Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Found Nemo
i'm back from sydney all bloated and fat.
as always, we took tons..i mean TONS of pictures but i havent gotten the other half of the pictures from eve so i shall not post them up. it's just another excuse because i'm too lazy to do anything now anyway.
nonetheless i did manage to get one important picture.
you see, i'm in love. oh yes. i'm in love.
we went to the hillsong easter service and they invited delirious? and sonicflood.
oh my.
the delirious? lead vocal is too cute to be true. i'm risking sounding DITSY here but I DONT CARE. and considering i don't normally say these about ang mohs. he really is very cute.
i realised the picture does him no justice.
but oh my. my oh my.
so apart from that, we did all the usual stuff....went to all sorts of tourist-y places, took all the tourist-y pictures, bought the tourist-y tshirts (which i must show u soon), and ate all the tourist-y food.
speaking of food i've had more donuts today than in 2 years. 2 krispy kreme donuts are enough to keep me wide awake and sick in the stomach for a very very long time. >.<
no donuts. no more donuts. ><
have i also mentioned that my sanba pimple has been bugging me whole of the past 4 days? it has been named the sanba pimple thanks to its strategic location at the side of my chin which i reckon gives a very sanba look if a mole was in place.
so it's going to be studying (i hope) for me for the next few days.
oh and my mum reminded me today to "save money and to plan to slim down for jiejie's wedding".
ho hum.
weekend's approaching and i can smell the party already.
dodgy douglas shall be its name.
dont ask why.
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