Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Butterfly Effect
"this is one of those shows that keeps you thinking about it...." --- Louise Chew
i cannot agree more. ashton kutcher stars in butterfly effect as a young man with a slight mental disorder - he would blank out suddenly and forget everything he did before that. his childhood was traumatizing - father with the same condition, best friend (later turned girlfriend) gets molested by her own father, screwed up violent friend etc. when he grew up, he had the ability to "go back to the past" just by reading his journals that he has kept with him since the age of seven....however everytime he "returns to the future" which was also the present. it would always be different. which means that everytime he goes back to the past something slightly different happened which would change his future ENTIRELY. he managed to change his future about four times....however each time, there was just something wrong. in the same situation where he was part of college's fraternity, he would end up in prison later for killing someone. or in the situation where he was doing really well in school, his best friend/girlfriend from the past would commit suicide.
he later found out a way to salvage the whole situation...and ultimately save "her". this was his last resort as he awaits being put into the "hopeless-cases" institution the next day. he went back to the past to the time he first met her when he was seven. and instead of shyly standing there and letting her kiss him gently on his cheek. he whispers "i hate u. i dont ever want to noe you" into her ear. the future was then perfect.
well. i guess its a story of some kinda twisted fate.
in a way i wished it was like that for me. somethings shld never have happened. so that somethings wouldnt be the way it is now.
complexed? ya i think so. just gotta watch it to understand.
A GARAGE-GURL. Youre into loud music, hot guys and wild fashions. Youre most at ease when you've got all your mates around you and you like to party. Boys are a game and youre always on the ball because you make sure youre always number one. Your virtues: Confidence, fun nature, sociability. Your flaws: Loudness, jealous tendency, need for attention.. What kind of girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
currently at work.
waiting for lou to come so that we can go to crown to watch butterfly effect. today's the last day to claim our free ticket :)
mario has a new toy. a wireless digital music player! whoopee! its so fun! haha it can play the mp3s in his here i am browsing thru the songs with the remote control. i want one too! :D
currently feeling super moody. :( attribute it to pms. (hopefully) i dont know. just in that i-dont-wanna-care-abt-anything-anymore kinda mood..... throwing one of my its-not-fair-why-does-it-only-happen-to-me tantrums. but its alright i'll get over myself. as always.
You are Orange. You are outgoing and optomistic. You always try to find the bright spot in everything. You are energetic and people are naturally attracted to you. However, you are not always sure of what your purpose or goals are. Most Compatible With: Fresh Mint Which Tic-Tac Flavor Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Cell Dinner
everyone left about 45 mins ago..... cant believe so many people came on a tuesday nite..what more stayed until sooo lateeee. :|
haha dinner was good. really really good. this cell can cook so well we ought to come up with our own recipe book! alot of new people came and it was nice to see that they could talk/make friends with us...:)
worship turned out alright! it was my first time....and got some positive comments from a few people so certainly encouraged ;) my stupid actions to the song wasnt too bad hehehe
hrm. really tired now after washing up.
but it was worth it. definitely.
chewy chewy chewy chewy oom baba. ay yay yay yay yay yay yay
p/s: thanks to eddie. my comp is SUPER fast now
Monday, March 29, 2004
ok these 2 guys just walked into the shop. they are here to photocopy and they've been here before...i recognise them!! the last time they were here the photocopier didnt work and i couldnt fix it. they ended up fixing it for me. when they walked into the shop just now....i could see them grinning at each other when they saw my stoned and bored face. they probably remember. :| hahaha. oops. i immediately hid behind the monitor...damn paiseh. and cant stop smiling to myself cuz i feel so so stupid. anyway one of them is quite cute. crappo. he looks like that cute korean guy from uni.
ok they so remember. they just refilled the photocopier with paper by themselves. this time they didnt exactly do it right....den all 3 of us grinning like idiots...
paiseh lah
what do u do when your friend's down and it could be your fault?
feeling super uneasy now knowing that something i did/say could have hurt another without me even knowing it. i once told another friend of mine that im not a very expressive person...and that what i think and do may completely contradict each other. so if ive done ssomething so SO wrong. i dont mean it.
i fear that, unknowingly , i might have done stuff that could have been insensitive or hurtful. and what can i do about now other than ask for forgiveness?
Sunday, March 28, 2004
quote of the day: "you know what.....studying is such an adventure..." - andri t. and im like :| *eye pop out*
Mid Sem Test
me and andri were online trying to work out some lousy protein catalysis mechanism and thermodynamics..... our mid sem test is in about a week's time and im trying very hard to pia 30 lects by then.. amazingly im having abit of fun. i realised that i always dread studying in the past because i always make it some kinda big "ok. i will start today. sit down and study from lecture one" thing. but i can actually read my notes anywhere. in front of my comp. in the tram. while waiting for someone. i dont actually need to sit down and revise my work and plan to spend 3 hrs on it because that is just plain boring and unmotivating. well. im seated before my comp now. flipping my notes and looking at ramachandran plots online...while scribbling notes on a piece of blank paper before me. no fuss. :)
currently listening to : Reaching for you by Hillsongs
i was hoping i'd get into the same group as either sof, lou or jon. we were splitted up into 3 cell groups so i figured the chance of being in the same cell as one of them is high. but guess what. sof and lou DID get into the same grp...but me and jon ended up in 2 separate cells. -__- i could feel the remains of my already not very existent enthusiasm melt away.
but after sitting there ..thinking about it for a while...i realised that it was no coincidence, badluck or some kinda murphy's law...but more like God's plan and God's way of telling me to step out of my comfort zone...cause i've been too cumfy and reliant on things/ppl around much so that i've neglected to open up to alot of new things/ppl. i realised this is a very good opportunity for me to learn and to be equipped with skills that will last me a lifetime...
with that. i didnt mind being the bible study coordinator. haha enthusiasm kinda came back.
went to grandma kimchi for dinner tonight.....yuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm i love korean food! *beam* while walking back to the car...some funny guy whacked eve on the head with a bunch of greenie leafy thing that resembled lettuce. she was so stunned she just kept quiet and watched the guy walk away. i suggested it was his way of marking his territory. what do u think eve? ;)
for all u ppl who have been reading my tagboard and wondering what painem was. its a very kampong indonesian name that andrew came up with. andri came up with atun. so im painem atun su. :| since when i became a maid..? i dont know. sir.
Saturday, March 27, 2004
i was just saying (in the blog entry i just typed) i felt kinda grumpy and then that blog entry gets deleted!!! GRRRRRRRR :|
ok maybe not exactly grumpy...more disappointed actually.....:| will get over myself soon. :)
currently listening to: jian dan ai by jay chou
bible study was GREAT. it was nice to see that we could share and contribute to a deep's surprising how we were able to be open with one another although we're all very new to one another... felt like i learnt alot today :)]
shanna came to ocf today! very happy to see her!! :D she didnt come to my cell....went to sof's instead..but i hope u had a good time girl :)
ltc starts tmr. i just found out today. abit apprehensive....but i guess i gotta go there with an open attitude and be prepared to be pushed to the max. :| hope all goes well
a nite summarised in a few lines.
Thursday, March 25, 2004
i woke up at 7am this morning thinking i have another hour to sleep. i was having a nightmare so i didnt exactly wanna move from my bed (it was very scary!!! :() anyway i forgot that lecture starts at 8am today NOT by the time i woke up at was too late :( i dont like skipping classes but oh well. managed to sleep in abit....
paid all our bills today and it feels so good. i now understand the feeling of opening one bill after another and having to pay and pay until we're so dry. but it all worked out so its all good now :D thank goodness we're not unemployed...well techinically we are...but u know what i mean :)
its gonna be a really busy day for me....driving starts in abt 45 mins (laaazyyyyy) and i have prac after that till 5pm. taibox is at 530 and i think i ought to go to the library after that to do abit of work cause i just found out that my mid sem test is BEFORE easter not AFTER easter...which means i have no time to procrastinate anymore *whine* counting down to 6/4.....need to finish revising so many lectures before that...:(
at least i aint sleepy today...
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Faraday St
yesterday one of the key gangland figures of melbourne was shot dead in a restaurant just 15 mins away from my home. the gangland war is so public it is unbelievable. who would expect a man to be shot dead in broad daylight (245pm) a busy restaurant located in the inner city. its eerie to know that such murders are so apparent in a place near me. whats more, i read the papers and found out that in last year alone there were 7 gangland members killed! i didnt know and i admit ignorance is bliss.
take care guys. dont go out too late ok?
in the same street today, my friend got knocked down by a car while riding his bicycle to school. he's alright, Thank God, just abit bruised but generally well. im thinking twice about riding my bike on the streets. maybe at night when it aint so busy. gotta tighten all my screws first :|
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Pencil Case
I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT i knew i'd find my pencil case!! i lost my pencilcase in the biochemistry department....and by some kinda miracle, someone found it and knew it was mine. i got an email from some lecturer/coordinator telling me that she found my pencil case and that i can collect it from the reception. WHOOP TEE DOO. o pencil case. back into my arms u belong
Currently listening to: Running After You by Planetshakers
i havent attended FILOMENA's taibox class for a couple of weeks now....and it felt SO GOOD to be back again. as usual, her lesson was jampacked with not just tons of ppl, but tons of GIRL POWER and ATTITUDE
it was the perfect way to destress and just punch out every bit of frustration left inside of me. really tired now but really satisfied.
im at work now and im getting pretty sleepyy.....*yawn* everyday i plan to sleep at 11pm but everytime when i get ready to go to sleep....someone i'd want to talk to online would appear and keep me on the computer for a few more hrs. no, it aint any special someone. just different ppl everyday....ppl i want to catch up with. anyway, my sis kept me online until 2+am last nite and im surprised i actually survived through 9am lecture. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwnnn
my photo album is alive ! check out in that box <--- and will be uploading more pix when i have the time.
Monday, March 22, 2004
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
today screened, undoubtedly, the best episode of queer eye. it wasn't just for the fact that the straight guy was yummyliciously HOT. but the fact that the love between him and his wife was so beautiful.
queer eye features 5 gay men making-over the lives of straight men. each gay has a unique job - grooming, culture, food, interior design and fashion. most of the time, the straight guy calls for help from the QE after desperate attempts to revamp their that they may make their wives/gfs happier, or so that they may win the hearts of a few lucky women. the straight guy featured today was an olympian, married to an italian wife. he was transformed from a hot tracksuit-wearing guy to a SUPER HOT armani model. (trust me)
it was heartwarming to see him learn how to make ravioli from scratch. pamper her. treat her like an absolute princess.
and the show ended so so SO beautifully with 2 of them figure skating on the rink (with tons of spectators of course). who could deny that they looked so perfect together. my heart melted.
Sunday, March 21, 2004
ive deleted my thick skin su post just in case the mentioned person stumbles upon my blog and reads it MUAHAHAHA *shy* hahahaa oh well. the blog entry was good while it lasted kekkeke
cant believe the weekend just zoomed past me like that. it was refreshing though cause it has been a tiring week and its only during the weekends that i can catch up on my sleep/rest. well. time for a new week. a new start. hope it'll be better than the last :D
tia maria tim tam tastes more like coffee tim tam den liqeur tim tam *hmm*
City Church
worship lived up to its name of course
but i went there to check out its message. (there was no message last week) and boy did it blow me off my feet. it was AWESOME how God spoke directly to me.
how great it is to have a God who knows exactly what im going through. how exactly ive been feeling and thinking. and im glad im finally able to let go of all the baggages that ive been carrying with me the past few weeks...and find rest and comfort in His embrace.
There is nothing MY God cannot do. i believe in miracles. and i believe He'll make one happen. in my life. all i gotta do is just be strong, take heart. and wait for the Lord.
just called home. i love calling home. my parents dont call me everyday so its great everytime i get to talk to them. just found out that we're goin to shanghai in july and im SO EXCITED. *shopping here i come* my dad's company rented a condo for him in accomodation is settled when we're there. yay!
i often pray to God that he may open opportunities for things . and it never ceases to amaze me everytime something almost impossible or illogical happens...not that i'm very surprised that He heard my prayer...but more overwhelmed and delighted that He would want to hear my prayer...that someone as magnificent as my God would want to fellowship with me. In His eyes, i'm never not important or not special enough...and I'm so blessed for that...for in Him, i've found my worth.
Saturday, March 20, 2004
we (me, mich, lou, viv, eve, jus) had a proper sit down dinner on my dining table tonight. eve made EGGPLANT and szechuan beef. me, mich and lou cooked curry vege, bbq sweet chilli chicken, scrambled eggs and barley dessert. the curry wasnt supposed to be just vege...i intended it to be curry chicken BUT after putting in the veg...the curry just didnt taste right. and we suspect it was the could have been on the shelf for too long. SO.. didnt wanna waste the chicken and dumped it in the oven instead. it turned out ALL GOOD *burp* im so full but so satisfied.
thanks guys for sucha great dinner! :D
anyway im soooo tireed and suffering from major back ache (wats new) from cleaning up and washing the dishes. i think i shld go look for a masseur bf. any recommendations?
Thursday, March 18, 2004
crazy su and crazy lou bought a bicycle each today. i need to take 70 tram rides to be able to redeem the cost of the bike. which aint too bad actually since im gonna be here for another 2 yrs anyway. whoopee. we're gonna ride to st kilda beach this sat! i wanna go to carlton gardens NOW but ive got no spanner. so cant fixed the bike :( hrm act i dont have any idea how to fix my bike...anyone wants to help me?
i love the sound of my back cracking. i dont understand why my back is always aching. the whole back...both lower and upper aching like mad....everytime lou presses down on my lower back its like oooowwwww (when she presses down on the upper back. its like CRACK). GERMAINE! any idea??? :| :(
*in pain su*
8am lecture today -__- felt so stupid walking down the streets at 7-ish am. i think the people in the cars whizzing by thought i was some blur girl who thought it was 8 something and am goin for a 9am class. anyway my stupid sandal broke on the way to school -___- THANK GOODNESS i was almost there and sofia was not far behind with her trusty paper clip. hurhurhur.
went to CARDIO FUNK with eve at 12nn and it was hilarious. it was our first time (i norm go for taibox!) and i think its gonna be my last. 1) im super uncoordinated 2)the movements were just so....w e i r d.....i might demonstrate to u if u ask and if we're in a deserted corner. anyway me and eve were like O__O
prac today was so much better than 2 weeks ago. JIM the demonstrator did not go overtime on his he has redeemed himself slightly but still hasnt gotten off my weirdos list...because
1) he remembers junquan's hair from 2 weeks ago....
2) he remembers ALL our names (and even recognises me outside of class) this is the second time we're seeing him in 3 weeks mind u.
3) he takes 1/2 hr to answer my one innocent question
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
The Current Song: Ni Bi Cong Qian Kuai Le - Jay Chou
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*rem to go to -view- and select simplified chinese encoding. its act traditional chinese but somehow it only works with simplified chinese. try figuring it out?
** for the chinese illiterates...i dont mind translating it for u. just ask :D
Maybe I look un-Chinese
there are these 2 chinese girls in front of me now photocopying a whole book of lecture notes. they are talking really loudly to each other in chinese. all sorts of funny topics from "shit i dont have a waist." to "i look good in pink" i guess they assume i dont understand them and am not listening cuz i appear to be attentively looking at the monitor. which i am actually. but i cant help listening to their conversation right. they r in front of me for goodness sake. anyway. they started asking each other whether the shopkeeper (ME!) is goin to count the number of pages they photocopied...or whether ive recorded down some number from the photocopier before they started photocopying. anyway they started telling each other "nvm need to count later. just anyhow take a small stack from the big stack and count...den estimate and multiply. anyhow. we will still gain. we'll definitely pay less..." [pause. they just finished copying]
thank goodness for not THAT stupid and ive already checked the meter before they started copying, and den checked the meter again when they have finished. so. it was exactly 88 pages. not more. not less.
i understand chinese. i almost laughed out loud.
no....they didnt realise i got up from my seat almost immediately after they said "no more paper" to ea other in chinese.
im at work again and im so sleepy i cannot believe it. i didnt sleep exceptionally late last night but i think a whole day of buzzing around wore me out completely. didnt manage to attend much of the cell dinner last night...and it was just as well because i was in no way feeling sociable. i tried my best to put up a friendly front and i hope it worked cause i didnt wanna impose any moody remnants of the day/week on anyone around me. its pretty taxing trying to be normal all the time (i understand how u feel lou ;)) and trying to act like everything's a-ok when everything isnt. felt like crap. felt even crappier trying to pretend i didnt feel like crap.
but its better now. just tired. just weary. just wanna sleep.
cant wait to get off work so i can go to carlton gardens and exercise abit. think a slow jog around the park by myself is a good way to destress and to spend some alone time. where i can really be myself.
well. it has been a busy day at work trying to consolidate all the customer details. trying to figure out who has paid and who hasnt (from many sources!) isnt an easy job. but we finally got it done (after much hair-tugging) and its finally quiet now....
i completely zonked out in lectures today and tute was worse. i did pay attn during tute :P but i juz din get anything matt perugini was talking about :P i will do some work tonight.
ive applied for a credit card~ whoopee! i can now shop online. muaahaahaa in abt a week i can get my 3 fone too...oh yes lemme convince u guys why u shld get a three fone:
1) 3 to 3 calls are FREE. note. FREE. so if u and ur frens get 3...u can call each other for free ALL DAY. (u could call me too!)
2) there's no mthly minimum charge. so u only pay for what u use. if u dont use anything this mth. u dont pay
3) u use anything above 99 bucks. they still charge u 99 bucks. so it doesnt matter whether ur gonna use 300 dollars....
4) the fones are pretty cool (some r big...but the nec one im getting is alright) they can double up as palms or mp3 players depending on which model u get
SOOOOO...if u decide that u do need a new phone plan and ur considering 3......go get it from the UNI UNION 3 SHOP because me and a few others already formed a small grp of 5 or 6 people...and if we get 6 people and above we get the fones much much cheaper. (note $66 cheaper for the fone that i wanna get) JUST CODE OUR GROUP NAME KAIROS and u can join our group and get a discount too. hopefully we can have more than 6 people ...den everyone can benefit. yay! :D
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
don't u just hate it when blogger takes soooo long to publish your latest updates?? im at work and its the final 1/2 hr. i can't wait to get home cause cell dinner's at my place and im hungrrryy. :( we managed to clean up our hse in record time...but we're still unable to unpack everything. i did ABIT of unpacking. but its negligible. :|
i hate to admit this but i really need to start studying and do abit . no wait. alot of catching up cuz i think im soo behind time. *reality check* ok i will start tmr. tonight's the last night of making merry!
i think sitting in front of the comp for too long is unhealthy. take it from me. the one who sits in front of the comp for 5 hrs str (i cant help it! i have to work!). its not good! my face is red and i feel dehydrated and tired :(
these 2 ppl in front of me juz photocopied 229 pages. i admire their patience. they've been here forever. i would have just sent it to the shop and tell them to do it for me. regardless of price! :P
i need to exercise. im fat! :(
i think im totally addicted to the avocado/nutella/milo/condense-milk mix. it makes me full. it makes me happy. i cannot get enougn of it!
oh what have i been doing in singapore all these while without avocados? poor ye souls in singapore do not will hunt down the avocados in every supermarket and market to blend this oh so delicious fruit for u. muaahaahaa
someone ought to write an ODE TO AVOCADOS.
anyway we wanted to get the 3 fone today but we need a credit card to get a new number. and i dont. so i have to wait. another. week. so that i can go apply for the card and get my fone :( nonetheless its a good day. much happier now compared to last night. cell dinner in a few hrs but i cant be there for most of it cuz gotta work. but its alright. looking forward to it anyway
i can finally take my driving exam! my instructor is gonna book a day for me in abt 3 weeks time. whoopee! wish me luck (i dont stall anymore *beam*)
vent anger. by cleaning. exercising. madly rushing around doing everything. throwing things out. singing. shouting. blasting.
at the end of the day. in the still of the night. with a sappy song playing in the background. mind blank. mind void. mind wander....
flashback. scenes of the past. nauseating. disgustingly maddening
but you can't hold me down
thought of the day: "be careful...because some guys are nice but some can be real bastards..." --- Jie Jie Wong
Monday, March 15, 2004
i forgot to mention that my multitonal hairdye thing went so wrong i had to dye my hair again the next day. it was so bad it looked as if a whole bucket of golden paint dropped on my head (felt like a golden monkey) so i bought VIOLET PASSION the next day cuz i wanted purple hair. anyway it turned out FIERY RED instead (whats with these hair dyes???) but it's all good. love the bright bright red now. these are the best pictures ive taken so far....cannot really see my hair colour in pictures...need to see it under the sun and its like WHOA MAN, whip out the sunglasses. hurhur. anyway check out here
oh by the way. the people in the pics are ANDRI and LOU check out their blogs there <-- :D
current song: I don't want you back by Eamon (attitude loaded...but do d/l the censored one pls)
i duwan to go to school tmr -__-
if only everyday is a sunday *whine*
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Latest updates to this blog of mine
1) i fixed the tagboard. leave me some msgs?
2) i added a few new people to my links check out SOFIA and GERMAINE at the side there <---
current song: Stop calling me by shakaya
Friday, March 12, 2004
Average Joe
what started off as a promising deviation from your typical bachelor/bachelorette reality shows turned out to be no different from the rest. the show stars a gorgeous blonde cheerleader on a quest to find true love. she tells the network that "looks do not matter" and that "personality is everything". hence, the network introduces a bunch of AVERAGE JOES....there are fat ones, short ones, balding ones, geeky ones....u name it and u get it. true to her words, she did fall in love with a couple of these average joes...until the network den introduced a few hunks just to tempt her. and guess what? YES she does fall in love with one of these hunks because there was this "mutual attraction". well today's final episode was down to 2 guys. 1 ave joe and 1 hunk. unfortunately, with much heartbreak and tears, the viewers had to watch her break the sweet ave joe's heart (who's sincere.......and loaded..........) and well. typical fairy tale ending with the pretty faced prince charming.
whole load of crap about choosing personality over looks.
nonetheless, ho to all those average joes out there. celebrate the beauty of imperfection.
Thursday, March 11, 2004
went to ikea with andrew today n i picked up some things yay. i love home furnishing and i love buyin kitchen stuff. now i have a newww wok and newww cutlery and newww chopping boards. very soon i'll have a newww fridge and then my kitchen is complete and we can have housewarming. whoopee andrew was looking for sofas (like nice few hundred dollared ones) and im super jealous because i cannot afford. haha looks like he's gonna have a more cumfy living room than i am. OH WELL. ppl rich :S
im waiting for lou to come home. gie wans to watch butterfly effect tonight and im interested. but im just hungry and groggy now so i cant think str.
bloody sore throat is spoiling everything
i bought hair dye thats multi tonal. hope it turns out cool :D
have i mentioned i miss angela to bits? i probably havent. well i do.
Saturday, March 06, 2004
current song: Why do u build me up?? buttercup baby, just to let me down...and mess me around. and den worst of all...u nv call baby when u say u will..but i LOVE YOU STILL! - Temptations
amazing race today...i think ive never ran so much this whole yr. considering that i was operating on 3 hrs of sleep...i think i did a pretty good job keeping up with the cell. hurhur we even came in fastest *beam* went to evolution last night and the music is not bad, just that the atmosphere at next blue's better....and next blue's bigger. hmm...the fireworks at the moomba waterfest was amazing! it's not as good as the CNY fireworks display but will do. love the shimmering golden starry ones. they make me happy :D
its 11.45 and i dont feel like sleeping just yet. not exactly feeling at ease right now. feel like just goin out alone for a walk again but im pretty tired and its raining. but i feel couped up here. hmm. how now.
Thursday, March 04, 2004
i still cant handle the fact that i have 8am class tmr. *yawn* think i shld go to bed real real soon. hrm. prac starts tmr andim abit scared :S thats odd i noe but i have a love-hate relationship with weird pracs like these (abit of chem. abit of physics. both i hate haha) i will conquer it tmr during my 5 hr break lah *lazy*
went for the cleansing stream bible study juz now and it wasnt exactly what i expected. it was much much longer than alpha....and much much more repetitive. nonetheless what the pastor on the video said abt surrendering my life to God and placing my spirit above my soul really struck me. realised that i often use my own feelings to make decisions that are probably whats not good for me. and i refuse to acknowledge it altho it could be at the back of my head. time to let go. and leave the rest to Him. still psyched and goin next week with an open mind!
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
school started today and it was awfully boring. it was one of those first-day-of-school overview lectures and briefings that absolutely bored me to tears. but i ought to be thankful that it was pretty nothing to serious and too tough for me to handle today. hmm... timetable's lousy. have so many many gaps i dont know what to do. today i stoned (literally) for 40 mins. think it'll be better when lectures actually start... still motivated to study hard!
as we walked around carlton gardens again tonight....suddenly realised that there are so many things around that we've not noticed due to the our hectic lifestyles. now we know why they say we should all stop and smell the roses. for so many things around us were created so beautiful. yet we're too busy and too caught up with whatever we're much so that we neglect.
so have u seen the stars in the sky lately?
Monday, March 01, 2004
i agree with lou that today's a much happier day.... shared once again as we took our walk in the park. but this time the walk was more relaxed, more cheery and less solemn. less guilt less remorse.
hrm. danny came back today! finally everyone is back! whoop tee doo. so we just hung out like old times yum cha in the morn...stroll down st kilda beach......playing bridge with chad lou danny danny's korkor and evelyn.... simple pleasures in life :)
school starts tmr and i have mixed feelings. excited cuz its a brand new start. yet abit apprehensive cuz well. its school. nonetheless looking forward to seeing everyone again tmr... motivated to study! :D
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