shopaholic's dream in shanghai
back :) everything has finally died down and tired people = grouchy people. well i guess the only thing worse than packing before a trip is unpacking after that. 4 people worth of laundry, 10 luggages to unload, a dusty house to get the idea. doesn't help that i still feel floaty from the planeride haha.
nonetheless, the trip was brilliant. it was 10 days sleep shop. we visited 3 places...shanghai, suzhou and zhenjiang but spent most of our time in shanghai cuz that's where my dad's apartment is. i took pictures but can only post it later when i go back to aust. anyway just some observations
how china is different from singapore
1. people dont have the habit of closing/locking toilet doors or fitting rooms
2. dont throw the toilet paper into the toilet bowl, throw them in the bin next to the bowl. (ack. took me a while to get used to that)
3. the tunnel that gets us home is jammed at peak AND non peak hrs. ie. the whole day.
4. stuff that are 200dollars originally can go down to the price of 30. talk
5. the drivers there are skilful. no rules on the roads except one: siam.
6. dont bother letting others go first..just push
7. no one uses perfume
8. calling a lady "oi" is probably polite-r than "xiaojie"
9. u're advised not to turn down your aircon below 26degs when the temp is above 36degs. the irony of it all...
10. i wanted to come up with 10 but i cant think of one now. im sure i will be able to when i post up my pix :)
shanghai's beautiful. much nicer and way more modern than one can imagine.