Thursday, April 29, 2004
oh busy day
havent been blogging much because ive been getting very was a FULL day (and i mean 8am-9pm full) went to school at the gym with eve at 9.30 (yes we joined fitness first! now fit to be fit...), driving at 11, school again at at im here at mario's at 9pm.... have to stick around cuz im waiting for eve to go to safeway together. im closing the shop anyway so it doesnt matter. hrm. i think once i reach home im gonna hit the bed (like yest i slept at 10.30! the first time since the first day i came back to melbourne...)
coming up soon:
ltc retreat
i was searching for advertising catch phrases for shanna cuz she's doin an advert for warnet...look what i found....
The Top 15 Advertising Catch Phrases
That Didn't Catch On
We do chickens, right?
Come for the goat cheese. Stay for the pig's feet!
And bring your red-assed baboon!
A chestful o' carcinoma in every puff!
A wipe so clean you could eat between them!
Find a roach, win a bike!
Ding-dong... Diarrhea's here!
10,000 undertakers can't be wrong!
As Seen On TV If You Were Watching At 4 a.m. Last Tuesday
So good you'll regurgitate it to eat it again
Have Another Handful, Lardass
It's the Loaded-With-Alcohol-So-You-Can-Catch-a-Buzz-and-Drown-Out-the-Noise-of-Your-Spouse-and-Kids-Along-With-Your-Cold-Symptoms Medicine
Bathroom tissue so squeeze-ably soft, your butt cheeks will give it a bear hug.
Almost no chance of infection!
and the Number 1 Advertising Catch Phrase That Didn't Catch On...
Wouldn't you like to suck our nuts?
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
new clothes, new links
yay my uncle just passed me all the new clothes that my mummy bought for me. very happy now cuz my wardrobe has increased by a bit. :D
btw check out the links over there<-- i added 3 new links to the webpages that are pretty interesting. :D
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Left Behind (my current read about the earth's last days)
"...i hardly gave any, except when the plate was passed I might drop in a few bills to make it look good. every week i confess that to God, promisin to do better the next time..."
"I encouraged people to share their faith, to tell other people how to become christians . but on my own i never did that...."
"..i encouraged them, talked to them, smiled at them prayed with them, even read scripture to them. but i never did it on my own..."
"...i used what i thought was my security as a license to do what i wanted. i could basically live in sin and pretend to be devout..."
"i especially like the parts of God being forgiving.... I knew other verses said you had to believe and receive, to trust and to abide, but to me that was sort of theological mumbo jumbo..."
"(we do good) not so that we can earn our salvation. we're to do that in response to our salvation.."
this was the only guy from a church in the novel who got "left behind". all believers of Christ disappeared from earth.
Monday, April 26, 2004
korean class today was quite fun...picked up a few new phrases which i guess will torment u guys for the whole week until i learn new ones *grin* just found out from lou that i got the korean girl role in the ocf play that we're involved in. how cool is that. hurhurhur. i can throw in a few phrases! *smirk*
went mad trying to finish my prac report today but im so glad i managed to finish it on time....didnt get to do any research on my assignment though cuz by the time i was donewith the report (yes i took THAT long) i had to go off... super tired now...cant wait to go to bed cuz its raining *whoopee*
current quote: "how can a small gal generate so much laundry" --- eve i really dont know.
9 hrs
yes i managed to get 9 hrs of sleep last night haha :P caught up with danny today...havent seen him in such a long while i almost forgot how he looked like. which is quite weird considering we hung out almost everyday last time....hrm time flies (how cliche but how true) and it has been a couple of mths now since we last hung out properly. it suddenly dawned upon me in church that i really missed the times when we'd all just hang out (even if it was in the library...) and do all sorts of stupid things....felt abit sad that things arent the same as before but i guess things change. after all the only constant thing in life is change (imbeginning to get more and more cliched.) dinner at nyonya hut was good i suppose...not really the food but more the company.
we were happily talking talking talking and laughing laughing laughing away in the car when eve suddenly asked me "can i ask u a question?" i thought it must be some kinda serious question and looked at her meaningfully and "huh?" in reply...
den she asked me...
"do u noe that ur stepping on my foot...?"
Sunday, April 25, 2004
My family. very asian. very conservative
i forgot to mention that my jiejiewong got married yesterday. well to me she's officially (and legally) married...but to my very asian and very conservative family, she aint married until she goes through all the customs ala tea ceremony and the big banquet. hence, nothing changes except for her marital status cuz she's still staying at home with my mum and living life as per normal....until next yr which im both looking forward to and dreading at the same time cuz i love my jiejiewong and i dont want her to move out :| anyway anyone wanna go on a fit-into-bridemaid-gown diet with me? hehe
just talked to my mum on the fone and calling after 1am has its perks. i had 5 bucks left on the fonecard and that could have lasted me a 1070 min fone call. what the?! can u believe it. anyway here's a condensed version of our conversation.......
[we've talked abt the studies..]
mum: what was it that i wanted to ask you...? oh ya. got bf or not?!?!?!
[what was it that i wanted to ask u?! ya right. dont pretend mummy, i know uve been burning to ask me that cuz jiejie told me a few days ago~!! hehehehe]
su: huh. no.
mum: oh ..its also better not to have one're still q young
[well its a sign that ive grown up because abt 2 yrs ago she'd have said "you're too young to have a bf now." instead]
su: err ya ok.
mum: then what about your friends?
su: oh err. all also dont have lah. oh maybe except for angie.
mum: ohh. how come all dont have *cheeky tone* too choosy huh?
[wish that was the case. but no we aint too choosy. got no one to choose from]
su: huh no lah. oh ya but then again. maybe. aiyar no time lah
[tries very hard to change the topic. a result of being part of this very asian and very conservative family..]
oh well.
You're an RGS babe! Considered too blunt and
quick-witted to be a demure lady, there are still existing species who like the new Miss Independent! Kudos! Which school in Singapore suits you most? brought to you by Quizilla yay! Saturday, April 24, 2004
so unhappening i dont even have a title
im so glad that ive gotten the mid sem test out of the way... gonna use this weekend to just rest and catch up on sleep before gearing up for the next assignment. ltc retreat is coming up and i got to work hard on the assignment before i can go off for the weekend.. hrm... today was i really got nothing else to blog about now *W*
oh ya saw the cute korean guy..the one i always see around in school and around my hse...*swoon*
Thursday, April 22, 2004
i feel like someone juz stuck a hand into my stomach and squeezed it reaal tight *whine* doesnt help that i wanna throw up but it just wouldnt come out!! got this stomachache after dinner... think its gastric cuz i was really hungry before eating.. sigh its not the first time actually.. i remember last yr the exact same thing happened during the exam period....there were so many ppl in my hse and a whole car load of them had to go with me to see the doctor :P
feeling slightly better now after lying in bed for an hr and a half...managed to find myself a couple of positions in which the throbbing would reduce and i could rest properly. finally got up because im afraid i'd really fall asleep...i have a test tmr and i dont think i can afford to sleep at 9. so here i am. sitting around before i start studying again. sigh. bad bad timing.
thanks michelle for the milk. it helped...
day of study
i havent stayed in the library for this long since last semester. the studying is going QUITE well i must say...but i wouldnt really noe until friday. really need your prayers. feeling very stupid and inadequate after last sem's disappointing results :(
hrm spent the whole day has been 16 hrs since i last been in this house... had school...lunch with soonwei lou and sof... library... work... library.... supper at notturno's (really feel like vomitting my eggplant chips now)... waaah and im supposed to go to school for an 8am lect tmr?! *W*
i cant wait to go to shanghai! juz got news that we're goin on 3-13 july. i think. heee shopping here i come!!! (*_*)V
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
things im gonna do after friday's test...
1) clean the toilet
2) mop kitchen floor
3) vacuum
5) read left behind
6) cook
7) gym
8) sleep
9) start on my assignment :(
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Currently listening: "te bie de ai...gei te bie de ni...wo de ji mo tao bu guo ni de yan jinggg.." nostalgia in mario's office :D
Monday, April 19, 2004
tiny teddy
when stressed. ppl go on an alcoholic binge...chocolate binge.....fried food binge...
ever heard of anyone goin on a tiny teddy binge? i think im weird but tiny teddy is my biggest temptation
today is productive day!!! i studied in the library and manage to do a substantial amt of work...den off to korean class i go!
haha the class was full of OLDER ppl....mostly angmohs....and when the teacher asked everyone of us what was our reason for the class, everyone seemed to have a legitimate reason. except me and viv of cuz. they either had korean gfs/wives, had to work in korea/with korean firms... etc. thank goodness by the time it got to our turn...the teacher didnt have time to ask us for anything other than our names *whew* what could i have said?! cuz i think korean guys r cute?? *?!* oh well
super tired now and really dreading driving tmr..think i'll sleep early tonight ....
Sunday, April 18, 2004
just another day...
school's starting tmr and im officially SAD and i did not get the rest i was expecting to get from this easter break. but its all good. got a test coming up real soon and im gonna cheong in the library starting tmr hurhurhur. i reduced my working hrs from 10 to 8 just hope that i'll make use of that 2 hrs and that $22 that im NOT earning to revise my work. sigh. sad decision but wise i feel. :) asmuch as i want to go shopping more studies still more impt. :) erm guess its not gonna stop me from getting a new pair of shoes. :P
im talking to mario on msn now and the conversation's really funny cuz mario's mum thought im his ex... like HUH??? hahahahaha apparently she screamed when she saw my pic on msn....i cannot imagine that but ya. and apparently some parts of me does look like his ex. well. his ex must be really pretty HAHAHAH what the hell...
new additions
easter camp 2004 pics ... as well as the link to wingyan's blog.....are out on the left <-- :)
just when i thought God has forgotten abt's today's devotional....
When We Feel Burned Out
Matthew 11:25-30
We have all experienced physical �burnout��those times when we are tired from our many activities or difficulties that assail us. Even more painful is spiritual burnout�the weariness believers can feel from the pressure of trying to obey God, attend church faithfully, and spend time in daily prayer and Scripture reading. Just contemplating everything we think we must do to be successful in the Christian life can be overwhelming! The trouble is that we become spiritually burned out if we rely on our own strength.
When we experience spiritual fatigue, it is often because we have a wrong view of our faith. We find ourselves keeping a mental checklist of dos and don�ts, striving to please God with religious activities. That is not freedom. The Christian life isn�t some formula whereby we modify our behavior to gain the Lord�s approval. God reached down and reconciled us to Himself at the moment we asked Him into our hearts, so we already have His approval. True spiritual maturity involves a growing awareness that nothing we can do�no change in conduct or attempt to live up to regulations�will make us acceptable. Instead, we trade our weakness and inability to live by faith for God�s omnipotence to carry us through life.
Think of God�s power like a river coursing through hilly terrain. We can hike, puffing and sweating, along the footpath, or we can simply ease into the water. We won�t have to expend any more energy because the power of the current will carry us all the way to our destination.
Saturday, April 17, 2004
You Stand Alone Hillsongs
I will lay me down
At Your feet in worship
And listen to the sweetest sound of all
Oh God You are my God
How my heart it longs for You
I'm thirsty for Your presence in my world
I cry out night and day for more
To hold the majesty of You
My God You stand alone
And I worship at Your throne
I will look to see Your power and glory
Jesus Lord of all
alot of things goin thru my mind now i really dunnoe where to start..... had ltc today and the whole discussion was about passion and things that buildup or kill your passion. and what the pastor said about doing too many things (even if it's all God related) could kill your passion............. realised that ive been buzzing around endlessly lately.... my schedule's packed.. my week starting from this mon is gonna be like this... mon korean class...tues/wed work/dna/driving....thurs full day... fri ocf....sat ltc...sun church...and then the week starts again...i know ive been given a choice to do whatever im doin. i could chooose not to take korean lessons...or choose not to work...not to go to ltc...u get the drift. but all these are my heart's desires and i know that if not now. then when? ive been doing things and meeting up with ppl and it occurred to me today that i have not set aside enough time for myself to just... be still . im alone at home right now and it feels good. cuz for once im not surrounded by not doin anything. im not out somewhere.
but i cannot fathom this feeling inside me...stephanie was sharing today during cell discussion that sometimes u just feel so down and so disappointed/disillusioned by things u cannot even put a finger on. and that makes things worse cuz u wanna get out of it but u're just stuck.
i envy how some households (like soonwei's and eve's) can feel so much like a home... everyone hanging out in the living room...lights all on....there's music from the radio/tv playing in the background.... homecooked dinner ready at 6pm everyday... everyone sits down together to eat....
i think im in a situation where i kinda feel like im obliged to do stuff that im not too sure whether im passionate about. it has grown to become a habit. to try to please everyone. to try to pretend that whatever im doin is something i enjoy so that i wont impose my moody remnants of the week on others. i dont like killjoys so i know i shldnt be one and spoil everything for everyone...and it has become tiring....n unmotivating. i couldnt even answer lou when she asked me what my passion was. what? i really cant tell.
but i guess at the end of the day i just gotta make the best out of whatever situation im in cuz i noe God must have placed me in this position for a reason. for what reason. i dont know yet. but im sure it's for the better.... at least i have God's favour...
im sorry my thoughts are all over the place. but thats exactly how it is now in my head. hehe. confused? its alright. me too
i dont understand why my blog doesnt update itself!! *sulk*
just got back from ocf not long ago....very tired and sleepy now but too full to go to bed :(
its a day of meeting ppl. i met 2 rgs girls whom i was their prefect ic...and i saw this guy who looked suspiciously like the guy who went to korea with us a couple of yrs back. i almost died when i saw him haha. dont ask why.
dont feel like blogging anymore now
Thursday, April 15, 2004
Cell picnic
we had a cell picnic at the botanicals today.... i was supposed to cook chicken drummettes with eve this morning but i completely forgot about the picnic and went back to bed!!! :P sorry babe.
the picnic was FULL OF (good) FOOD... and quite a number turned up so it was pretty successful... :) so so so tired and dirty now... but feeling motivated to clean the hse and fold my clothes after coming back from soon wei's. his room is so neat. *oops* hurhur
well its goin quite well...and with a neat rm i'll be abit more motivated to study which i seriously need to do considering my mid sem (20%~!) is next friday. sigh. back to work. this break was definitely not a period of rest for fact im even more tired. thank goodness everything ended today and from tmr onwards i can really concentrate on what i need to focus on....
my korean lesson starting on monday and im super excited! *whoopee* the next time i go to grandma kimchi i can converse with them. hurhurhur. maybe i'll be able to pick up a cute korean guy also...:p haha
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Something else at camp...
my mummy always told me not to poke my nose into the macam-macams of life. i didnt know the exact meaning until i asked andrew yesterday and i cannot agree more. that must be one of the best (yet simple) advices anyone has given me.
during the camp, i realised that all my life ive been too caught up with many little and trivial things that has caused me to be so tired. both physically and mentally. it suddenly occured to me one night that i have no desire and longing to surround myself with unimportant stuff anymore.
some relationships are taxing. small talk can get pointless. exclusiveness is childish in the sorority way. so why bother engaging?
i no longer care. at least i dont want to. because ive got so many important things on top of my priority list right now.
dont know whether you get me :P
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
things at home i'd nv appreciate unless i go for camp...
1) the shower....there's so much water at home, i love it!
2) my bed....oh my big big bed with all my pillows and my quilt...
3) a thick layer of nutella on my bread... i never reeally liked too much nutella on my bread. but too much is definitely better than too little.
4) the taste of tap water. if u think tap water tastes bad...try chlorinated tap water.
5) my handphone. yes i could use my handphone there...but the reception was sooo lousy you couldnt get any at certainparts of the campsite.
6) Nam loong
things i'd never get back home
1) the view of the open sky.
2) having a lake right in front of your bedroom.
3) having nothing to do....nothing to worry about except "what's at 2 oclock huh? games or leisure time??"
Monday, April 12, 2004
i figured the quizilla image would not appear so here's the description of my results to the WHATS MY SEXUAL APPEAL quiz. errr not very applicable i guess :P but the description of me is so spot on i cant help it haha
"forward" you know what u want and how to get it. some ppl call ur behaviour "slutty", but you dont really care what anyone think of you. Hurray!
haha. make me sound even more bu yao lian lol u guys know what im talking abt ;)
Easter Camp
disappeared for a while cuz i went for the ocf easter camp and just got back today.... went there with a super high expectation cuz last yr's camp was EXCELLENT but i guess i shldnt have cuz this yr's camp really cannot be compared to the last. initially i felt it was boring....really someone who does not like to play all those kinda *group bonding* games, treasure hunt and sorts. so to see that so many of such games were on the schedule was a major turn off. but i guess i learnt quite abit from the whole experience as well. that every cell group operates very very differently and ive been very blessed to be in my current cell group in MU ocf. hmm well it was gd 4 days of slacking and just relaxing...and as i have told angie n chad. the highlight of the whole camp was prob basketball during leisure time haha (that was fun) and that was abt it. :| took many photos. cant wait to upload!
forgot to mention that i felt so loved when everyone came to pray for me on sat night. thank you so much....cannot describe how good it felt.
thanks, too, for all your pass it on cards :)
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
ok yes i did really very badly for my mid sem test but thats alright...really motivated to study harder now :)
met ppl in school today...first it was soonwei+felix den it was jenny...thank gdness i met them in union and not at bailieu cuz i was splat on the couch trying to sleep. i was really sleepy but i couldnt catch any sleep today cuz i was too busy daydreaming...and this weird guy on the other couch kept staring at everyone. i felt watched :P
at work now and i'll be really happy after 730 cuz i'll be free free free! only have 1 lecture tmr from 8-9am and then the holiday starts for me. whoopee. cant wait!
goin to DNA with sofia tonight....heard its good :)
current thought: there's nothing my God cannot do
i miss old times.
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Oh happy day!
yay i totally screwed up my mid sem test but WHAT THE HELL! its only 2.5% and its OVER! whoopee. i finally changed my driving test date and i gotta wait till 13 May because there are no available slots before that... but i think its a blessing in disguise because i dont think im ready for the test at all. need to practise alot lot more :D
just finished watching this korean/jap serial called Friends. its about this japanese girl falling in love with this (awfully cute) korean guy (sorry. have weak spot for korean guys...)...they couldnt speak each other's language at first but they later went to learn and it was so so sweet. so unrealistic but well...entertaining anyway :D im motivated to learn korean again!! the cae course is starting on 19/4 and im gonna take it!! :) anyway wanna join meee....?
really full and satisfied with bakuteh now. super hyper cuz i took a really long nap in the afternoon. i havent taken a 3 hr nap for ages! my eyebags are still very visible but i think its a good start...:)
cant wait for easter!!!!
Monday, April 05, 2004
quote of the day: "hello may i speak to xiaoling pls..." "oh yes this is xiaoling pls.... oh i mean this is xiaoling speaking" :|
actually i have a mid sem test tmr. no one would have noticed cuz i didnt bother to study for it (yes even paranoid su didnt bother..) cuz its 2.5% and i think its just not worth my time to study 30 lectures for that 2.5%. oh well. maybe i'll flip thru my notes later *yawn*
im soooo boooreeed nowwww *screech* theres no one online to talk to and nothing on tv to watch. ok there's Sex and the City now but im too lazy to watch. indecisive :P *bah* me and lou have been reduced to playing with our three fones.....not many ppl to call yet. waiting for sofia to get her fone....:D
im HOMESICK! im seldom homesick....i just dont think of it much...not in the past 2+ yrs ive been here.... but calling home last night really made me miss home alot. i want my mummy :( cant wait to get back in june! (and when im in singapore...i look forward to coming back to melbourne. indecisive as usual)
i talked to yf yest too... hrm havent talked to him fact we haven caught up much ever since i came here. thats alright. he told me he'll always be there for me (although we may not talk as much as before).......n i trust him :) hope ocs is goin well for him :D i miss him!
Sunday, April 04, 2004
current song: big by planetshakers
i added 3 new cds to my notveryexistent collection today! me gie n eve bought 3 planetshakers cds for 45 dollars and they are REALLY GOOD. whoopee. :)
city church was in arrow building was PACKED and the whole basement was stuffy (and sometimes smelly :|) we were stuck at the back and all i could see was heads heads and more heads :( lesson learnt. go EARLY not 15 mins early but 1/2 hr early :|
try out this game ok it isnt really a game game...(cuz u know i dont like to play games) but its really quite interesting. the aim of it is to gather all the little clues and try to get out of the room that you're "trapped" in :D. courtesy of soon wei. got this whole hsehold clicking away................
major backache now :(
quizilla really comes up with all sorts of things!
![]() You are Psalms. Which book of the Bible are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Lesson learnt
Never drink your alcoholic drink too quickly or even your cosmopolitan cocktail can feel like 5 shots. :|
Saturday, April 03, 2004
the thought of goin to school in about an hrs spend 3 hrs at ltc isnt the most exciting thing on earth. lets get real here. who's looking forward to it on a saturday afternoon when there's so many other things there to do. think about it we just had a long bible study last night.
well i guess it wouldnt be THAT bad...and at the end of it (the day. and 5 weeks) im sure i'll look back and think to myself what a great time i had. but for now. just pray that i have the motivation to get thru the next 3 hrs
i was so tired today i couldnt get out of bed for school. it was so weird but i felt like i just couldnt get up and hence decided to skip 2 lectures today. yea. its rare...felt abit guilty but couldnt help it :P
i went for a hair cut today! and i feel so much better hair was in a complete mess and desperately needed some help. i cant stand walking around with an explosion on my head anymore!! after the haircut at soho me and eve went to QV and conveniently popped into Max Brennar for our a chocolate fix. my goodness. the fondue is TO DIE FOR *slurp*
cell today wasnt too bad....was too tired to talk much so wasnt contributing much. it was good thing i didnt zonk out...much...hehe our cell is goin for a retreat! yay. me n vchan gotta arrange something...hmm..
just finished doin the bible study for LTC and it aint very easy :P more difficult than our regular friday nights one :P
today was a good/funny day:
1) new hair cut
2) what i did on msn *eve would noe* hehe
3) me falling in the tram..........:|
4) trying to check out rings with eve during bible study :P
5) ride in penny's car: our hsehold + soonwei + edmund. haha
i really need to:
go on a diet. im so fat im goin to vomit and die now.
Thursday, April 01, 2004
Blog entry for Gie and Eve
*muaahahahahahahahahhaahahhaha* dont worry we're all still in the light. no crossing over to the dark side. yet ;)
dont worry. we still love u anyway
oh no. im mad.
![]() obsessive compulsive Which Personality Disorder Do You Have? brought to you by Quizilla
new additions on that side <-- fanne's and eddie's blogs!
i finally got my 3 fone!!! everything turned out well....managed to get more than 6 ppl in our group and i didnt need to pay the extra $20 for the prepaid number (i didnt have a credit card :() we managed to get soo many ppl cuz i asked this other grp of ppl in the shop whether they wanted to join us. who cares whether we noe them? hurhurhur. oh well
here's to free calls!
tell me if u have a 3 fone too yea? :D
no bf..but wth! haha
![]() -Sensitive- You're Sensitive, and you'd like to stay that way. Sorry,listened to a bit too much Jewel there. You're sweet and very emotionally charged. You definitely love the person you're with, and always want to know how they're feeling so you can make sure they're happy. What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla |
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