Sunday, July 31, 2005I Can Throw Hat With You!
my corn muffins turned out scone-ish. i guess scones are fine. but they just aren't muffins and i'm terribly disappointed. i dont believe i did anything wrong so i shall just go scout for another recipe. then again, maybe i'll just eat kenny roger's. :(
ive been in an icon-downloading frenzy thanks to rach and i wish i had more icons to convert. now you know why i need 250gb. i'm just full of nonsense.
i was doing my laundry when i felt like i miss my mum. no not because she does most of my laundry in singapore. (ok maybe partly) but i got reminded of her when i took out the new delicates laundry bag(s) that she bought for me before i came back here last week (you mean i've only been back for slightly more than a week!?). yes i know i love being away from home but i am still capable of some feeling (hum).
for the record. i still hate laundry. and i still have tons of laundry.
my dad told me to fly back here after my sis' wedding to graduate with everyone else. because it's err. more fun. in his words. *raise eyebrow* i've never considered that before but now that he suggested it...hurhur. maybe i should. he said i could just graduate again after honours if i want to but i really dont see the need. once is enough. for now that is. :)
im hungry. so i shall sleep.
ok i noe i said i was going to sleep
but this looks fun
[Name 3 schools you went to]
[Name 3 things in your wallet]
driver's licence
singapore sim card
karaoke namecard
(everything but money)
[Name 3 current favorite songs]
fanweiqi & zhangshaohan - ru guo de shi
mariah carey - it's like tt
elva hsiao - yi ge ren de jing cai
[Name 3 THINGS you love to do]
study :D
it's about all that i do
[Name 3 people on ur mind]
will u believe me if i say there's nothing in my mind at the moment?
blank, zilch, nada, zip.
im too hungry.
[Name 3 of your fav colors]
[Name 3 recent expenses]
suan mei
bread mix
[Name 3 plans for next week]
(healthy wholesome lifestyle. *clears throat*)
[Name 3 things you did this week]
(again. i'm consistent)
[3 things you're gonna do in the next hour]
receive files online
[3 things you did in an hour ago)
called home
called jiejie's home
talked to eve
[3 things u do when you're sad]
find chocolate
wash toilet
become annoyingly weird
[3 things you do when you're happy]
talk. alot.
[3 kinds of people you dislike]
people who tYpE LiKe tHiS
people who say thingZzZzz with ZzZz
but i'm generally quite tolerant. quite.
[3 kind of people u like]
i tend to prefer rich pilots. the kind that leave their wives at home alone. :D
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