Monday, August 23, 2004
Fight or Flight?
i dont know whether to cry or laugh when i go for lectures.
Dr LD: "since it's lunch time, let me get you guys to answer me..."
*walks up the lecture theatre in search of a victim* everyone awkwardly looked around the LT. they looked at everything but the lecturer. i know i caught myself burying my head in my lecture notes trying to look like im pondering the question. well. i had NO idea what the question was. very evident from the following dialogue:
Dr LD: "so what is the significance of XXX"
student A: "it is...............*on n on n on*
Dr LD: "you'd get 1 mark for that...hmmm how about you? *points mike at someone else*"
student B: "it shows .............."
Dr LD: "correct!! *starts to walk down till someone caught her attn* oh unless someone wants to add on more details....*pleasedly points mike at another guy*"
student C: "HI MUM!"
so the lecture went on and i stared at andrew shuffling his papers.
su: "andrew why did u take so many handouts? tsktsktsk."
andrew: "its the....biomed instinct" (refer to blog entry a few weeks ago)
su: "ooo. biomed instinct huh. right on. so andrew, *sees dr LD approaching and looking for extra handouts...* fight or flight?"
andrew: "hmm. fight."
su: *thinks* no if it's biomed instinct...
andrew and su: "FLIGHT!"
su: "ya...take and run away.."
biomed. tsk.
and so i tell andrew...i have a monster as a friend. why do i put up with him writing funny stuff on his lecture notes? ask him to show u one day ;). haha
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