Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Study Hard
![]() Monday, May 30, 2005
Life's little lessons by a little old lady
i spent close to 2 hrs talking to her today.
and she told me that when she was young, (it took me a while to get used to the idea that old ladies were young once too)
one of the simple pleasures in life....
was to pool pennies after church with her girlfriends
to share one pot of tea around a little table.
we've really been complicating matters these days.
A test of lecture attendance
dear biomedees...
have you noticed that we have a lecturer who looks like
![]() Sunday, May 29, 2005
Study Smart
she said "how! i don't think i can remember anything leh. ok let's test each other later."
i said "but if you can't remember anything. test for what?"
she said "huh? i test YOU lah!"
oh, logic! hurhur.
looks like i'll be able to remember it then.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Give me one
sin describes this as beautifully snobbish
got this off a dodgy site that eve visited (wonder what she doing going to such dodgy sites :P)
Black, hairy and 8-legged
it's really cold outside.
but i'm feeling so, so warm. must be the heat i'm generating from all the sneezing.
funny how the weather in melbourne never fails to end up as a conversation topic.
if girls were all as erratic as the weather over here, it'd be hell on earth for men.
i'm very motivated to dedicate some time on a sat to tidy my room.
you see, nightmares just got redefined yesterday. i've had nightmares of people pointing a gun to my forehead, people leaving, people dying, vampires with green faces in the corridor leading to my bedroom, monsters, demons. the typical morbid stuff. but they were never enough to make me sit up halfway through my sleep coupled with a loud gasp.
a tarantula crawling on me certainly did the job just right.
if it's any consolation, tarantulas are impossible geographically because they are found in america.
BUT, just in case, JUST IN CASE, i'm going to tidy my room tmr to rid any creepie-crawlies possibly lurking around. waiting to crawl on me.
Friday, May 27, 2005
Big, Very Big
ok so if you were wondering how the new comp looks like...
![]() Thursday, May 26, 2005
the day, which i can't pretend i've had much of since i woke up at 11, has been pretty bizarre so far.
other than the fact that i got chatted up by an indian man on the way to school...
i normally like to sit alone in pharm lectures. just because. and since i was already late for the lecture, i decided to take a corner and look inconspicuous. then i got bored and found lollies in my bag. as i was squeezing mentoes out of the tube, my lollie flew, no SHOT, across the aisle to the other side and hit the wall before landing on the carpet with a soft thud that seemed waaay too loud for me. O_O!!! seriously, i don't know where all my strength comes from. so much for looking inconspicuous. i couldn't lift up my head after that.
and you knnow how it's always better to be dooing something stupid WHEN you're with someone? somehow it buffers the stupid effect. i don't know, at least when you trip and fall on the streets or something like that, you've got someone to laugh with but no i had to be sitting alone today.
my forehead's currently screaming loser.
"the drug has high affinity to the receptor...it sticks...it really sticks...like shit to your blanket"
right i get the idea.
i really need to poo too. but the loos around uni are so dodgy.
update: you see, i knew i was right when i said today's different and possibly dodgy. i just got back from the gym, which isn't anything new or interesting, if you exclude the fact that the amount of time i took to go there was longer than the time i actually spent IN there. i went all the way to the gym without my SHOES! can u believe this. anyway, should have seen how fast i walked past the reception to avoid the lady (who, conveniently, still remembers me from the last time i broke the key) because the strange, strange girl spent a total of 3 mins inside. if you're going to say "you're sucha loser , su" dont worry about it. i already know it.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
remember i mentioned ive got pictures from vivien's bday?
here's just one of them
![]() Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Hold me close...like when we were by the lake in Naboo
dodgy and cheesy, the script was
but very cute, yoda is
a green lightsabre, i am wanting.
i have decided that the best way to pick up a doctor is probably to sit in brownless and look studious. that is if you've decided you're brave enough or that you have some kind of genetic predisposition not to get hypertension. if not, it really isn't too worth it to expose yourself to unnecessary stress.
hiak. no more doctor dreams.
and then i realised that each level of bailieu houses very different people. heck! tickletests-analysts, oops i mean psychologists, can even make a personality test out of your study patterns.
head to the 2nd floor if you wish to socialise and make merry more than study. or hibernate in the 3rd floor carrels if you feel geeky and erm antisocial. and if u happen to own a green bag
feel free to go on down to the basement. :P
i feel uneasy blogging while people can easily look over my shoulder. but i'm such a loser because i'm in the library with no student card because it is with louise and i forgot to bring my graphs for the pharm report analysis. if it helps, jq is coming (only) in 50 mins...till then...i'm paralysed because i can't finish my task -_-
of course, that's also just an excuse not to get started on something else.
reality calls for su.
other people call for this comp.
Monday, May 23, 2005
Excerpts of an Email
our presentation on friday was the last of the whole class and after sitting through 12 groups, it dawned upon us that our material seemed too superficial (and err...loussyy) next to all the other groups. BUTTTT we still waffled our way through...and this was what i saw this morning.
ho ho ho.
Hi Sofia, Louise, Su, xxx and xxx, (xxx-s to protect the identity of the 18-slides girl. btw if you were wondering whatever happened to her 18-slides, we cut it off at 8. which later got cut to 5 by supervisor :P)
"I just wanted to say that you guys did a great job on Friday with your presentation. I saw Matt Perugini as I was heading home and he mentioned > to me that he thought that you guys gave the best presentation for the day, so hopefully this is reflected in your marks."
"Since I may not see you all as a group, I just wanted to bring up the potentially opportunity (for those who are interested in pursuing a > higher degree in biomedical research ie Masters and PhD projects) to > think about an Honours project in my laboratory next year. "
"Furthermore, I am an Honorary Fellow in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, so you will most likely be enrolled as a student of the Department and continue to be affiliated to the University in that way. I realise you still have another semester to go, but I am happy to talk to any of you who are interested in Honours projects in 2006. I can give you more details on potential projects when I speak with you, but if you are interested in reading about what I do, you can just go to PubMed and type in "Samuel CS" and that should list all my publications to date."
Regards, Chrishan
instant feel good at 9am in the morning.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Still Comp-less
it's so strange how i jumped up and pulled a tissue out of the box when the alarm rang this morning. that didn't stop the ringing but it did wake me up.
anyway i'm so pathetic i had to do my report in the library.
the comp's at an all time low now and eve came up with the theory that it knows i dont want to sayang it anymore so it's rebelling full time. hmm.
speaking of which is it only me or do you feel dirty everytime you sit in the library for too long..? it's worse if you use the library computer and you can feel all the oil and grime stick to your index finger. you know, the finger you use to click. *raise eyebrow*
and then i never felt better after a shower. it's amazingly therapeutic....especially after buying a new shampoo.....which gives me this very familiar feeling. it smells like....malaysia. how bizarre.
the whole time in church today, i really couldn't help wondering what God was thinking.
i could almost hear Him give me a cheeky heh heh heh.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
I Really Quit
i would really love to blog all the pictures from vivien's bday but i can't.
the comp's down (again? whats new) and i can't seem to go online. monitor's still flickering but this time round i DONT CARE because i'm getting the below mentioned baby. but then a part of stupid me is going to miss the old comp. i mean...it has been with me ever since i came to aussietralia. furthurmore, it has cried for attention so many times.....and has never failed to get it. hmm.
but the old has to go! or the new will never come.
so now im just stuck leeching off lou's laptop...going online with windows messenger with the cannot-move emoticons. yes, the same windows messenger that displays my nick as 2 question marks. -_-"
i really wonder how i expressed myself on icq once upon a time without emoticons. what a sucker.
lazy lazy saturday afternoon and lou, her mum and sis are all still sleeping because they arrived at an unearthly hour today. i woke up every hour since 9am but forced myself to add on an hr more each time. snoozing has evolved from 5 mins to 1 hr. hur.. marvel at the beauty of saturdays! did that till noon..and i'm regretting not adding on more hours. maybe till 3 or something. heh heh.
i would really love to go back to bed now but i'm too full with victoria's chicken. uhh.
i need to do report.
i need to study lah.
weekends have never seemed more precious.
Friday, May 20, 2005
Coming Soon
![]() Tuesday, May 17, 2005
She's Appalled
it's shocking how your groupmate can come up with 18 slides...expecting to fit all 18 of them into a 2 mins presentation.
it's so disturbing i'm getting a painful pimple on my cheek.
i've decided it's dangerous for me to work alone in the bookshop. so many books catch my eye as i dust them with that green feather duster. too many hours spent there and i'll be a very poor girl.
life would be good and dandy if i could just sit in bed all day in my hippo pjs...reading a book, sipping horlicks and singing along to tainted love. but that won't happen. i would already be pushing it by asking my monitor to stop flickering (!).
i feel like cinderella.
for it is midnight and i have to rush off to bed
i've been desperate for sleep these days.
take me away, o pumpkin!
very random indeed.
(you know whats the beauty of mozilla? blogger's no longer in chinese)
Monday, May 16, 2005
I want blankie
i don't care
i must say this
getting up at 7am on a coooooold monday morning is bad enough. but to get up for just ONE 8am lecture is an absolute p-a-i-n. paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain pain pain pain paaain.
thank God vic drives.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Hiding behind the mascara
please don't be surprised when i do things you thought i wouldn't do.
and please don't think you know who i am just by who i hang out with. we're all very different people.
you don't know me!
so don't assume
and don't even bother trying to interpret my intentions. i have none.
(ahh. now i feel better)
i have pictures!
dear vivien
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Wednesday, May 11, 2005
someone couldn't stand my evil su picture on msn and came up with this instead
![]() Monday, May 09, 2005
Hotel 56
i can't seem to get any patho into the brain. and i have a test tmr. bugger.
looks like it's going to be yet another sleepless night......no coffee. so i just got to depend on chocolate chip cookie and adrenaline.
how boring.
my house feels like a hotel once again (just like marriott) people coming and going...in and out...(even when we're not at home).....knock and talk....
a living room, curry & eggplant, beanbags, pillows, heater and old friends in pjs (and one in smelly polo tee) chatting till daybreak. i didnt realise i missed it so much.
happy mother's day, mummy. (why you never pick up my call?!)
![]() Saturday, May 07, 2005
Look what I found in Asian Groceries!
make me cry.
i'll stick to sweet dreams.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Throw your weight around
you know you've been utilising your gym when...
you turn the key on the locker with the intention of opening it...but end up breaking the key into half............................O_O
to ease the tension, i decided to ask the lady whether it happened often (after all, she looked like she knew what she was doing)
what i got in return was "oh yea, yea. it has happened a coupla times...but all in the men's room"
(what the?)
anyway, you, don't sad ok. you'll be fine in no time... meanwhile i uhh...hmm... just let me know if you want me to cook, clean, wash...uhh..whatever. :)
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
What makes an auntie-friendly face?
![]() Monday, May 02, 2005
Greedy Su
you know you're getting punished for your greed....
when you get feverish
after a buffet
Oysters Unlimited
vivien and i crashed the lim family lunch at the crown conservatory.
we had seafood unlimited & too much dessert (with chocolate straight out of the chocolate fountain)
i shall mention that we met michael buble. should have taken a picture with him.
![]() ![]() Sunday, May 01, 2005
Dear Monitor,
WILL YOU STOP FLICKERING ALREADY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
pretty please?
p/s: surprise! danny's back! how often do you get old friends calling you to say i arrived today. and am in clayton now
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