i decided that the left column looked boring so i copied and pasted the about me section on friendster. i wrote that soo long ago and i'm surprised nothing much has changed. :)
angie's cravings for hard rock cafe's ribs brought her, eve and i there today. considering we finished every single rib on the plate, PLUS a monstrous dessert with yummy stuff like cheesecake bits, brownie bits and ice cream, i really need to exercise.
hanging out with these girls never fail to make me feel like a character out of a drama serial like Sex and the City. :)
i'm like stuck in limbo - neither here nor there. i spend 3/4 mths in singapore and 8/9 months here. just when i get started on something somewhere, i got to go back. when i start getting acquainted with people, i have to go away. when i start to plan something (yes i'm a sucker for planning my future. you could ask me about my wedding), i stop myself not knowing where exactly i'll be (guess what! when i turn 21, i have the option of msia. that makes 3 places then).
right now, i'm sitting here wondering what i'll be doing this summer. i'm dreading going back. i'm mad (throw rocks at me pls!). i've got nothing planned and it urks me to say that i'm doomed to rot the 3 mths away. (i can see more rocks coming my way).
and i know it's only half true when i say that i'm feeling this way because i want my break to be productive. i'm truly running away from fear. a fear that it's going to be the same again.
i cannot afford any more now.
i ran. but it's coming back to haunt me.
i dread.
and the fact that we might be moving again is unsettling.
when i say i can't wait to work, pls humour me and don't tell me "enjoy school, you have your whole life to work" because at least when i get out of uni i'll be out of that irritating i-dont-know-what-im-going-to-do phase.
oo one more thing,
i do not think guys should carry their gfs' handbags. and, i love the radio.
Saturday, October 09, 2004
This one's for you, BUN ;)
these are just bits of an article from the australian, 8 Oct 2004 (i'm too lazy to type out everything. it's not online so i can't cut and paste.)
the absurdity of it all
How You Can Break Murphy's Law
"Boffins have come up with a mathematical formula that proves Murphy's Law really does strike at the worst possible time - and suggested tips on how to avoid it."
"So if you haven't got the skill to do something important, leave it alone. If something is urgent or complex, find a simple way to do it. If something going wrong will particularly aggravate you, make certain you know how to do it."
"...if you judge your ratings wrongly, you might become too optimistic - and calamity will strike."
"The equation has 7 steps to forecasting a potential Murphy's Law moment, so you can work out which factors you need to change to avoid it:
1. Rate the urgency, importance and complexity on a scale of 1 to 9 and add the 3 figs together.
2. Rate from 1 to 9 how skilled you are at the task, then subtract this from 10.
3. Multiply answers 1 and 2 and divide by 20.
4. Rate from 1 to 9 how freq you perform the task and divide this by 10.
5. Rate the sine (or sin) of your answer to step 4 and subtract from 1.
6. Divide 1 by your answer to step 5.
7. Multiply your answer to step 3 by 0.7 and multiply this by your answer to step 6 and that's your Sod (Murphy's) Law rating. The close to 10 it is, the higher you risk of falling victim."
did you just say WHAT THE?
Thursday, October 07, 2004
is my sunnies/shortskirt girl. hangs out in bukit batok with me. my heart-shaped face girl. is my fellow octy girl. always does the same thing as me whenever we chat online (CLOSE! :)). takes my crap. takes my ranting. is my kickboxing partner. goes to the gym with me. cooks for me. sends food to my house/warnet when i have no dinner. goes shopping with me. dodges around with me (:P).
turns 20 today.
I can finally say it now.... ;)
Happy Birthday Angie
![]() ![]() ![]() Monday, October 04, 2004
Welcome Back
what kind of loser ends up late for school because she woke up too early. don't ask. i don't understand myself. -__-"
and i almost forgot that the body is incapable of swallowing and breathing at the same time. (go try!) so the next time you go climbing up the stairs while chomping on your sandwich, pls think again. don't be like me.
the weather then had to change suddenly from cold and gloomy to bright, hot and sunny. and i saw a girl dressed in baggy ij pe shirt and short fbts, complete with the ankle socks and hairband around the neck (or what we'd have called "the-poseur's-outfit" a few yrs ago). i suddenly felt like i was back home in sg.
although by the time i got home i felt positively dead from the weight of my bagS, first day of school wasn't that bad after all..maybe because i paid too little attention and achar-ed too much. humm. thank you shanna for bringing back my stuff from singapore. :)
i left the library in hope that i can study at home. but looks like im goin to take a nap first. :P
i am so going to fail my test.
Sunday, October 03, 2004
At this place a year ago...
I fell flat on my face coming out of chad's car.
I ate alot of brunetti's apple strudel.
Lou and I would take turns to take a nap on the cushy chairs.
We would sprawl on the grass under the sun with our textbooks.
Angie and I would lie down and talk on the square chair in front of the vending machine.
We would dabao salad and eat in front of the huge glass panal.
We would wash car(s) after studying.
We would sneak food into the library by hiding them behind newsletters.
I friendstered (all the time) on this same computer.
But even after spending so much time at this place,
I've failed to notice, until today, that the paths on the park are symmetrical.
I've failed to notice too many things. But it doesn't matter anymore :)
This place is the law library. Do you remember?
Saturday, October 02, 2004
we took almost 200 pictures at the retro party. don't ask me why i'm posting these up because there are many other nice ones here. but anyway, since i have so many pictures, pls be patient while they load.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Friday, October 01, 2004
my exams end on the last day again.
you are so kidding me.
i cannot believe i can get this unlucky. don't talk to me about when you finish yours. i'm grumpy.
everytime by britney spears is my secret (not so anymore) indulgence. -__- shoot me pls.
I win
my loss is your gain which is your loss and my gain.
ha. how terribly profound.
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