Saturday, July 31, 2004
Girl's Night Out
we went to plane tree cafe at Grand Hyatt tonight for a nice dinner to celebrate the start of semester. celebrate? ya. talk about optimism huh :) it's been a long time since we did something like that (hrm. last time was Jarrah to celebrate gie's and my bday :)) anyway. here are the pictures. enjoy :) girls, download away
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saw throat
sure feels like there's a saw in my throat. im in pain :( bleaaaah
i remember that time after Boom when my voice was squeaky cause i yelled too much. Now it's the complete opposite.
caught up with jason (chye) last night. finally. haha haven't seen him since we came back for summer in january. wanted to ask him abt liz since i havent seen her in ages too...but i forgot. :P
i used to laugh alot more last time? i didn't realise that. maybe because i was happier then....
Friday, July 30, 2004
hurhur i was all ready in my gym gear this morning before i left for school because i was supposed to meet eve at fitness first. but after patho viv n lou decided they wanted to walk around the city and i couldnt resist the temptation. hahaha. furthurmore eve suggested not going to the gym and go tmr instead. yay. i was feeling v lazy anyway. :p sigh. but i had to lug my gym bag around city ...serves me right :P
ended up buying something for tmr's dinner. haha yay. i cant wait for tmr. i cant rem the name of the place we're goin to but i know its in some hotel and we're havin a seafood buffet. sounds good enough already :) will take many pictures. :D
school wasnt too bad...patho was actually pretty interesting. and i realised the best way to lose your lunch is to attend both nutrition and patho lects. in nutrition lects you learn what's good and what's not (well i guess we all kinda noe but we normally choose to ignore it. hehe) and in patho they love flashing diseased organs. hurhur.
now got to wait for jerry the housing agent to come before goin for ocf. yawn. maybe i'll take a nap first :D
after more than 48 mins for more pictures!! yay
arm wrestling with a twist (literally twist.)
today i was supposed to close the shop...but mario forgot to leave the key behind! so after closing the doors and shutting down all the comps, i waited with eve lou and mich for daniel to come (with another set of keys). hrm we were supposed to go for coffee (more like water + cake cuz i dont drink coffee hehe) at puccini's cuz there's a cute waiter there *diaong*. while waiting we decided to arm wrestle. haha. actually we didnt decide to. it was lou's n mich's idea. bu guan wo de shi (or eve for that matter) but we were having so much fun we decided to join in the game. anyway the loser was supposed to talk to the cute waiter later. u must be thinking...OO GOOD DEAL! but no! haha the loser could only say to the waiter what WE want her to say. HURHURHUR. haiyar. we didnt manage to finish the game cause we were all too busy giggling....however we somehow decided lou was the loser. haha. too bad the waiter wasnt at puccini's when we went there. crap. but there was a manager who looked like chad haha so odd.
hrm. im finally uploading my singapore/china pictures on yahoo now. it's taking forever (approx....48 mins!) cause i took too many pix. haha. here's a preview:
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thursday, July 29, 2004
start of a new semester
oops maybe this blog entry is 3 days late....but i've been too lazy (n tired) to think about what's gonna happen this semester and actually blog it.
it has only been 3 days and i feel the desperate need to start studying already. no kidding. being in biomed is like being in amazing race. the fastest wins. fastest to the biomed library gets the limited collection of textbooks. fastest to start revising will do better in the (coming soon) mid sem test(S). yea its only the first week and people are thinking of mid sem tests already. i couldnt help thinking "these people are so scary. thinking about revising NOW?? are they mad!!!" but my next thought was also "ai. better go find my library card...need to borrow the textbook before my mum sends it to me from singapore. hoiyoh. got XXX lectures to do already" sigh. if you find a student walking around with some kinda science textbook, chances of them being a biomed student is HIGH HIGH HIGH. although it's only a 148 upon few thousand chance of seeing one of these people. expect it. cause they are all around the libraries. oh well. i guess im still a biomed-ee. so i better start soon. ><
of course the semester is also filled with work (at warnet), cell group, church and occasional functions like the dinner we're gonna hv with the girls this weekend at some posh place. haha. hrm. let's start with work. this time round it's gonna be so different, already in hand are the unfinished projects that me n andrew will hv to try very hard to complete before we can think about taking any furthur steps.... with that, i can foresee myself spending more time at warnet this sem.. but more quality time hopefully. to be able to finish everything in time and manage my sch work as well will be quite a feat. then we think about cell group...well well. we're multiplying! which is a very very good thing..:) we had cell dinner of our last before we officially become 2. cleaning up after that was tiring but i think it was worth it. anytime. thanks to jason who helped us clean up :) you're like our post-cell-group-dinner permanent resident. hehe.
spiritually, it has been a rollercoaster ride for me over the holidays. God did so much in ways i'd never thought possible...yet at certain pts i was so low. in one of those "uncomfortable" states that vivien would have described it to be (haha). but i feel something rising up inside me....a new kind of fire, passion (arent' u proud of me eve? my dear passion girl ;)) so im looking forward to a new semester that God has planned out for me. are u? :)
sounds like a packed sem? you bet.
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
just indulged in 5 episodes of stairway to heaven. korean dramas are terribly addictive and i feel sucked into the story only after a few episodes. they are usually tragic...really tragic....the good, innocent main characters typically have mean people around bad that it breaks your heart and makes you cry like a poor baby. sigh.
as always. im listening to sappy songs. haha sorry still the same ol' me
Monday, July 26, 2004
thanks meeepy for fixing my light.
i am no longer living in darkness. yay
i found myself walking the wrong way
i found myself walking the long way
i found myself walking zig zaggedly
i found myself walking aimlessly.
Sunday, July 25, 2004
dreading 8am in the darkness
yea u read it. ive got class at 8am tmr...and im dreading it in the darkness cause my lightbulb died on me. what a way to start the new semester huh. well well i just got to wait for lou to come back because neither me nor mich can reach the ceiling haha. if lou cant reach it either, i really dont know what to do man. any really tall person who can provide service, pls tell me. sigh
anyway my very wrong fringe (read earlier post about my mum cutting my hair) didnt turn out so wrong after all.....haha at least that's what i managed to convince myself. a couple of people said i look very different...i think it's the hair. really. haha. oh well
i need sleep.
Saturday, July 24, 2004
i can't put a title because i can't even begin to describe how angry i am. what would you do if you came home from your holiday and find dodgy stuff in your room? what dodgy stuff? hrm. few pairs of socks, a rolling stone mag in the toilet, toothbrush and hairspray, an extra pillow on your bed...etc. wait did i hear you say freak out? well yes. thats exactly what i did. FREAK OUT. i dont mind if anyone wants to use my room...but maybe have some courtesy to at least ASK first or just keep the room in its original condition. dont come in and use it and leave it worse than before. i mean, how can anyone be so RUDE to just leave everything behind and expect who? ME?? to clean up after you. damn it.
im tired. i just got off a flight. i had to scrub my toilet, vacuum the floor and change my sheets. so whoever it was. next time, pls THROW THE TOILET ROLL INTO THE DUSTBIN. not leave it on the floor. thank you.
last min shopping, eyebrows, elderflower, packadoodles
thought i might just sneak a post before continuing with my packing. hehe. i hate packing but im thankful this aint major packing like before i left for aust for the first time.
today was a pretty fulfilling day. as you can see from the title, i did alot today. i did alot of last min shopping for ppl who asked me to buy stuff from singapore. i know i should have done it earlier but im a procrastinator. sorry. hehe. later i got approached by THE eyebrow man again. second time since i was in secondary school. we relented and let him pluck our eyebrows....he did a pretty good job i must say. while waiting for all 3 of our eyebrows to be plucked, we noted a few things about this guy.
1. the first time he approached me rach n sin in taka was about 3 yrs ago. incidentally, 3 yrs is the duration of this job of his.
2. he can earn up to 3K in one mth just by plucking eyebrows!
3. he studied marketing in ngee ann poly. well i suppose he is doing marketing in a way.
4. he is not shy to say he is talented in plucking eyebrows.
5. he is appearing in crimewatch as a lead. either a murderer or a rapist.
6. he is not gay. he learnt eyebrow plucking from his gay beautician friend.
7. his parents think he's crazy.
8. he has approached every single member of our group by far.
9. he only works around an hr a day. spends the rest of his day sleeping.
10. his name is steven lim and we've got his phone number in case anyone wants to get their eyebrows plucked in town.
haha. it was dodgy 3 yrs ago. we refused to let him touch our face. but i guess he really isn't too eyebrows look alright hurhur
anyway we went for dinner at NYDC after that...(kenny rogers was too crowded!) had the ugly cake as always. heavenly sin. :P we later walked around suntec until we came to citylink. finally, after 3 attempts, i found the wild hibiscus ice cream shop that sells flower flavoured ice cream. the elderflower sorbet is so yummy. we decided that its "like lychee sorbet that is slightly tangy but not so sweet" haha i had to find it only the day before i leave. crap. its ok. i can come back for more 6 mths later :D
now back to packing. before my mum catches me on the comp hehe
(on a totally separate note, my nails have not looked this healthy in a while. haha i had to say this. maybe it's singaporean milk.)
Friday, July 23, 2004
Sin-Mel Departure No. 5
ya it's the 5th time im leaving singapore for melbourne within this 2 1/2 yrs. which means that apart from winter last yr, i've been home every holiday. but then it has never been enough....hrm after all i only spent a grand total of 1 mth in singapore last yr. i always come back to singapore with a long long looong list of things to bring back to melbourne. but now that im here, i cant rem what i wanted. crap. always like that. next time i shld write it down. i know once i reach melbourne the list will come back to me and i'll just kick myself over n over again cause i'll remember where exactly in my house i left it. haha.
my mum was cutting my fringe just now cause it was irritating my eyes. im like walking around half blind. halfway through cutting she said " long nv cut already..i think i forgot how to" huh! thats the last thing i want to hear from you mummmyyyyy *whine* now i look abit funny and she kept laughing and saying it looks alright. :P Thank God hair grows fast on my head.
going out for dinner with the girls later at kenny rogers. haha. ive never really had REAL FOOD there...all the times i've been there in sec sch was for all those house dinners etc. and everytime i go there now is for the sole purpose of eating CORN MUFFIN. yum.
20 hrs
![]() Bring It On! What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) brought to you by Quizilla signs that i really have nothing better to do...
i think i mentioned that one of my earholes closed up when i took off the earring for an xray before i came back. so i decided to repierce it just now and it hurts like mad haha. huo gai. now that i've got a sore ear, i can't sleep on my side. :P
hrm 2 more days to my return. bah. im not dreading returning. (looking forward in fact) just dreading leaving...know what i mean? oh well. so i've been stocking up before usual, ive shopped for my vcds, toiletries, books, clothes, bags, food... hope i can bring everything back! hehe.
today i saw a street called Jellicoe Street. how cute is that
thought: i think murphy's law forgot to state that it's only after you eat durian that you start to burp excessively... *burp*
Thursday, July 22, 2004
What's Your Celebrity Look?
Wong, your celebrity look is the Glamorous Look!
Who's causing paparazzi false alarms and turning heads everywhere she goes? It's definitely you, babe, with your Glamorous Look. You're totally up on all the latest fashion trends and never miss a chance to steal the show with some hot little number that's just so right now. Maybe you're a little high-maintenance, what do you care? You look fabulous with your ruby-red lips, shining hair, and perfect manicure. You've got that easygoing chic that comes from living a charmed life and always winning effortless attention. Of course, keeping that look takes time, commitment, and a makeup drawer packed with goodies. How else would your famous fellow glamourinas�like Heather Graham, Kate Hudson, and Julia Roberts�pull off that everyday perfection? Just like you, they know how to work it.
Are you in shape financially? Or are your attitudes toward money keeping you from being as fit as you could be? Take this quiz and find out!
haha so fun
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Run for your life!
when faced with temptation, flee!! FLEE! RUN! GO AWAY!
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
on hindsight, summer was quite fun ah... watching golden faith everyday..
not to forget rowing... steamboats... tennis....and....and....
i may just consider doing it again!
maybe only. `
bloody dentist appointment
i went to the dentist with gie this morn...reason being that we live very near each other and the neighbourhood dentist that i visit is near her place too :D my mouth feels so good now i dont want to eat anything. apart from the hair-raising noises that scaling made, the visit was good...found out that my dentist's best friend's daughter is also in melbourne...and happened to be my rgs junior whom i met in uni. how small is the world. anyway while waitin for gie to be done, i sat around reading magazines. when i brushed my face and rested my hand on my lap i noticed that my thigh was bloody. crap. my hands were full of blood. crap. i was nose bleeding. ack! the guy sitting next to me gave me sucha weird look. hurhur. anyway i dashed to the toilet just to find a nurse going in. crap! so i quickly stopped her: "AUNTIE! ke yi gei wo tissue ma???" poor harressed nurse who needed to poopoo. haha. oh well. stupid nose
gonna watch sisters at west mall later. yay horror movie :D
ooo n check this out. rumours that william hung...died?
click here
caught up with yf today. he treated me to dinner. which consisted of mushroom soup and orange juice at marche cause i wasnt feeling very hungry. later we went on to cartel to get a drink. so im super full of water now *burp* i can almost hear the *guish* in my stomach. yawn.
on a totally different note. i hate it when some ppl just dont get it. tsk. thick-skulled
i took a shower with the dettol shower foam that andrew bought. it was pine fragrance and i came out smelling like a toilet bowl. the shower foam smells ALOT like toilet duck. i went back to using johnson's today. hiakhiak.
oh yes i woke up early in the morning today at 8am to choose my lab session. i took the thursday afternoon one cause i cant bear the thought of friday afternoon school. what did u guys choose huh?
Monday, July 19, 2004
bowling, bawling
i went bowling 2 days ago. :) yay. i love bowling. i miss bowling. if there's one thing that i miss about acjc is bowling bowling twice every week. hehe. i didnt like bowling in the beginning...i remember my first ball in primary school was a blue 8 pound with a snoopy on it haha. but every time i go for training during the weekend, i'd dread it and consequently stopped. which was a pity of course considering the fact that my parents were such good bowlers. went on to concentrate on badminton instead but got sick of it after about 6 yrs so went back to bowling in JC. a good thing i still could qualify into the team and a passion developed. but guess was shortlived as usual cause i had to go to melbourne. sigh. but there is hope when i come back i guess. after all, my mum only picked up bowling in herlate 30s (i think) and hit a perfect game when she was in her 40s. u can nv be too old. :)
im so allergic to singapore i cant open my eyes.
Friday, July 16, 2004
happy happy birthday
too too too many birthdays this mth. tsk. nonetheless here's a big happy birthday to chaddie who's currently in singapore. hehe but he's going back tmr so im glad i caught him n gie for dinner tonight :D
Thursday, July 15, 2004
How do you work out??
ive been going to the gym since i was 12....been to many different gyms and have seen many ppl come and go at the regular gyms that i go to. today i was at a new one: clubfitt bukit gombak (with bun). i get bored easily and while im on the cardio machine i'll just let my mind wander........and i suddenly thought of blogging about how people workout differently to suit their lifestyle and characteristics. here are just some of my observations :D
1. The Tai Tai's workout
who? taitais. duh. normally those who dont have anything to do in the afternoons...
characteristics: briskwalking on the threadmill, stepping away on the eliptical machine, doing free weights (exercises that their personal trainer taught them)
2. The Athelete's workout
who? mainly sportspeople or secondary school students who have alot of energy
characteristics: running like mad on the threadmill for a very long time, utilising all the weight machines around the room
3. The Britney Spears workout
who? skinny girls
characteristics: some sort of cardio...doesn't matter what as long as 3/4 of their workout is spent doing different kinds of situps and occasional LIGHT weightlifting.
4. The Dai Chek Lou (cantonese for big guy) workout
who? aspiring bodybuilders
characteristics: big heavy weights, usually making the most noise in the gym with their "ah, ergh, oof"
5. The Businessman's workout
who? people who chat up potential clients/contacts in the gym
characteristics: paddling very slowly on the cross trainer so that they can still talk.
6. The Rehab workout
who? old men/women or injured individuals
characteristics: stretch ALOT, walk very very slowly on the threadmill
7. The Average workout
who? an average working singapore
characteristics: walking to the bus stop, lifting files and maybe a baby.
Wednesday, July 14, 2004|
super size me
sin amira angela and i went to olio dome today. unfortunately they've stopped selling pecan pie which is probably the best thing on its menu :( sigh. after that we went shopping for a dress cuz sin's attending a ball with weiyang. he's paying for it so that makes the shopping abit more fun hurhur.
i watched supersize me. thank goodness i dont like fast food. yuck yuck yuck. :P
Monday, July 12, 2004
Mee Hoon Kuay
i love mee hoon kuay. i've been eating it since i was 7 and i think i can eat it my whole life without ever getting sick of it.
you know those redemption points where u can redeem stuff after you accumulate sufficient points when you spend with your credit card or handphone etc. well i was supposed to go redeem 4 tubs of swensons ice cream...but they changed the packaging which is smaller so they offered us eight tubs of ice cream. EIGHT TUBS OF ICE CREAM. eat till u explode.
Sunday, July 11, 2004
happy birthday
it's my jiejiewong's bday today so HAPPY BDAY JIEJIEWONG
i went to cityharvest today. it was not my first time there but it was my first time alone (everyone else seemed out of sight!). woke up late today so i thought going there would have been my best option since there's a chartered bus from my place... haven't been there very much considering im shuttling between singapore and australia so i felt like a complete loser. hahaha. the place is too big. too crowded and completely lacking of signs. i actually took the lift to go up with the massive crowd when im supposed to go down to the auditorium. stupid stupid stupid. when i managed to get to the auditorium i circled the whole area a few times just to find ONE seat. it should have been easy i know but somehow everyone knew everyone and choped seats for their friends. didnt want to look even stupid-er by sitting on one of those seats that they have reserved. finally i got fed up and went up to the usher and said "hi. i need one seat. can u find one for me???" :P oh well, but the sermon turned out real good. going there again this wed with bun (yay! going with someone!) for some seminar.
hrm i shall not explore new (BIG!) churches alone next time.
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