Monday, May 31, 2004
back to earth
felt like i totally disappeared for a couple of days cause i spent it with my dad. he's goin back tonight and im depressed. >< anyway the times i was over at his hotel...i formulated many blog entries..shall post them after i rant abit. :D
library blues
i agree with vchan that the library is filled with so many memories. i cant believe such a dull and stuffy place is ever capable of that but hey it is! but not during exams. i miss the times when i get a whole table to myself, when there is hardly anyone around, when handphones never ring, when people never hiss at each other across tables. the times early in the semester when i can sit there and take my time to do my report or read the papers. when studying was not stressful.
i was in bailieu today and i was so upset to find the place so packed >< it was disgustingly hot and smelly and the atmosphere was just stressful. you feel so obliged to sit there for 12 hrs and achieve a certain number of lectures...the joy of studying (if there was any to begin with) has been sapped out of it all and i dont like it! *whine* cant study at home, cant study in the library, need to find a new place. sigh i dont rem it being THIS crowded 2 sems ago ><
my mummy
i just realised how capable my mum is. she's my travel agent, my dad's "personal assistant" and my sister's part time house cleaner. on top of that she still has time to work, to exercise and to go on holidays. >< how come im not like that?!
100% chinese
another thing i realised is that my link to china aint that far after all. my grandparents were from china. which means that i do not need to trace back generations know which ancestor of mine actually came from china (canton area). gee. which means my mum is china-chinesey altho she was born in msia. its like me being brought up in singapore though born in msia (well almost). though i keep very much of my msian identity, i dont see any china-chinese characteristics in my mum. hrm. thank goodness. oops. louise you were just saying i look very chinese?
Saturday, May 29, 2004
Take me to the place
of Jesus, Lord of all.
I want to see your face
I want to hear your call
My heart cries out to you
To take me far away
To this special place
of Jesus Christ, my Lord.
Into your arms, I will run
Inside your house, I will live
For you are God, my God
You've rescued me
you know how sometimes you have a drinking party and you wake up the next morning all groggy and clueless of what happened the night before....ya i felt that way this morning when i woke up with a heavy head and dragged myself out into the messy living room. took me a while to realise a burglar didnt come into our was just aftermath of homecell. hurhurhur. made a mental note to clean up before rushing out to meet my dad and uncle.
went wine shopping with them at Dan Murphy's and it's always SO fun looking at the all the different kinds of wine bottles. reminds me of last yr when we went there quite often to buy wine to bring back to singapore....think my family buys too many bottles. :| after lunch in some suburb which name i dont even know... we headed back to my dad's hotel. hehe i just realised that im sucha bum the only times i go to the suburbs (or out of the city for that matter) is when im driven there...i cant be bothered to take the train! i rather not go >< errr. anyway i proceeded to do some work in the hotel while he went out for a walk in the city. hai. i was SO SLEEPY ><
dinner later at saturne in southbank was good :) (but the river area was freeezingggg) went for a walk in crown and went back to the hotel more work surprise surprise. decided to come back cuz im soooo tireeed and my dad walked me home. how pampered. he walks me everywhere. hurhurhur.
my eyes are stinging from the sleepiness. it will be such a waste to sleep this early on a sat night. but i'll be such an idiot not to. gotta wake up early tmr to do work! sigh.
the last ppl of the cell just left half an hr ago....we ended pretty early actually..around 11pm but some of them decided to hang around longer to just lepak in my living room. it was fun :) had a good time playing instruments (not me of cuz) jason's incredibly talented and vchan's first time at the saxaphone was entertaining.
hrm. the laughter has died out and the ache on my face from laughing too much is beginning to wear out... feeling slightly funny now. cannot say that im unhappy. or angry. just funny....oddly unexplainable. a mix of guilt, regret, injustice. (what a weird mix) hurhur my blog is so pointless. i cant even express myself properly.
songs, words, voices, places, promises, smells all jumbled in my head.
currently listening to skin on skin.
"just a little bit more love...
just a little bit more passion...
this is how it shld begin...
skin on skin.."
i still remember
Friday, May 28, 2004
at 3am, our household just finished cleaning up the house as well as film our household video hurhurhur complete with commercials. we're like all madly stressed and the videos are hilarious HAHA. anyway i think cleaning the place at odd times of the day on a weeknight has become a habit for us...a bad habit in fact hurhurhur but i guess its at night when we're the most productive. with regards to mopping the floor that is. nonetheless we got the placed cleaned up, ready for the arrival of our cell grp tmr :)
time to wash up and prepare for bed. :) gdnight. with louise's voice singing *sueeee...soo pretttyyyyy* ringing in my head...
Thursday, May 27, 2004
im desperate. no not for a namcha chinku. but desperately in need to study and do well. sigh. H1 come back to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :( haha oh well. fat hope. gotta try pass first.
med seg dette?hange.html">dette?
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
picture perfect
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
su: EVE! where's my shoe bag???
eve: huh??? you took it out of fitness first
su: ohh nooo...*worry worry* maybe i left it there when i was looking at clothes *points at clothes rack in cotton on*
su: oh wait. its here *points to my shoebag hanging on my arm with a pile of clothes on top of it*
oops i didnt see it
infernal affairs 3
i just finished watching that show. its one of those movies that you just dont want to watch alone cuz it's creepy how ppl can be so dodgy (haha). you never know who the person u're sitting to really is. hrm maybe louise is part of the hei se hui and for all u noe she's living with a police woman. hurhurhur. anyway watched it alone in my dark and freezing livin room *brr* got all the hair on my arms standing up.
i actually have alot of things to blog cuz i haven done so for so long. but everytime i actually sit down before the computer i forget *whine* hai.
ngor hai chai yan
yours truly from bailieu basement
haven't had time to blog. was too busy studying for the test which i just got thru this morning....didnt help that my internet was down for about 2 days. so here i am at 10am at my favourite hangout...quickly posting an entry before i head straight to the familiar couches to read my left behind book :) (or maybe take a nap after that. hurhurhur.) the test was wasn't HARD or anything. i just didnt manage to finish studying everything 30+ lectures for 2.5%?! how how how was i supposed to finish? ok i guess its entirely my fault, considering the fact that ive been inconsistent and rushing only at the last min. sigh. i know that if i did manage to finish all those lectures i'd prob be able to get most of that 2.5%. now i dont even tink i can manage 1%. sigh. thats alright. at least ive kickstarted my revision for the exams and hopefully it is goin alright. :P dont wanna think abt the test anymore! ><
big fat yawn im so sleepy and my eyes are stinging. my dad is coming to melbourne tonight!! whoopee. looking forward to new speakers and new boots hurhurhur.
Saturday, May 22, 2004
according to the Aussie Slang Dictionary. Dodgy: something suspicious and underhanded is going on. hrm. i've never used this word until i came to australia. but everyday there are dodgy things going on whether you know the term for it or not. i got no point to this blog entry ;)
yawn i just finished editing vee chan's blog template for him. he had better not complain that the skin i chose is not nice. :P hehe.
many things running through my head now. ok considering the time of the day. maybe the stuff aint running...crawling only... :P it's been a whole semester and i cant believe i've come this far. time flies. how CLICHE. how true. been thinking these past few mths how i miss old times so much but didnt realise the magnitude until today. for a little while. just that short 2 mins. it felt like everything was the same again. as if the clock was turned back to 8 mths ago. but that 2 min had to end. and i had to be transported from my lala land back into reality. :| been suppressing it for so long. haven't talked about it. haven't screamed about it. haven't wailed about it. i couldn't breathe. then...
snap back to reality...
Thursday, May 20, 2004
xie xie eve
ive finally updated JYG's and ANGIE'S blog addies (oops)
and i also added veechan's and soonwei's blogs. go check out <-- :)
somebody searched for "undo the top button" collar shirt and found my blog online. HOW DODGY IS TAT?!?!?! hahaha i found out those words were mentioned in the blog entry about school uniforms *whew*
Fresh Toad Zup
Quote Junquan "see, i still got toad zup on my lab coat from the last dissection..."
anywayyy i did my toad dissection AGAIN today and it was so so so peculiar cuz me and my lab partner found the toad BLINKING at us :( horrors it was still alive. yuckkkkkkk. anyway the demonstrator decided not to scare us and assured us it was dead but brought it in to the lab tech to ensure that it was REALLY REALLY dead. urgh. by now i was just JUMPING around the lab with goosebumps all over my arms :| can u imagine if we didnt check properly and the toad jumped around with its guts spilling outtttttttttttt.......
the toad came back out with a new bright red patch on top of its head. guess it was really dead :| it no longer blinked. our results were really good and really accurate prob cuz our specimen was SOOO fresh and there was no need to preserve the nerve much cuz it was working SOOOO well. hurhurhur everytime we touched it a little the leg kicked at us furiouslyyyyy. hurhurhur oh well
got lots of toad zup on my lab manual. remnants of an unforgettable dissection. *burp*
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
cafe puccini
i forgot to mention tht there's this cute waiter at cafe puccini!!!! the cafe's where village cinema is...just opp duchess. hohoho. i wanted to die so badly when i was buying a cup of coffee there last night for michael suss, the guy coming to talk to us at warnet. + he was super nice. *faint* haha rem to look out the next time u walk past.
and lets go there for a cuppa coffee the next time...
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
this andrew sent me a file telling me its a cartoon....anyway i tried opening it n it didnt so i clicked on it soooo many times.... cannot open!! ok fine. forget it. later after walking around i came back and found this scary picture of a jap girl (imagine the sadako kind) as the screensaver. GRRRR. after abit of an *ah* i decided to go delete that silly file...BUT BUT BUT. i couldnt because i canot delete when "file is in use" crap!!! i had clicked on it too many times. whine whine whine. and it will only appear when i havent touched the comp for a while cuz its a screensaver. i was stoning in front of the comp just now and then it suddenly appeared *ah* again. sigh. 1 down. think 5 to go b4 i can delete it since i clicked on it soo many times. whine
im gonna get u for this andrew >< keke
me and eve missed body combat this afternoon...which was a blessing in disguise i suppose cuz the combat teacher so scary haha. anyway we went for the funk class instead which was str after the combat class and it was so much fun !! yippee. it was soo Soo SOOOO much better than the funk class we went for in melb uni a long time ago. think glen. think odd. dont even wanna start keke. anyway decided i shall attend the funk class more often now that she's changing it to HIP HOP. yay. more fun!
still need to study.
i banged my little pinky yesterday which cause it to kinda break somewhere in the middle of the nail...which is unfortunately (and painfully) the flesh region. it didnt break totally so i prevented it from doin so by putting on a plaster (think it'll REALLY hurt if it breaks totally. whine) anyway, after my shower today at fitness first i notice my plaster dropped off. nvm. hrm i was digging digging digging in my bag for my umbrella when i suddenly stopped. and realised the bit of my fingernail got caught in my bag. screech whine. argh. PAIN :( so try imagining the middle of the road u see su squatting on the floor with her hand dodgily stuck in her bag and gie n eve trying to find different angles to yank out my hand from the bag. weird weird weird but PAIN PAIN PAIN. sigh. wrapped a rugrats plaster over my finger and feelin abit better now.
things like these only happen to me.
i hate myself! i was supposed to wake up 3 hrs ago but i overslept...sigh...didnt even manage to make it to the 11am lecture. i so need to study. *whack my own butt* ok i'll sit in the rmit library for a couple of hrs later after body combat. sigh.
Happy Birthday Vivien
happy bday dearie!!! :D
drive safe, drive well!!!
im so tired. im goin to sleep
Sunday, May 16, 2004
dinner, deal, whoopi goldberg
had a fantabulous dinner today courtesy of the angie and evelyn household. thank you babes!!!! :D eve made BAK CHOR MEE *slurp* and omelette and we baked a banana cake after i said "hey! those 3 bananas there look perfect for a cake..." hrm. hehe.
just made a deal with loulou. which...if we lose...would have undesirable consequences. hoho. wish us luck. beginning to regret lou? me too. haha
had an overdosage of whoopi goldberg today. 2 movies of hers back to back. shaved eyebrows, dreadlocks, but good movies anyway
a big jia you to all those who are still fasting. doing very very well darlings!
Friday, May 14, 2004
World Vision
seems like everyone is on the 40 hour famine where you either fast food or fast technology . even my 2 hsemates are at it....mich goin without food and lou goin without technology. but that has not influenced me to join in with the rest. not because i cant fast or am too unwillingly to part with my comp.. just that i feel it's so impractical. would fasting do any difference to the starving kids? would not using technology for 3 days feed them? clothe them? house them? no. so why do it? some may argue for awareness. well...maybe. or perhaps to support them in spirit? well. ok. nonetheless jia you to all out there doing it for a good cause.
and for ppl who are just following so that you can go on a diet. think abt it.
Thursday, May 13, 2004
I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whoooooooooooooooooo peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
i was SO SO worried. thanks for all the prayers. think i would have failed without God's strength. i didnt know what i was doing the whole time. just let God take techinically i din pass the driving test. God did. :P
God knew, God knows, God will know
how simple. yet how powerful. ive always liked Psalm 27. :D i didnt know why. just had a certain connection to it though i didnt exactly understand how some of the verses relate to my life. but last night as i was reading that Psalm again, i knew why. God knew why. He knew right from the beginning. it amazed me how it described what i was going through now....the joy of it all :)
im so tired. i cant wait to go to bed. at mario's now waiting for him to come back to tell me what the doctor said abt my xray. yawn
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
waaah been a while since i last blogged and the format has changed. i prefer the old one *wail* anyway im glad the assignment has been completed and im now free-er to start studying for the exams *dread dread dread*
finally got my xrays done and my back is crooked in 3 areas - neck upper back and lower back. well. that explains the back ache huh. according to mr chiropractor, it has been like that for probably most of my life and i have gotten used to it. considering how slanted my spine not surprised. they asked whether i was ready to commit to like 24 sessions and im like errr. that'll be 800 bucks *count count count* better not. then they said 12...then i thought oh alright..its for the better anyway. but i told them i'll pay the next time i go in. which is a SMART thing cuz now mario said i ought to pass him my xray films so that he can show his brother or another doctor that he is visiting on thurs (his brother is a doctor btw) i shall call the chiro up and tell them i'll wait before starting anything...and if i can see a doctor it's even better cuz i have medibank. *purrrfeccct* ok. shall call them up. hope they dont scold me :S
time for bed. need to rest the aching back.
Monday, May 10, 2004
Mummy's day, Assignment, Eve
it's mummy's day! i love my mummy! i miss my mummy!
finished my assignment...kinda....stuck at the biblio cuz i dont know who wrote the book!!!! >< gotta find out in school tmr! think my essay is so sloppy it sucks! :(
eve is back and she brought back apple strudel and my new birks thanks babe!!! missed ya :D
Sunday, May 09, 2004
School Uniform...The Straits Times
how disappointing to know that students these days don't appreciate their school uniform. i stand firm in my beliefs that SLOPPY attire is NOT cool. >< i miss uniform. for the simple fact that it looked nice and smart and days were so much simpler with them. no need to fuss over what to wear need to find what's in the laundry and what's not. all i needed was to grab my trusty uniform and go. true i was highly restricted in that silly prefect's uniform due to TONS of school rules. but that beats having none.
sigh children nowadays....
read up
Uniform REBELS
It's breaking the rules, but looking cool means letting the uniform hang out
By Serene Luo
ONCE school lets out, students heading for the malls to hang out literally let their uniforms hang out.
Bags hung low and shirts hanging loose.
Neatly tucked-in blouses and shirts are a rare sight. In fact, it's 'uncool' to be immaculate and preppy, said a 16-year-old Secondary Four student who wanted to be known only as Chiraj.
'You look nerdy if you have your shirt tucked in all the way,' he said.
'We're coming to Orchard Road. Tucking out your shirt is the only way you can look more hip in your school uniform.'
Besides the usual hanging out of shirts, some students wear multiple earrings, streaks in their hair, ankle socks, shortened skirts for the girls and baggy pants for the boys.
They buy uniforms a size larger, alter their skirts to make them shorter, or wear their pants or skirts with the waistband at the hip, like the low-waisted jeans popular nowadays. All for the sake of jazzing up their uniforms.
Usually, girls can only wear one pair of matching earrings, knee-length skirts, and students should neatly tuck their shirts in or leave out, depending on the rules.
Dyed hair is usually not allowed in secondary schools and junior colleges.
Shine Tao, 17, a first-year junior college student, described how some students put sticks into their ear holes to enlarge them, so that they can wear 'expansion' earrings.
Fifteen out of 17 students interviewed said they did not like their school uniforms. They said their uniforms were 'too restrictive', the colours too drab or the material too stiff.
Secondary Two student P.Y. Tan, 14, said she preferred belting her pinafore at the hip, where it would be looser, compared to at the waist, and would undo the top button of her blouse after school.
'Sometimes the weather is very hot, and the collar is just too tight,' she said. 'It's very uncomfortable.'
These students know it's wrong but still break the rules. If they get caught during spot checks by the discipline master, they 'act innocent and say we'll take out the earrings or dye back their hair', said first-year junior college student Greg Ho, 17.
'But the next day, hide.'
Schools often explain the strict uniform rules to their students.
According to Secondary Three student Jeraldine Ang, 15, her school's principal won't allow sports shoes because 'students might start comparing brands and sports shoes don't suit the uniform look'.
Mr Sin Kim Ho, 37, the principal of Greenview Secondary School, said the way a student wore his uniform would affect the perceptions of others.
'But when they're among themselves, with their own friends, they tend to forget about how others look at them,' he said. A secondary school teacher handling discipline, who wished to be known only as Mr Sun, said that when students were younger, they 'tend to be more conformist, but as they get older, they want to fly the independent flag'.
He said: 'I do empathise with them, being young and wanting to be trendy, but the uniform is the wrong platform to show it.'
Both Mr Sin and Mr Sun said uniform infringements were not a major problem in their schools.
Said Mr Sun: 'The very fact is the students are in an organisation, it's called a uniform, so it's supposed to look uniform, not with all the extra accessories.'
Friday, May 07, 2004
crap rushin assignment now....i havent done one for soo long i think my brain cannot function properly... well on a brighter note at least i've got all my resources already. just gotta consolidate and write it out. but before that, have to brush up on my very cacat grammar and refer to all my past EAP and BIO essays from trinity yr. sigh. wish me luck
Thursday, May 06, 2004
toad apart the skin.....yank out the gut (heart was still beaaatinggg).....chop the head off......pull the nerve out (touch the nerve and the leg will move. crap)....throw away excess muscle....dump everything into the bin. thats what i did to the poor poor toad today. bah. i dont like toads...but managed to get thru the prac anyway. hurhur. it became quite fun after a while keke.
if u guys havent noticed already im not online after 1030 at night......forgot to mention! sorry. hehe trying to cut down on time spent online :) so do catch me before 1030 ya! :)
durian, invasion of privacy, to you you and you
i had durian today!!!!! thanks to sofia's cell group! *big big hug and sloppy kiss* i havent had durian forever....didnt have any when i went back last yr so it was indeed good . thanks to germaine, too, for that back massage. haa. :D
i decided not to make my blog public anymore. no it doesnt mean u guys cannot view it anymore...just that it wont appear on google if anyone searches for anything relevant to me. suddenly felt very intruded.....
hrm u noe i was just wondering...when i admit i have a problem and am struggling with stuff (refer to previous blog entries), do ppl actually view me differently? do ppl actually think im loussyy...or have crossed over to some kinda "dark side". not trying to accuse anyone or point any fingers but i just suddenly thought of it..ya...cuz i just wanted to say that im very much the same...and am very much firm in my faith....and will stand up again (or rather HAVE stood up again) here's a shout out to all fellow HUMANS who too stuggle with this almost impossible (quote tim goh hehe)life :) this blog has indeed made me a tad more transparent to the world...yet a little more vulnerable as well.
heres a blog entry for
lou and andrew jia you! the test is ALMOST over. praying for u!
eve hehe didnt say this just now but im gonna miss u when u're in perth! *whine* pack me in??? hehe. have fun babe.... :) have a safe trip
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
crossing over
anyone watched this show with the psychic? i used to find it pretty interesting...after all its dealing with the paranormal. but this gave me the creeps *shudder* read up...
�Crossing Over� with John Edwards
I�ve been watching the show "Crossing Over" with John Edward (I�ll be discussing this show in depth shortly). I don�t suggest anyone to watch this program who hasn�t been a true Christian for at least 5 years. I�ll explain why I say this a little later on this page.
I first inadvertently turned this show on a few months ago. It caught my interest as I study cults and the occult quite frequently in order to more effectively witness to those involved in it. I�ve been studying apologetics (the art of defending The Faith) for 15 years. Apologetics are highly important as when you study other faiths and beliefs you become better equipped to defend your own convictions. Does this mean that every Believer should rush out and start studying various religions? No, it doesn�t. Before you study any other belief system you first need to have a firm Biblical foundation. Why�s that? Because the Devil is very tricky and if you go out there without knowing what you�re doing- Satan will gobble you up and spit you out. You wont be any good to us if you become a casualty. However, if you�ve been saved for a lengthy time AND have a good base in Bible, we need you. But here are some guidelines for those of you. Never read, study, listen to or watch anything of this kind when you are tired or your awareness is anything but at its height. This means don�t read the book of Mormon or the Jehovah�s witnesses �New World Translation� when you�re in bed getting ready to sleep. If you have a cold and are taking cold medicines etc� don�t watch �Crossing Over�. When you�re on the phone, don�t have such programs on in the background or if your children are in the room or in earshot of hearing the TV. If there are sentences or phrases being heard without you being able to digest (take captive) turn it off and review. Think of it this way, act as if you were doing something that your life depended on and needed your complete and full attention. That�s exactly how I approach it. For 2 weeks solid I�ve been studying �Crossing Over�. I turn off the computer and if the phone rings, I turn off the TV and take the call. If the call was something important and I am still thinking over the conversation� I don�t turn the TV back on until it�s been resolved. Seems extreme? I�m sure it does. But here�s why I do it this way. When I�m tired there are things (ideas, philosophies, theologies, thoughts etc.) that can slip by me. I�ve seen this at play in friends and relatives of mine. Here�s an example. I saw a movie with a friend of mine recently, it wasn�t a bad movie as such but it did have a message that was liberal in tone. It was subtle but definitely there. We didn�t talk much about the movie afterward but a few days later I was with that same friend and I heard him say something, which I knew right away, was from that movie. I asked him, �Where did you get that idea?� He told me he didn�t know. Well, I knew. It was from that movie. We talked over his statement for a bit and after discussing what it meant he soon admitted to me that what he had just said isn�t really what he believes in his heart even though he said it as if it was a true statement. I�ve been aware of this phenomenon for many years but I used it as an opportunity to explain to my friend how things can be implanted in our subconscious without our even knowing it. Now I don�t get off into all this subliminal stuff like records being played backwards and so forth. But there is no doubt that our minds can be shaped by what we hear and see. Especially by TV and movies when our guards are down. Paul was very well aware that thoughts could slip by us without our knowing and this is why he said, �Take every thought captive�. When we are tired or on medication, these are prime times when we don�t take every thought captive and the Devil can slip in some untruth which he hopes will grow in it�s incubation. Now as for Crossing Over with John Edward.
There are psychics, palm readers, mediums, card readers and those who practice different forms of witchcraft. I�ll say this� over 90 percent of them are fakes. I�ve toured to some of the worst places in the world and the US where Satanism and its likes abound. I�ve seen the real thing and have prayed demons out of those who they possessed. It is possible that John Edward is a phony, but I don�t think so. Here�s why I�ve come to this belief. We first have to understand how the Devil and demons work. The Enemy and his forces cannot read minds. We might think they can but it�s an impossibility. Let me give you an example of why it seems that they can. On Crossing over there was a �reading� that was done where John Edward told the women he was �reading� something that she said only she had thought and had never told anyone. If this is truly above board and not setup by the �Crossing Over crew� and we take it as something that actually occurred, how did this happen? Simple. Let me give a hypothesis in where this could happen. My grandpa on my mother�s side died a few years ago, he wasn�t saved that we know of. There are times that I take out an heirloom, which he gave to me (it�s a type of American Indian sweater) and I think about the good times we had while he was alive. He was a good grandfather and I loved him dearly. When I take out this heirloom I am usually alone. Once when I took this heirloom out, I had trouble getting it back into the box that I keep it in. No big deal I was able to get it in but even though I was alone, I wasn�t really alone. I never am and neither are you. Demons are always watching. And no doubt a demon saw me taking out this sweater and having trouble putting it back in the box. Now, if I was one who was believed in communicating with the dead and I came into contact with a medium who truly did speak with demons he could easily receive information as such.
�I feel an energy coming forward. Do you have a grandfather who has passed?�
Did he have an old sweater that he really loved?�
Yes, it was given to me as a keepsake�
�He had a good sense of humor because he�s telling me to tease you that you�re a bit of a klutz cause you couldn�t even get that sweater back in a box. Does this make sense to you?�
That�s funny because I did in fact have trouble getting that sweater in the box I keep it in�
�So you can validate this?�
�Yes, yes I can�
�He�s pulling back his energy now. Thank you very much.
Thank you
If you�ve watched �Crossing Over� you�d find this is typical language which would be used by John Edwards.
This example of course never happened but it is what is happening on this show. And here�s how. First, the dead cannot come back. The Scriptures are clear on that. But demons have observed everything in the person�s life who is being �read�. They impersonate the person is has died and speak and show things to the medium. Again, the overwhelming majority of these �seers� are fakes and use information obtained through the persons garbage or from their own detective work. Others are simply guessing and give generalities that could apply to almost anyone. If they are real mediums they are actually seeing and hearing from demons, as I believe John Edwards does. Why do I believe this? A lot of it is in the language and watching his movements and how he operates and comparing it to how a demon would go about doing such an exercise. When John says, �an energy is stepping forward� this is a demon allowing himself to be seen by Mr. Edward. The demon will at times appear standing next to the person being read. It speaks to John and tells things that would cause the one being read to believe that it was in fact the person who had died. The participants who allow this reading in his forum are not saved. How do I know that? Because a demon wouldn�t be allowed to stand that close to a Believer. This is in the case when John Edwards sees the demon standing next to the individual. A demon could still impersonate someone who has died to a Believer, but not allowed to stand next to them as there is already an Angel of God occupying that space (I�ll explain shortly how Believers in Yeshua can still be told things by mediums). Mr. Edward is then given information (by the demon) on the individual that could come across as being seen by the dead loved one or friend. Edward will often times ask the person to validate it. Why is that important? Because the Devil and his cohorts love to be validated. It gives them a sense of power and recognition.
Now how does it work if you�re saved? Can a medium tell you things that are being conveyed to him by a Satanic force? Yes, he certainly can. First of all a Believer can make a mistake and walk into a parlor where readings are being done. Does the person lose his salvation if he/her does such a thing? No, but he/her is committing a sin. The Bible commands us not to deal with witches or seers. To do so is a sin and thus leaves one open to trickery of the Enemy and takes us out of the protection of God. The demon who has been observing this individual is then free to convey anything it has observed to the seer. This isn�t the only way this can happen. One may never step foot in such an establishment and yet the demons still call out to them or �say� things to him/her either with or without a medium. We have accounts of such happenings in the Scriptures themselves.
So, in conclusion: I am convinced without a reasonable doubt (not 100% but close) that John Edwards is truly speaking with demons. I come to that conclusion by noting that this is how such a union would manifest itself and using my own God given ability of discernment. We know if he is indeed seeing spirits, it could be only demons as the Scripture tells us that the dead can�t return (The story of the Rich man and Lazarus tells us that no one can return as a spirit after death). And I further conclude that this is only something to be researched by elders of the church or those who have a solid Bible background.
Blessings in Yeshua the Messiah,
Rabbi Stanley Chester
shower, urop, sleepy
last night i wanted to take a routinely took off my clothes, turned out the shower and waited for the water to turn warm. i didnt turn on the tap to the maximum so the shower head was still against the wall. then SUDDENLY with a loud BANG the shower head shot up by itself and HOT HOT HOT water rushed out of the shower......close the toilet door and u'd get a sauna. i was stunned and just stared at the stupid shower head, not knowing whether to scream or run. hehe. :| anyway the HOT water coming out from the shower turned BROWN den BLACK. by then i was freaked *whine* so i went out of the room wrapped in a towel enlisting help from lou n mich. whine. had to shower in their bathroom (gladly) and the black stuff is still on my shower tiles. doesnt help that i just cleaned my toilet recently. sigh.
just got my UROP (undergraduate research opportunities program) reference from matt perugini today. was too late for the winter urop program but feel highly motivated to apply for the summer one because my reference sounded good. haha. im a TALENTED YOUNG SCIENTIST. i am?! since when?? haha. oh well. motivated to study again hehe.
im sleepy and its time for micro lect.
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
me n lou went to visit the chiropractor today. we both found out we have crooked spines. :| mine's crooked at the top so much so that 1 shoulder is higher than the other. and lou's pelvic bone is rotated in a way that her one leg is slightly longer than the other. *fall over n die* no wonder we have backaches. but then again i reckon its very easy for the vertebrates to go out of place because the chiropractor said just a slight tug could cause subluxation *ooo big word* haha it just means the shifting of the vertebrate disc out of its normal position. well. in that case, i suppose ANYONE would have a problem with their spine considering our unhealthy postures and countless hrs in the lecture theatre/library. anyone realised already how hazardous studying is? :D medibank doesnt cover chiropractic treatment :( but mario suggested i get a referral from the gp to see a specialist. that way im covered! how smart. i'll consider that. hehe. for now it's still back ache su. and desperately in need of a massage su. sigh.
oh yes. the chiropractor said cannot crack back *WHINE WHINE WHINE* the last resort of easing my backache gone just like that. whine
really in need of a wardrobe revamp. lets go shopping!
Monday, May 03, 2004
sorry guys... didnt mean the last blog entry to be some kinda self-pity "im so poor thing look at me" whiney kinda thing. :P
but thank you so much for your responses... :) *blessed*
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