Monday, January 31, 2005
Double sniffles
you know sometimes i wonder why i bother putting up with people who make me feel lousy.
and refer to <-- i was allergic to unoriginal people. and i still am.
Can You Believe It?
it's my last week of work!
i cannot believe it!
Sunday, January 30, 2005
ok i've never been more inspired to become a taitai. i think i watched too much tv today.
i didn't mention this but i was getting really scared of my supervisor because i was afraid i'd do something wrong and get a thrashing from her. ok so i probably wouldn't get a thrashing....but then she has been kinda err scarymary these days. then she told me yesterday her dad just got diagnosed with cancer which explained why she has been running around. i just said 'oh' and we fell into this silence....continuing with our monotonous pipetting of solutions into tubes. i've never been good with these kind of awkward, uncomfortable situations. i never know what to say!
then i couldn't stop myself from getting all sneezy weezy because i wasn't feeling too good
and she asked me "are you ok?"
i so wanted to kick myself. am i ok? yes of course. really, i should have been the one asking that question.
lousy su.
oh well. anyway because i wasn't feeling good i came back and decided to take a nap at 845pm so that i could wake up at 10pm to watch idol. that didn't happen. i slept all the way till the next morning. compared to a normal night, that was worth 2 nights of sleep! i've never been more proud of myself *beam*
i picked out this pink cheongsam for my cousin who is turning 4 soon. CAN U IMAGINE HOW CUTE THAT WOULD LOOK?! oohh i can't wait. (somehow i can't seem to change my font back from pink)
and im looking forward to hewitt vs safin tmr. it would have been perfect if roddick got through to the finals....but i'd just make do with safin.
oh c'mon hewitt, i don't like you. >.<
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Good News Girls!
the new age taitai works! (i was watching a documentary on cna)
which means you can be a career woman and enjoy the privileges of being a taitai at the same time. no more dilemma? yay!
now to find a rich husband..............................................
Friday, January 28, 2005
i dont know about you but i always feel VERY fat everytime i go to the hairdresser's. i think it's because of the robe around your neck...makes your face look super big.
anyway while getting my hair cut today i heard this on the radio
dj: ok choose an alphabet: o or w.
participant in a matt(amacam?) accent: i choose o
dj: this is goin to be reaaaaally simple. im going to give u a definition and you can tell me the word that i'm defining. it will start with the letter o!
partipant: ok
dj: what word is used to describe: does not emit(sorry i actually meant transmit. not emit. emit doesn't make sense. but i'll leave it there haha. booboo) light. inpenetrable to sight.
(su screams OPAQUE in the background)
dj repeats question
participant: err. issit an animer or what? (what was he thinking? orang utan?)
so i got my haircut. and i think im almost successful in any act cute attempt. if i was attempting to begin with. wah lao i didn't ask for a haircut that would make me look this young.
and my hair is too thick. it took me more than an hr for a haircut. i got all fidgety and restless and ended up with some hair in my pants. i dont know how it got there but ya. i could feel it.
oo yes. i met harti and adila (not the ncc adila. the other quieter one) at the train station. harti's so cute. she looked at me and said to adila "IS THAT SUEE?" really loudly...enough to snap me out of a daze. i stared at her for a while before goin hello! :D she said my giggle's the same. i think it's a more polite way of saying "oh my gosh! you're still scary!" hehe
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
i crave chilli tapioca like a pregnant woman.
not good.
anyway, im beginning to believe that scientists will die earlier.
the chemicals are so smelly it's not funny.
im currently dealing with a rottenegg smelling one.
i wonder what would happen if the innocent looking intern (me) they hired turned out to be some psychopath who steals methanol and pours it into people's drinks.
methanol blinds you. very quickly.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Right now, I.......
am going to do this while waiting for my gel to harden.
20 Years Ago, I . . .
1. was born
2. really there is nothing
3. else to be said here
15 Years Ago, I . . .
1. was in singapore instead of msia
2. got my citizenship
3. was enrolled in seventh day adventist kindergarten with strange boys that chased me around the room (literally). i would end up hiding behind the curtains.
10 Years Ago, I...
1. broke my arm
2. (cat)fought with my pri sch classmate (later turned very good friend) over some guy (what?)
3. started playing badminton
5 Years Ago, I...
1. spent many hours blowing balloons and painting banners
2. got very acquainted with bun. ok that sounds dodgy!
3. trained, trained and trained.
3 Years Ago, I...
1. went to melbourne
2. fell in love with korea
3. started bowling again. but stopped because of number 1.
1 Year Ago, I...
1. did something really brave.
2. strengthened relationships and forged new ones
3. spent my first cny away from family
Yesterday, I...
1. bought a new skirt
2. spent the whole night playing CSI:MIAMI
3. lysed more than 100 tubes of cells.
Today, I...
1. ate some baos
2. paid my school fees
3. am goin for cell
Tomorrow, I...
1. shouldnt go out and go to bed by 9
2. should stop saying i'll do it tomorrow
3. need to go on a diet
Stye in my Eye
which is commonly believed to be caused by peeping at someone in the shower is really just an infection of the hair follicle.
i really really didnt see anything dodgy!
apart from aunties clad in orange feathers and platforms prancing around the stage in westmall last night.
p/s: i am typing this in because i remember getting scolded by bun for not coming up with a remedy. (cf: white hair post). so i read somewhere that you should apply a warm, wet, clean wash cloth to your eye 4 times a day, 10 mins each time. basically, this ..err... helps the stye to burst (chibaboom!) by encouraging white blood cells to travel to the infected site. walla! and the pressure would be released. (did i mention that the stye is filled with pus?)
Monday, January 24, 2005
Who did it!
my sister bought this CSI:MIAMI computer game and i'm seriously addicted!
if u know me, i'm so not a game person. but this thing is so fun! you get to collect all your own evidence and interrogate suspects to crack the case.
my sis and i would have slept much later if i didn't suddenly point out "eh got a hand sticking out!". she got slightly freaked out and we decided to continue the game after work today.
it helps if you like the show.
im so sleepy now.
I belong in Neverland
because i can pretend
til i cannot differentiate reality and make-believe.
and even if it weren't true, i'd continue pretending..........
Finding Neverland was a good movie :D
p/s: Thank you for helping lou and i move back in melbourne.
Saturday, January 22, 2005
The Foot
has reduced me to hobbling around at home.
im so angry!
it's the weekend. so picture time again!
spent last night over at PGP (NUS) watching american idol and 24. ok so we didnt really manage to finish 24. i was unable to keep myself awake and shamefully took rachel's whole bed, hence ousting her and peiling to cheryl's room.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Friday, January 21, 2005
Tolerance vs Acceptance
it really is a very fine line.
my father and i were having a discussion in the car this morning and i'm really glad we did.
he was trying to put across his point that all religions should be tolerant. he said he had no objections to me having my own religion (tt's how he put it) but i should be wise to pick one that is tolerant to other religions.
so i asked? how exactly would you define tolerant?
he gave me an example of his muslim colleague who doesnt mind people having pork before him. just as long as he doesnt consume it.
so i was like. ohhhh. that's like tolerating but not accepting. that's easy.
then he said "oh you shouldnt be choosing a religion that disallows you to walk into a temple". and i was like ya.... *raise eyebrow* but going into a temple is a totally different thing from praying to the gods right? tolerating, but not accepting!
things got abit trickier when we started to talk about showing respect and worshipping/praying. i said there's nothing with showing respect to someone. i mean, people offer oranges to their elders during chinese new year right? offer tea during wedding? that's just a simple gesture to show that "I RESPECT YOU". but it gets ugly when the concept of showing respect and praying is synoymous. like offering incense. how was i to answer him when he asked me whether offering incense to him when he's dead would be wrong. ideally, i know the answer. but it's much easier said than done so please don't even bother to offer me all the textbook stuff. so i said well i suppose when you're just paying respect it's ok...but not when you start to bow down to worship and pray. i suppose he sensed that i was really reluctant on even the offering joss sticks just for respect bit. so he asked "what is wrong with that? you must question and not just anyhow believe". hello, now how was i supposed to say that i could become a stumbling block? i tried to put that idea and conveyed it in layman's terms. but i know what answer i was gonna get. and i did get it.
"who cares what other people think? as long as you know what you're doing isn't wrong..."
but you know what, at least they aren't stopping me from going to church. and as much as it's difficult to explain to them that church doesnt 'force people to donate money' i'm just going to take things slow. and pray for the best. because i believe one day that they'll truly understand.
for now, it's an upward struggle. but im not alone.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
I dreamt of Jeremy Hon
who on earth is jeremy hon!
strange things that this subconscious mind conjures.
it's the weekend already! well, almost. and i cannot be more glad! have been waking up abit late these days and appearing at work abit too late for comfort (though it is STILL before 9am). not feeling too guilty though cause mr big boss was on leave the whole week and i don't reckon my supervisors or the other colleagues care much.
whoosh! and i've been here for 8 weeks already. my workload has also evolved from almost nonexistent to toomuchicanhandle. as much as i'm looking forward to having a proper holiday after quitting, it has been a good (though sleepy) experience that i'd probably choose to do again if given the choice. unlike vic and su in GIS, i haven't made friends friends here due to the fact that im the only intern. but i sure have gotten more than used to my older colleagues mannerisms and strange antics.........considering how i started off wanting to just blend in the background and mind my own business......this i assume is a feat.
i think i might just miss hearing
"sueeeeeeeee! ni you kong ma?! ke bu ke yi bang wo.................................."
"sueeeeeeeee! ni you kong ma?! wo jiao ni zhen me zuo..........."
im serious when i say they call me sueeeeeeeeeeeee. i think it's just an outward manifestation of stress. man, are they highstrung.
i shocked myself to find that my attendance has been 100% so far...each time coming in at 830 (or 845 when im late) and leaving no earlier than 6pm. but thinking back on my countless prayers each day to help me complete this task and do it well, i must say that He has been really really good. as always.
and judging from how i begrudgingly peel myself off the bed each morning, i know for sure that the strength did not come from me.
but just for the record, the male colleague that i mentioned eons ago STILL has not acknowledged my presence. (yes, he's still doing the look-right-through-you thing)
wah lao!
on the contrary, there's this overfriendly guy in the other lab on the same floor who is overly smiley and always saying hi. it's a refreshing change.
i just found out that the half naked bald men running downstairs (very visible from my lab) are convicts, not armyguys. o_O
and i got slightly actually quite nervous when the developing machine in the dark room started on its own. and unlike those dark rooms you see on teevee, this dark room is REALLY isn't brightly lit by red light. not a good place to be alone with a dodgy machine after watching shutter.
happy weekend to you! im looking forward to more 24, american idol and picnic!
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Things to show my Mum
this article is one of them:
Jan 18, 2005
Go ahead, leave your bed unmade. It's healthier
By Chiang Yin Pheng
Well, the lazier ones among us who hate the chore now have one good counter: It does look slovenly, but it's healthier to leave the bed unmade because it kills the dust mites resident there.
Dust mites, found mostly in beds, carpets and other soft furnishings, have been identified as a major source of allergens.
Dust mites have been blamed for asthma and a host of other allergies.
Scientists from the Kingston University have found that unmade beds, which leave the sheets and pillows exposed to the air, dries them out more than if they were covered up with a quilt; drier conditions make survival challenging for those dust mites.
Warm, damp conditions created in an occupied bed are ideal for them, but they are less likely to thrive when moisture is in short supply.
The BBC website this week noted that an average bed could be home to up to 1.5 million house dust mites (eew?!) Think of these critters feeding on scales of your shed skin and happily breeding and excreting waste in your mattress and pillows, which you inhale while you slumber (eew!)
Kingston University scientists have developed a computer model to track how changes in the home can influence the dust mite population in beds. They will be tracking mite populations in 36 British households and figuring out how changes to building features such as heating, ventilation and insulation affect mite colonies.
Researcher Stephen Pretlove said: 'We know that mites can only survive by taking in water from the atmosphere using small glands on the outside of their body.
'Something as simple as leaving a bed unmade during the day can remove moisture from the sheets and mattress so the mites will dehydrate and eventually die.'
He added that the research being done may help cut back on spending on mite-induced illnesses each year.
In Singapore, dust mites have also been identified as a major source of allergens. They are found mostly in beds, carpets and other soft furnishings in the home.
One in five children and one in 20 adults in the Republic suffer from the chronic respiratory disease, with most asthma cases being caused by allergies, mainly to dust mites.
What a Pain
i always thought that i was constantly in hospital last time because of a bacteria (helicobactor pylori) in my tums.
i just found out today that it was because i had that bacteria as well as TWO stomach ulcers.
i'm slightly freaked out now.
time to take care before gastric kills me.
did you know that you cannot drink milk when you have gastric pains? it neutralises the acid but the protein and calcium stimulates even more acid production. a good alternative is SOY.
i didn't know that :
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
We Are Relocating
136 Citygate-ers are officially moving to 56 Spring St Towers.
Still Grumpy with a hint of Irritation
i need to fly back to melbourne NOW
i feel too helpless (well, and useless) here.
accomodation and micm are driving me craaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 17, 2005
because everything's not going my way!
and so i say
i've never been an enthusiast.
in fact i can't play the game at all . i either trip over or miss the ball completely. the ball will never move across the field when su gets it.
i can't grasp the concept of beer and soccer in a pub.
i fully respect the ang moh teams. but the Lions i completely scorned. i never believed in local sporting talents (ha!)...bowling aside (biased opinion, you can choose to ignore).
but guess what?
su went for the Tiger Cup finals, the match between Singapore and Indonesia, and totally enjoyed it.
it definitely wasn't the game. or the soccer players for that matter (i couldnt see their faces!). i was just there to experience a game and im definitely satisfied. in fact, i would love to go for another one. :)
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thursday, January 13, 2005
i am now working under another colleague and extremely stressed because she's a perfectionist.
the boss is stressing them out.
they r stressing me out.
this office is currently high strung. everyone's going home after 8pm. thank goodness they have mercy on me.
everytime something goes wrong i'd be so scared that it's my fault. my heart cannot take it anymore O_O
p/s: im blogging too many times in a day. knocking off.
Sinking Feeling
you know you've been around the office for some time already when you can identify your colleagues just by listening to their footsteps. actually i think i mastered that within the first week cause i sat at my table for 9 hrs doing nothing but reading research articles.
i want to go home badly. it's so strange because ive not wanted to go back this badly for a long time. i dont want to go out. i dont want to meet people. i just want to go home.
i asked Him to guard my heart. and using my limited intellect i didn't understand He was working in His own way to protect me. foolishly i chose to believe He didn't hear me. i should have known, but i know better now.
it's so easy to sway. i feel like i've been thrown out into the deep end of a swimming pool...thrown into situations that i've been so sheltered from while in melbourne. but He's the round float around my waist holding me up. all i need to do is stop struggling, stop kicking underwater...and i'll be safe. safe and floaty.
and while i'm in that swimming pool floating comfortably away, a few more people gets thrown in too....conveniently near me. i try hard to catch their hand and stop them from drowning. but it's not helping, cause i cannot even help myself. i need to share the float. i need to fasten it around their waists. i'm so cumfy floating, it's going to be so difficult trying to put it around someone else. i suppose it boils down to love that is going to help me extend this float of mine...and Him that is going to help them trust in this simple tool...that will save their lives..........
are u drowning too?
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned
somewhere in london: a jilted woman ripped off her former lover's testicle with her bare hands and put it in her mouth in attempt to conceal it after he refused to have sex with her.
so the next time you want to reject someone of the female species, pls do it in a more diplomatic fashion. u nv noe what trick she might pull....................................................................
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Weighty Issues
my sister told me that the next time i come back to singapore i'd have to do gown fitting. no not the bride's gown (although i wish it was).
that's it
i so cannot eat for 2 mths.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Ring.......RingRing.............Ringggg...........Ringggggggggggggg... *SLAM*
i hate it when the phone rings in this office. sometimes i'd be sitting next to the phone but i'm just not sure whether i should pick it up or not. and even if i did, what do i say (apart from hello?). then again, people around here don't do the whole "Good Morning, Expression Engineering, this is Su speaking, How may i help you?" in a diabeticallysweetvoice. it comes out more like "hello!?" you can almost hear the "Zao Shui??"
the phone is ringing and it's disturbing the peace in this office. or rather MY peace (no one else seems to be affected. then why can't they just PICK IT UP?) i generally dislike things that make irritating alerting sounds. i hate the "beep beep beep beep" of smses.
ironically, i laugh too loudly.
i feel unsettled.
some people have the ability to mess with your head without making much impact in your life before. i need to restore my plummeting self esteem before anyone makes me feel lousier.
yet, i suspect i'm walking with a bounce in each step.
i'm seriously confusing myself.
must be the ringing phone.
will someone just PICK IT UP?
for the sake of our Back to School - Uniform Party when the semester begins (more later)
i decided to dig out all my uniforms to see whether i can still fit into them. (-_-")
i managed to find 1 skirt, 1 pinafore, 1 set of formal vest + long sleeves but only 1 blouse. haha.
so i happily pranced around my home in my prefect's u complete with the tie and badges and got a couple of chi seen-s and loads of dodgy looks from the wongs present in this house.
i know i have an mgs uni and tons of pinafores/skirts that i prob got from the prefect's room long ago but i don't know where they are now. mummy prob threw it away. if in luck, maybe i could get my sis' crescent/sajc uni too..... hum.
apart from the hairpastcollar, longnails, 3extraearholes, necklace, fringepasteyebrow, skirtooshort and shirttuckedouttoomuch, i look just right in uniform! then again, all these are enough for a detention. a couple of detentions.
i miss rgs.
p/s: OH MY GOSH I FOUND MY PRI SCH BROWNIE'S UNIFORM! i was so fat last time i can still fit in the skirt now. if the blouse weren't so short and dodgy looking, i'd wear it already. haha! i was in the fairie's group. how cute.
Monday, January 10, 2005
The Meeting
if i haven't complained to you already, i have a meeting every monday afternoon and it's super boring. we were waiting around before the meeting and having a seemingly innocent conversation.
femalecolleague (also my supervisor): maybe the research of the structure is difficult i don't know...(trying to put across her point that the research topic of the public lecture she attended was very very boring)
malecolleague: nono. nothing is difficult. *very firm look* tell me, what can be so difficult?
preoccupiedmalecolleague: *very immediately* women. *continues sorting out paper*
everyone else in the room: *nervous laughter*
(havent been in a maledominated environment for a loooong time. total number of females in this department: 3)
meeting delayed for an hour.
i had a bar of chocolate and i feel sick in the stomach.
im so deserving.
p/s: essencia - dodgy drink with catechins.
Another weekend. Gone.
i think i appreciate weekends much more now that im working :)
let me throw in some pictures.
![]() ![]() Friday, January 07, 2005
I didn't realise it was a Friday!
if i had known, i'd have looked forward to today.
you know, you never have work when you're feeling alright. but when you have 2 agar gels to run which will take you the next 6 hrs, you suffer from crippling gastric pains that are capable of making you foam in the mouth with every additional step you take. ok maybe not. but you get the idea that i wish i stayed in bed.
but by some miracle, it suddenly went down by quite abit. just like that. it would normally last the whole day so i conclude someone must have been praying for me.
thank you.
anyhoos, we were talking over lunch yesterday about how we should accidentally spill liquified agar into the centrifuge, jamming up the whole thing before we leave. well. We Were Kidding. i was boiling my agar powder in the solution in the microwave this morning and walked away to return something. when i got back, the solution had already boiled out of the bottle (it doesn't usually happen!) and eerr flooded the whole microwave. by the time i finished cleaning up, i'd already scrapped a whole layer of solidified agar off the bottom of the microwave.
no one saw me. Thank God.
It's Friday!
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Bao Ge Liao Agar Girl: The Misadventures
yes thats what i am.
i just finished cutting up the whole roll of membranes (synthetic. not human) and it was a serious mistake on their part because i reputably cut, fold, draw lines crooked. really. very very crooked.
i feel like a jack of all trades but master of none.
i'm the glorified errands girl who runs a few procedures on her own.
ok so maybe jack of all trades and master of none except doing pcr and running them on agar gel (carcinogenic and EtBr flavoured)...i do that almost every day.
i don't chong kopi or deliver kai fan for my colleagues but i
cut membranes 8.5cm x 6.5cm
wash membrane 4 x 10 mins
wash bottles (in smelly machine!)
fill pipette tips in boxes
move boxes from the oven to the cupboard
but of course, when in luck, i get to do alot of fun stuff like
*cast a few kinds of gels. (haha told you i was the agar girl) - sds page gel, gel electrophoresis, ief gel (which is pretty smelly belly)
*coomasie for protein quantity analysis
*extract (which includes syringing cells up n down a tube at least 50 times. for each tube) and analyse rna quantity. speaking of which, while doing that i broke a capillary in the quantifying machine and someone had to open up the machine just to take it out. oops?
*sds page
*western blotting
*transfection, transformation
*make cell culture
that's all i remember.
i think i havent mentioned all the mishaps apart from the capillary stuck in the machine incident
lets see.
i've stopped a colleague's pcr machine prematurely
put in 10 ml instead of 1ml into the cells
kept the rna that took 1 day to extract in the fridge, not freezer
left a bottle of (someone else's) agar solution in rm temp so the whole bottle solidified
used unsterilised pipette tips in the sterilised rna biosafety cupboard
erm left footprints all over the lab? i dunnoe whats wrong with my shoe! i tried cleaning up while they weren't looking.
i just had to let you know what ive been doing around here.
for now, im really bored. because science makes you wait. machines make you wait.
so i wait
what if
the only solution to a problem
is the problem itself?
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Time Out
ok, feeling very very tired in every sense.
burning out, so pls leave me alone. for a while.
thank you.
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Freedom - Can almost smell it.
I have decided (with the blessings of my parents because of my slight manipulation. oops i mean...err...i dunnoe what i meant) but anyway i have decided to end my internship on 4/2/2005 instead of some crazy 1-day-bef0re-flying-back. SO, if you intend to do something that requires staying up, and you are going to do it after the 4th....PLEASE INCLUDE ME!
no more waking up early! yay :D
someone mentioned yesterday that murphy would strike on a monday. well, the bands on my gel turned out so i guess i beg to differ. murphy strikes when you lease expect him to. it's tuesday. and of all computers in this office, mine had to get a virus. roar! but considering how im sitting here blogging, the it guy is now my new hero.
oh well.
im really bored. i have another gel to run. i shld really count how many gels i've ran in the last few weeks.
and it's my duty again this week to operate the smelly machine. -cough-
Monday, January 03, 2005
Hello 2005
we decided to pull a bum-at-home kinda new year's eve this year again. so we dragged all our stuff and camped over at rach's where she cooked yummy pasta for us.
check out
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sunday, January 02, 2005
Oh no, Look what you've done
i'm a hazard to myself.
this device will self destruct in 3.....2.........1.........
p/s: updates on su's new year's eve and new year's mad surviving-purely-on-adrenaline runawayfromhome. now for a nap.
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