Thursday, December 02, 2004
We've got something going on
i wanted to blog yesterday. you see, i had nothing to do at work. so what i did to try to look occupied was scribble furiously in my notebook. essentially, i was blogging from work. but then i had really so much time that my scribbling took up 3 whole pages. im too lazy to type it all out.
today was better. i still had alot of free time from all the waiting (like the machine can take 4 hrs to run. what the?) but at least i feel more useful now. 4 of the chemical engineering attachees (for 6 mths) will be leaving in 2 weeks so there are tons of things to do for me to take over. yea take over. daunting but somehow they seem so confident in letting this eejit do something like that. maybe they havent realised that real life experiments dont exactly work the same way as uni practicals. what they dont do around here is spoon feed me with every step and every solution (i have to MAKE my own solutions?! why!) i need. i realised practicals in uni are like baking cakes. you just put in this this this and poof! wala!
i still need to do alot of reading.
and i've also decided that i shld stop being so unfriendly and talk to some of the people. for the past 2 days, i've been extremely silent (yea. trust me. i CAN be quiet) and have been avoiding eye contact with everyone. so i boldly approached 2 girls (of which 1 i'm now trying to learn everything from cuz she's leaving) and erm introduced myself. pretty uncharacteristic but i felt like i had no choice. i've been trying too hard to blend in the background but it aint working cuz the department didnt exactly have alot of people. but there were still some that were completely unfriendly (unfriendly is a nice way to put it. obnoxious and rude would be a rather nasty but more real description). those, i have not tackled. ok maybe there's just one certain guy who's like that. OH WELL. but despite my efforts to stay as lowkey as possible and try to avoid any chance of being stuck in a compromising situation, i realised that people still do talk. i was in the toilet and i saw this girl from another department (same institute, diff research group) and excused myself so that i could reach for the soap. suddenly she just said "you're from where?" what the?! i couldnt decide whether i shld say: expression engineering, singapore, melbourne, malaysia, rgs, melbuni, bukitbatok...well you get the drift. i just stared at her and went sorry? as i washed my hands very innocently. "oh heard you're from melbourne uni or something?" what! hello, i haven't even seen you before. so i was like yea...errr... "first yr?" no...err...second yr. *sheepish smile* "oh.." by now i've finally finished washing my hands so i offered her my name (i'm su btw) "huh?" what do u mean by huh! isn't it common sense to introduce yourself first?! den FINALLY she got it and said " XXX" by NOW, i've almost left the toilet. oh well. i've got one more person to smile at now.
i just watched singapore idol which explains the title of the blog entry. (thought i might explain since it had nothing to do with anything i've told u abt so far). taufik did a good job with that song. but i'm glad (and not regretting) that i didn't go to the indoor stadium with eve to watch it live although i could have. i was pretty disappointed. i mean like WHO SINGS bloody BRITNEY SPEARS at such an event?! and what's worse?! LIPSYNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hello top 10! you're supposed to be singapore's top 10! that's just unpardonable.
and dear sylvester, my dear dear sylvester.
what on earth were you doing in the finals? Argh!
but mat rocker taufik is really quite cute.
oh well, i need to sleep.
oh yes, i forgot to mention that i'm really lonely at work so if anyone is in the holland v vicinity around 12 on a weekday and wishes to put su out of this misery, pls call her out for lunch? *puppy eye look* :(
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