Thursday, December 30, 2004
i've been reminded (too frequently) of the joys of remaining status quo.
dangerously, it is also for the same reasons that i know i should'nt be.
[oh yes. if you were wondering how to help the tsunami victims, you could donate in kind by dropping off your stuff at the SPH NewsCentre which will operate as a collection point from 30/12 to 5/1 from 9am to 6pm. Time to troop down to Toa Payoh with your clothes/cannedfood/blanketsnsheets/wounddressings/overthecountermedicine/vitamins. ]
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
i think i'm getting really addicted to heels. *beam
anyway, greetings to bun in london
![]() Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Feeling Mental
i made a mental note to bring a brolly out with me.
but i forgot to make a mental note to bring my brain with me.
no brain so no brolly.
very rainy. very sleepy. very grumpy.
Monday, December 27, 2004
Office Bonding
my dept is organising a 3km jog next wed after work.
how strange is that.
The Sea Inside
ya, that was exactly what i (and prob the rest of the 3 watching the movie) said when rachel told me she got free tickets to watch the preview.
it stars Javier Bardem
i have no idea either.
nonetheless, we're not passing on free tickets and the synopsis doesn't sound too bad:
Based on the profoundly moving true story that captured the world�s attention, THE SEA INSIDE is about Spaniard Ram�n Sampedro (played by Oscar nominee Javier Bardem), who fought a 30-year campaign to win the right to end his life with dignity. THE SEA INSIDE is the story of Ram�n�s relationships with two women: Julia (Bel�n Rueda) a lawyer who supports his cause, and Rosa (Lola Due�as), a local woman who wants to convince him that life is worth living. Through the gift of his love, these two women are inspired to accomplish things they never previously thought possible. Despite his wish to die, Ram�n taught everyone he encountered the meaning, value and preciousness of life. Though he could not move himself, he had an uncanny ability to move others. A truly joyous experience, THE SEA INSIDE celebrates the nature of freedom and love, and the mystery and beauty of life.
note: 30 yr campaign to win the right to end his life. how old did he start??
i was just telling alex that it's going to be impossible but im going to watch every movie (that appeals of course) before going back.
a movie on sat, one today, another tmr.
it seems so possible now.
cheers to cheap(or free) movies.
p/s: something about the office today is very very dodgy. what r my colleagues up to.
pp/s: i'm starving.
Monday Blues!
so i spent the whole of sunday rotting at home, watching all sorts of shows on tv and crying my eyeballs out watching My Best Friend's Wedding. but on the day i choose to stay home, there was both a malay wedding and xmas celebration downstairs, as well as ppl playing mahjong next door. what a riot. nonetheless, i love rotting at home. rot rot rot.
Monday Blues!
i thought i'd never get it after secondary school. boy i'm so wrong.
time for another busy week. i cant wait for new yr's eve!
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Profound Xmas
i realised that it is so much easier to stray to the dark...than to walk consistently in the light.
p/s: i had pufferfish for the first time today. it tasted like fish ba gua. and i'm not dead yet :)
pp/s: thank you for a very enjoyable xmas day. ;)
Saturday, December 25, 2004
I've got alot of pictures and I don't care!
because i had a really long day. so i cant help having alot of pics. and am going to post them. ><
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Friday, December 24, 2004
The Stars of Today
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thursday, December 23, 2004
i've decided that rach's church is a goodlooking one
i mean, didn't you see those cutelittleboys looking choke-ingly uncumfy in their red bowties??? so cute!!
anyway, i had a good time :)
p/s: sin sin sin i hope you are having fun :) tell me abt it soon.
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
i have become the expert in spending 9 hrs doing nothing.
if you, too, have days at work when you have absolutely NOTHING to do, yet still want to try to look like you're doing something legitimate (really, whipping out a novel is just wrong)... do not fear.
here's what i do:
1. fill bottle (boredom has made me drink at least 6L a day -_-)
2. go toilet many many times (drink more, go more)
3. make a cup of milo
4. wash the cup after you finish the milo
5. read papers in the pantry
6. chat on messenger (i have regular ppl to talk to: gie, eve, rach, victoria. gie has nothing to do at work either)
7. take a longer lunch (we can go for lunch ANYTIME. and somehow everytime i come back, everyone else is still out because they leave later than i do. i have learnt to just stay out as well)
8. surf the net: (when online, frown and look deep in thought while staring at the screen)
a) do quizzes -
b) read blogs - you could link and link and link to your friend's friend's friend's friend
c) read articles (you know how MSN today pops up whenever u open messenger? justclick)
d) read the bible online
9. listen in on your colleagues' benchtop (yes benchtop. im in the lab rem?) discussions. the last one was on marriage. (they are mostly young and single)
10. if all else fails. BLOG!
on the other hand, time flies when you did something wrong and wish to do it again. bet murphy didn't tell u that. i'm a walking booboo machine. thank God for a patient supervisor.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
i need a pot to dig a grave for me to jump in right now.
i was the last person to use the PCR machine yesterday.....and i left my tubes in it overnight. this morning i went to collect my tubes and saw that my name was still the last name on the booking sheet... but the machine was running! (err it shld have stopped by 7pm last night) so i freaked out and pressed cancel....
however, when i opened the machine, i found that the tubes in it were NOT MINE. and i stopped the process prematurely!
uh oh! su made a booboo.
naturally i freaked out EVEN MORE and told my supervisor. :( lucky i took note which cycle it ended so that guy could restart it.
hey it wasn't entirely my fault! next time, for crying out loud, please book the machine.
don't assume this blur intern would know.
she's quite dumb sometimes.
they've been telling me many many times to help myself to the royce chocolate in the pantry. i finally went to take one after 1 week and i regret not doing so earlier. it is so. good. and there's only a few pieces left :( but as if punishment for eating chocolate, i dropped one on my pants, dirtying it with all the chocolate powder. while trying to clean my pants, i spilled water on it. i look pretty weird now. hmm. im glad there's no one around to witness this walking disaster.
i was having lunch with lou just now and we walked into the next building because there was a bazaar sale in the lobby. smallgirlsu took over normalsu and she went on a sticker-buying frenzy....picking up err powerpuff and spongebob. :
then the uncle asked me...."yao sticker album ma?"
i need to dig another hole to jump in....
Sleep: Cannot get enough of it
i'm very sleepy. it's 9pm and i'd really really love to sleep now. but i'm waiting for my parents to get back from penang. well, i've been back for 3 weeks but i've prob only spent 5 days with them. they are constantly on holiday!
so i'm bored. here goes a cheesy quiz.
JOB: very smelly
FUTURE: none if this is going to be my permanent job
CRIED: who? ME?
MIND: unstable
SELF-ESTEEM: need more.
POSERS: are funny!
GOODBYES: i dont like.
MEN: i dont understand them.
SHOPPED: unsuccessfully. i haven't gotten all the xmas presents.
CHOCOLATE: milo mousse
BOARD MEETINGS: almost fell asleep in one today
AHKONG: haven't seen in 2 yrs
HAIRCUT: need a new one
PRAY: all the time. esp when i wish not to screw up an experiment...
NIGHTMARE: of a constant figure
SINGAPORE: is too small and crowded
SUSHI: sulike.
JEALOUS: get over it!
SAVED: negligible
SPENT: my pay (that i have not gotten) -__-
FRIENDS: love 'em
MANAGERS: what managers?
BOYCOTT: orchard rd
PARENTS: coming back in an hr's time
PHONE NUMBERS: lost them with my sim card
TWO: more months of work. O_O
LACTOSE-INTOLERANT: not! Thank God. i love my milk.
ZEN: bonzai
DELTA: the difference in
SPRINTING: away from smelly autoclave machines
LAUGHED: too loudly
BLACK: is my hair
GOD: i need.
Monday, December 20, 2004
that's just a funky word for STERILIZE that we use around here.
i didn't think heating something up can be THIS smelly.
ok so it's not smelly smelly like pungent ammonia smelly. it just has this very dodgy smell....abit like food. yucky food.
all i know is that everytime i take a whiff i really really want to throw up. yes, you should seen the way i ran out of the one was looking so who cares about "No Running In Labs"
i think it's just me who thinks its smelly!
this week, it's my turn to do the autoclaving. O_O
smelly-belly biohazardous waste.
Hiring: Giftwrapper. Please enquire within.
i suspect i really (REALLY) need giftwrapping 101 classes.
not like i didn't realise already that i suck.
but i'm sure my dear friends dont mind.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
More Dodgy Stuff
so what else did ppl search for before they stumbled upon my blog?
butterflies massage palour melbourne
gay sharing accomodation in melbourne
i'm no longer just the ktv xiaojie.............this is getting out of hand!
im innocent. pls believe me. hur
anyway that aside, i have dodgy cuts appearing all over my hands. they just keep increasing with the hours. it looks as if i've been cutting myself with a penknife.
i never! im innocent. pls believe me on that too.
and my sister tricked me into going for foot reflexology by telling me it was a massage. it didn't hurt too bad actually. it's either im pretty healthy or i have thick skin. i'd like to believe that im healthy :)
i had alot of fun in east coast park. i haven't rollerbladed ever since my precious blades died. i'm beginning to see a trend. i avoided playing proper badminton after i lost my precious racquet after rgs. i tend to avoid the sport so i wont grieve and mourn too much.
i'm so full of crap. literally. my mum fed my sis and i some dodgy pill that helps maintain your intestinal wellbeing. in other words it helps you poopoo. but somehow it has worked for my whole family except me. 3toiletvisitsinaday vs 1toiletvisitin3days
Friday, December 17, 2004
SplishSplash goes the Raindrops
forehead crashing into the table
i have absolutely nothing to do right now and i'm immensely sleepified. 40 mins to the weekend.
i'm looking forward to rach-ly burger and milo mousse. i'm looking forward to presents shopping. i'm looking forward to sleeping in. i'm looking forward to xmas. i'm looking forward to lawry's and various parties.
i'm not looking forward to stepping out of this building in the rain.
530 is never going to arrive. is it?
Go Away
what was once just dreams have turned into nightmares.
i wake up in the middle of each night haunted by the images.
time to stop thinking...and just sleeping...
1 G(b)mail
i forgot to mention that i've changed my email add to
(thank you, zh)
i took hrs (serious) trying to find the purrrfeeect login name because there was no sewong, sueewong, se.wong, suee.wong, suwong, su.wong, suee, sew (WHYYYYYY). you get the drift. wongsuee sounds slightly wrong but i'll make do. i'm trying to get rid of my sec 1 bigfatchocolate email add because it doesn't sound pro enough and i cant help breaking out into hysterical laughter (really) whenever i tell ppl my email add. i usually get eyebrow-raising responses. oh well. but like yongfeng said: "i can't believe you're giving it up. won't you miss it?" oh yea i will.
but time to move on!
the chem-engin students from NUS (who are doing their industrial attachment in the same institute) are leaving tmr. they gave me an absolut mandarin postcard (maybe they could tell my fav flavour from my yellow face) which was really nice of them i must say. the office is going to be sooooooo quiet after tmr.
i love ikea :D. i want milo mousse, rachel.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Ngor wui mong gei (I will forget)
A couple of male colleagues have been playing this cantonese song over...and...over....again.....driving me crazy...slowly...yet...surely...
ironically, all that i can pick up from the song (because i'm trying to block it out most of the time. but somehow this line repeats so many times) is NGOR WUI MONG GEI.
I will forget?! I DONT THINK SO.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
sweet salty sour sweet salty sour sweet salty sour sweet salty sour
and i thought cravings were only for pregnant women
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
i left my hp at angie's and although it has only been 1 hr i'm suffering from withdrawal syndrome already.
so lou if u happen to be blog surfing at work -_- i'll be down for lunch at around 12ish. tell vic ok?
Monday, December 13, 2004
Little Miss Miserable
the thing about work is that every day i come in not knowing what to expect. i can either have alot of things to do or have nothing at all. today's the latter. somehow everyone else is on leave on the first day i'm back. it's a conspiracy i tell you.
i'm bored stiff. there isn't even any rubbbish to throw.
someone save me.
this is how much the 8 of us walloped today.
![]() ![]() ![]() Sunday, December 12, 2004
what is a camp without pictures? hohohum.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Saturday, December 11, 2004
I'm Back!
i'm glad to be back.
but i'm even more glad i went for camp. (considering how lazy i was feeling at the beginning)
more on that tmr...i just need to sleep now :)
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
can we ever understand them?!
anyway, after 1 failed attempt last tuesday, sin lyd and i finally caught the incredibles today. but of course, us being us, we couldn't catch a movie without abit of drama. you see, i arrived at cine first so i proceeded to buy the tickets as the "selling fast" sign was flashing. after i bought the tickets, i stepped aside from the counter and called sin to tell her that i've gotten the tickets. strangely, i couldn't get i smsed! after a while, i decided to call again and den she picks up and says "i've bought the tickets." i was like how on earth was that possible?! i'm at the counter too! den she says "huh? so am i!" well done! my back was facing her. turned out that while i was trying to call her and couldnt get through, she was in the lift, on her way up to the cinema. and since the sign was flashing, she decided to quickly go into the q and get the tickets, hence unable to read my sms. wala! we had 6 tickets! but stupid system says we cannot return the tickets, goodness knows why not so we had to stand there and wait for the counter lady to suggest to the next 3 people who wanted to watch the same movie to purchase our tickets. but the not-so-bright woman...sold TWO of the tickets instead of all 3 together...leaving only one. HELLO?! what are the chances someone would want to watch a movie ALONE at SEVENTHIRTY in ORCHARD!!! so we had a hard time asking around....offering it at 5 dollars instead of 650 but nooooooo! nooooo onneeeee wanteeed it because really, who would wanna sittttttttt aloneeeeeeeeeee.
but thank goodness, at the LAST FIVE MINS, it was sold! to an angmoh who was gonna watch it alone! and at $5.60! whoopee.
oh well.
i'm going to malacca tmr for 3 days. off from work!
i feel incredible already!
p/s: i forgot to mention that the show is damn.cute.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
The Call
when my handphone flashed "call" i thought it was my mum again because she's overseas and the number doesnt register. after all, she called me once while i was at work to tell me she was going to buy me a pair of boots (she intended to ask for my approval but well, what could i have said?) and den she called again 20 mins later to say she's going to buy a 2nd pair for me but didnt know whether i liked it. AGAIN, what could i have said? i wouldnt have known whether black or brown was better. hum. so back to my call, i was pleasantly surprised to hear a familiar voice. one that i haven't heard for some time due to lousy poker australian phonecards.
and i was just thinking to myself in symbols (i.e. in not so friendly language) that i couldn't seem to log into her blog. murphy murphy, you outdid us again.
anyway, taylors hostel girls, do you remember this cherry girl? no not the trinity one. it was this weird small china girl who used to wash her hands really meticulously (like circling her palms) and eats as if in agony. she used to sing/talk to herself while sitting at the stairs, staring down at the recreational room...and introduced herself as cherry to me while holding err a bunch of cherries. then again, somehow she only talked to me...after barging through my open door to show me the rainbow from my window. *blink* point is, there's a girl in london who's so similar to her.
you reckon she moved?
ANYWAY, bun says hi to the rest of the girls...and she'll call you guys soon. it's hard to xplain her handphone plan here so err ya. :D
sometimes, being home alone can get a tad scary. whine.
Chiku rocks my world
you know what, i took the north-east line for the first time today. i am so pleased that they now have trains that go to places like chinatown and clarke quay :) those places were deemed inconvenient once upon a time...but now, all i need to do is hop on to an mrt and let it take me there.
i explored chinatown today and i had alot of fun!
planning on conquering clarke quay and little india soon. any idea how to get to geylang serai?
i'm such a tourist!
Monday, December 06, 2004
I feel like
snow in singapore: melting, but still white.
i'm so pasty i look like the bai zhan ji i had tonight.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
i've been reading too much marian keyes! i feel like a character out of her novel - normally quirky, weird, and just a tad neurotic. not far from the truth anyway.
i reckon if my aunties take turns to come down every week (yes another 2 aunties are here) i'll be really really fat at the end of summer (i have 7 aunties!). we were at din tai fang and i don't know what possessed us to order so many servings of xiao long baos (each serving = 10 xlb). think we had like 9 to share amongst 13 people, of which 4 are under the age of 12. (we had noodles too.) burp. im not complaining though. im the xiao long bao queen *beam*
i abhor heelies! to see them on other people's kids is one thing. no i'm not going to say that i saw them on MY own kids but to see them on my own cousins' is another thing. HEELIES SHOULD BE BANNED! they shld require a license to wear those things! they are like the taxis of the pedestrain zone (i hate reckless taxi drivers! but that's a totally different story.) argh!
but speaking of license, i drove my mum's monster-of-a-car around the kallang carpark just now. ok it ain't THAT big, just a crv. but it's too big considering how little dean's car was. i have NO idea how singaporeans park in those tiny lots butt in. anyhoo, it was good fun.
Friday, December 03, 2004
you know what i love doing everytime i come back?
rummage thru my old things!
yes! every single time i'm back!
somehow i can always find something new to look at. :) i'll rummage thru my old rgs notes (since i left after my o's i havent really cleared out all of my notes...haha oops) and i'll laugh at all my doodle and all that i've scribbled...all when i was still a little girl (aww) haha. then i'll rummage thru all my old pics....from baby pics all the way to prom pics and everytime i do that i can't help but smile and remember those good moments. sure feels good to be in my room again.
but i just don't like how they have somehow neglected the fact that my growth (and changes that accompany that) did not come to a halt after i left. it's my 3rd yr already....things have changed truckloads...please don't fail to see that? i'm very much the same, yet i've changed so much since the time i left home.
i CAN navigate and YES i CAN eat chilli. my gosh. i just don't like to. it's not as if i'll faint and die at the slightest hint of it.
anyway, i still can't decide whether i like work or not. i love it when i've got something to do. but very often, i don't. and i get so freaking bored, not to mention lonely. so for now, work's really making me very miserable. uni anytime. victoria's starting work on monday! it's a different institute but i can't wait! finally. isolation in the foodcourt no more.
p/s: angelaxuhuifang. i dont know what's wrong but i get redirected to ur murphy's blog without a password prompt! rah!
Thursday, December 02, 2004
We've got something going on
i wanted to blog yesterday. you see, i had nothing to do at work. so what i did to try to look occupied was scribble furiously in my notebook. essentially, i was blogging from work. but then i had really so much time that my scribbling took up 3 whole pages. im too lazy to type it all out.
today was better. i still had alot of free time from all the waiting (like the machine can take 4 hrs to run. what the?) but at least i feel more useful now. 4 of the chemical engineering attachees (for 6 mths) will be leaving in 2 weeks so there are tons of things to do for me to take over. yea take over. daunting but somehow they seem so confident in letting this eejit do something like that. maybe they havent realised that real life experiments dont exactly work the same way as uni practicals. what they dont do around here is spoon feed me with every step and every solution (i have to MAKE my own solutions?! why!) i need. i realised practicals in uni are like baking cakes. you just put in this this this and poof! wala!
i still need to do alot of reading.
and i've also decided that i shld stop being so unfriendly and talk to some of the people. for the past 2 days, i've been extremely silent (yea. trust me. i CAN be quiet) and have been avoiding eye contact with everyone. so i boldly approached 2 girls (of which 1 i'm now trying to learn everything from cuz she's leaving) and erm introduced myself. pretty uncharacteristic but i felt like i had no choice. i've been trying too hard to blend in the background but it aint working cuz the department didnt exactly have alot of people. but there were still some that were completely unfriendly (unfriendly is a nice way to put it. obnoxious and rude would be a rather nasty but more real description). those, i have not tackled. ok maybe there's just one certain guy who's like that. OH WELL. but despite my efforts to stay as lowkey as possible and try to avoid any chance of being stuck in a compromising situation, i realised that people still do talk. i was in the toilet and i saw this girl from another department (same institute, diff research group) and excused myself so that i could reach for the soap. suddenly she just said "you're from where?" what the?! i couldnt decide whether i shld say: expression engineering, singapore, melbourne, malaysia, rgs, melbuni, bukitbatok...well you get the drift. i just stared at her and went sorry? as i washed my hands very innocently. "oh heard you're from melbourne uni or something?" what! hello, i haven't even seen you before. so i was like yea...errr... "first yr?" no...err...second yr. *sheepish smile* "oh.." by now i've finally finished washing my hands so i offered her my name (i'm su btw) "huh?" what do u mean by huh! isn't it common sense to introduce yourself first?! den FINALLY she got it and said " XXX" by NOW, i've almost left the toilet. oh well. i've got one more person to smile at now.
i just watched singapore idol which explains the title of the blog entry. (thought i might explain since it had nothing to do with anything i've told u abt so far). taufik did a good job with that song. but i'm glad (and not regretting) that i didn't go to the indoor stadium with eve to watch it live although i could have. i was pretty disappointed. i mean like WHO SINGS bloody BRITNEY SPEARS at such an event?! and what's worse?! LIPSYNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hello top 10! you're supposed to be singapore's top 10! that's just unpardonable.
and dear sylvester, my dear dear sylvester.
what on earth were you doing in the finals? Argh!
but mat rocker taufik is really quite cute.
oh well, i need to sleep.
oh yes, i forgot to mention that i'm really lonely at work so if anyone is in the holland v vicinity around 12 on a weekday and wishes to put su out of this misery, pls call her out for lunch? *puppy eye look* :(
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