Thursday, October 21, 2004
i left out the most scandalous bit of my dream:
i intended to call up this other guy (after my so-called mysterious, faceless groom ditched me) to cry over the phone.
charsiewfan. i still can think of doing something like that.
anyway, being a very responsible student of the university, i decided to pop by the polling booth today with my trusty $20-sengekedly-laminated student card to VOTE. i had every intention of voting for this particular party because in it are people i trust. i walked into the polling area confidently and picked up all the voting sheets. but to my HORROR, it looked very different from last year's. it did NOT have the universal voting sheet at the front where you can just vote for a certain party and then all their candidates will get votes for whatever positions they were running. INSTEAD, what was staring at my were names names and more names. all the names of the people without any indication of which party they belonged to. there were sooooo many HOW WAS I GOING TO KNOW right? -_-" so i stood there for more than 10 mins (felt like an eternity i tell you) not knowing what to do. i looked right looked left...which didn't help because i was in a polling BOOTH. i peeked around and saw that everyone seemed to know what they were doing.
oh horrors of horrors.
i loser-ly approached the security guard and asked him whether he could look after my voting sheets so that i could go outside and get a brochure from one of those people to get their names right.
luckily the area was not crowded.
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