Wednesday, March 17, 2004
im at work again and im so sleepy i cannot believe it. i didnt sleep exceptionally late last night but i think a whole day of buzzing around wore me out completely. didnt manage to attend much of the cell dinner last night...and it was just as well because i was in no way feeling sociable. i tried my best to put up a friendly front and i hope it worked cause i didnt wanna impose any moody remnants of the day/week on anyone around me. its pretty taxing trying to be normal all the time (i understand how u feel lou ;)) and trying to act like everything's a-ok when everything isnt. felt like crap. felt even crappier trying to pretend i didnt feel like crap.
but its better now. just tired. just weary. just wanna sleep.
cant wait to get off work so i can go to carlton gardens and exercise abit. think a slow jog around the park by myself is a good way to destress and to spend some alone time. where i can really be myself.
well. it has been a busy day at work trying to consolidate all the customer details. trying to figure out who has paid and who hasnt (from many sources!) isnt an easy job. but we finally got it done (after much hair-tugging) and its finally quiet now....
i completely zonked out in lectures today and tute was worse. i did pay attn during tute :P but i juz din get anything matt perugini was talking about :P i will do some work tonight.
ive applied for a credit card~ whoopee! i can now shop online. muaahaahaa in abt a week i can get my 3 fone too...oh yes lemme convince u guys why u shld get a three fone:
1) 3 to 3 calls are FREE. note. FREE. so if u and ur frens get 3...u can call each other for free ALL DAY. (u could call me too!)
2) there's no mthly minimum charge. so u only pay for what u use. if u dont use anything this mth. u dont pay
3) u use anything above 99 bucks. they still charge u 99 bucks. so it doesnt matter whether ur gonna use 300 dollars....
4) the fones are pretty cool (some r big...but the nec one im getting is alright) they can double up as palms or mp3 players depending on which model u get
SOOOOO...if u decide that u do need a new phone plan and ur considering 3......go get it from the UNI UNION 3 SHOP because me and a few others already formed a small grp of 5 or 6 people...and if we get 6 people and above we get the fones much much cheaper. (note $66 cheaper for the fone that i wanna get) JUST CODE OUR GROUP NAME KAIROS and u can join our group and get a discount too. hopefully we can have more than 6 people ...den everyone can benefit. yay! :D
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